Skip to main content is shutting down. Super bad news for me. I can’t complain and I understand the admin’s choice but it makes me seriously reconsider my trust in the fediverse. #m
in reply to Raphaël Bastide

hey @raphael I saw this post and am sorta pissed to hear this too. I am interested in getting involved to stop that from happening. Maybe there is a way we can move it on to some admins who want to keep it going.
in reply to Liaizon Wakest

why not start up your own peertube instance? Wouldn't the content all still be there to pull from?
in reply to eris :egoist_flag: :queeranarchy: :sparkletrans:

it’s about the 1000 plus people who already went through and signed up and made accounts and uploaded videos who are gonna say: the fediverse sucks they delete your stuff
in reply to Raphaël Bastide

Interesting....I'd be curious why they lost interest in keeping it. We have a peertube instance too at and we store our videos that we've made for the past 10 or so years, so there is no way we will shut it down (feel free to use it), however being a peertube admin for the past several months I start to get extremely annoyed by the sheer amount of bullshit videos that are uploaded there. Tons of conspiracy craps. So much so that we have to do something about it.

But our "principle" is to provide a trade-free instance; by that we mean you are not required to trade anything to us in order to use it. So we do not ask for your money, data, attention (ads), or freedom (don't post this, don't post that). And so we kinda cannot ban or remove any video/account and do not do any favors to anyone.

But then, what can we do about the multitude of BS videos?! We do not know...but for sure we won't shut down our instance.
in reply to Raphaël Bastide

Yeah the instance churn is worrying and a real downside. It has to do partly with the desire to federate with everything and thus making the instance difficult to manage technically and content-wise. That and the fact that people spin up a server because they are enthusiastic but don't have a good long-term plan. I wish I could recommend you another instance but I can't atm..