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#Climate folks really need to do more to address the doomers. I run a few large forums on science related topics. The deniers disappeared a long time ago and were replaced by this lot. The worst part is, they're such an untapped resource because they care.

It's literally sponsored by big oil and borrows pages (and marketing firms) from the tobacco lobby.


This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Nika Shilobod

I understand the label "doomer" can be used to describe someone that says "Human civilization is done and nothing can be done to prevent it."

But what about the following statements:

"Unless we overthrow global capitalism there is no hope of solving the climate crisis."


"It doesn't matter how many renewables we build. If we don't stop extracting fossil fuels we're doomed."

Would you consider them "doomerism"?

in reply to Nika Shilobod

The only meaningful step individuals can take to fight climate change is to #KillCapitalism. Kill capitalism, and you don't even need violence to do it. We kill capitalism every time we ride share with a neighbor instead of uber. Or work together to create a local food coop or create a shared work space, help each other fix things instead of replace them. If the idea of helping a neighbor without making a profit seems dangerous to you, imagine what it must do to the owner class.
Let's just stop doing capitalism to the degree we are able, and each day look for new ways to be able.
in reply to molly in missouri

@whatzaname "stop doing capitalism to the degree we are able" is fantastic and very much how I view all the stuff I do that's *outside* the capitalistic grind (Buy Nothing groups, mutual aid, etc).

If you haven't seen it, Sophie from Mars has a fantastic video on this... it's long, philosophical, covers lots of ground but it lays the framework for what you intuit: that opting out is powerful stuff.

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