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Dreaming of the Mastodon future, here’s a feature I’d love to see. The ability to Follow a specific post. Now and then I see someone ask a question or start a discussion, and I don’t have anything to add, but I’d like to see how it develops. And be notified when there are responses. And I’d also like to see _all_ the replies, not just the ones that happen to make it to my server.

This is a thing I do on Slack often, tag a post with “notify me of replies”.

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in reply to Wilhelm Fitzpatrick

would be interesting to convert a single post into an RSS feed and then use it right? Almost like what Nitter does to Twitter profiles. Would using this on a single post help ? It is a substantial work around, but converting everything to #RSS feeds was something I loved when I self-hosted my own reader. Or maybe activitypub already does this? Sorry, I’m new to the #fediverse. #mastodon #activitypub
in reply to 5uie1 :slackware: :emacs:

I know you can fetch the rss of any fedizens posts by adding .rss after their profile URL, not sure what other #rss features there are out-of-the-box.

If you come across any good #FOSS tools, if you are able to then be sure to give a heads up to the #delightful #activitypub curated list, by creating an issue or pull request.

There's some other rss tools here, but not what you are looking for..
in reply to smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

That is nice! I’ll check if the same thing happens to a single post too. I’ve been a big user of TinyTinyRSS, nowadays Miniflux seems to be popular. #rss #activitypub
in reply to 5uie1 :slackware: :emacs:

For everyone else on this thread, I was able to subscribe to this thread. Just convert this to an RSS feed with your favourite RSS feed generator. I have tested it with this:

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in reply to Wilhelm Fitzpatrick

Freindica has that and is a useful feature. Definitely useful if you want to follow a conversation but not want to engage.

Wilhelm Fitzpatrick reshared this.

in reply to Tio

oh nice! So great that federation allows different parts of the ecosystem to innovative cool features independently
in reply to Wilhelm Fitzpatrick

Misskey does that… but it’s the only fediverse compatible software i know which does
in reply to Guerin

Misskey looks pretty groovy, TBH. If I didn’t love my community so much, I might go wandering ;)