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Halfway through the month and it's not been that great for solar.

Image 1, shows generation has been very up and down from one day to the next. But we've still managed to avg around 15kwh per day so far this month.

A far cry from the avg of 18-20khw per day for the previous 3 months.

But once again, it shows how better off we are with the expanded battery storage. As imported energy remains very low.


in reply to Anomnomnomaly

If we compare August 2023, we imported 126kwh of energy. Halfway through Aug 2024 and it's 20kwh

Even if we have rain for the rest of the month... the worst days import would be in the region of 7-10kwh... taking us to around 100khw of import.

But based on weather forecasts for the next 10 days. I think our import for the month will be under 50kwh, maybe under 40kwh.

All because that extra battery storage, even on cloudy low generation days, can keep us going for an extra day.