Yesterday our newsletter was sent out, also available through…
One of the items: though still involved with OSCT, Ruud (@steltenpower )
passed his coordinatorship to Renske (… ),
Management of our social media presence is also (in the process of) being handed over.
If you post any news that you feel would fit our channel, 'cc' us to make it more likely we'll boost.
It's a community after all.
One of the items: though still involved with OSCT, Ruud (@steltenpower )
passed his coordinatorship to Renske (… ),
Management of our social media presence is also (in the process of) being handed over.
If you post any news that you feel would fit our channel, 'cc' us to make it more likely we'll boost.
It's a community after all.
This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)