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You create a system that rewards exploitation and then wonder why the greediest bastards always seem to rise to the top.



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in reply to Aral Balkan

Hint: maybe the whole concept of “the top” itself is flawed to begin with. Maybe we need better success criteria. Less psychopathic ones would be nice.

in reply to Aral Balkan

my few cents… forgive the pun!

Society should be judged based on the welfare of their least fortunate.

Communities larger than 150 begin to breakdown.

Money as defined by Dawkins as a formal token of delayed recipricoal altruism is a natural and healthy construct.

The endless pursuit of profit and rampant conversion of the living into precious inert is destroying us. Forget GDP. Consider Happiness Index or similar.

# # # # #
in reply to Aral Balkan

Western culture has always been based on exploitation. # is just the latest version.
in reply to Aral Balkan

For people who want to end capitalism I highly recommend you watch this video by @freeworlder -

And if you're interested in this movement take a look at

For those wanting a more comprehensive explanation, there are 2 books made by the @trom project that I recommend:
1. The origin of most problems
2. The money game and beyond
You can find these books and read them for free at
in reply to Rokosun

I often hear people talk about ending capitalism, but its rare to find such well thought out comprehensive analysis of how capitalism originates and how can slowly move away from it. I hope that someone finds these resources helpful.
Unknown parent

in reply to Aral Balkan

You say that like people at the top are surprised by that.
in reply to Aral Balkan

I think one crucial thing to remember is that humans are not born greedy, or bad, or nice, or racist, or whatever. It is always the environment that creates the behavior. I would personally say:
You create a system that rewards exploitation, competition, hoarding of stuff, trading, greediness, and then wonder why humans become like that.
Unknown parent

Yes, pushed by circumstances: scarcity, population, resources. Now by the massive trade game that we play globally. Societies are emerging, and the lack of resources, scarcity overall, threats, etc., created conditions for such competitive behaviors to emerge.