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Hello, I’m going to be getting a new computer soon and have thought about linux. Questions inside

With the new computer and the newer Microsoft Windows updates they have really jam packed their OS with bloat and spyware. That being said I have no idea what I’m doing with Linux, need help with where to start.? What are some general tips? I understand there’s a lot of prebuilt Linux distributions or something what are some first timer friendly ones? Really any help is appreciated because the biggest barrier to entry is the perceived difficulty of actually doing it.
in reply to qooqie

Linux Mint is great for beginners. Have you ever installed windows? Installing Linux Mint is as easy as that. The day to day use is not much different compared to windows. Don't be afraid to try it out, you can always go back to windows if it does not work out for you
in reply to CAPSLOCKFTW

Focus on simple things first too! I see a ton of people talking (in other threads) about not wanting to deal with the terminal/command line and that is fine. Mint will install/set up hardware without it and includes a software store that will handle everything via the GUI. Once it's installed check the store out and get the apps you want/need.

Then focus on one thing at a time - i.e. pick an app you need you haven't found/setting you really want to change and start googling/asking here for tips/help. Like any OS there will be some differences to get used to but you don't need to learn all at once!

in reply to qooqie

I started with Ubuntu because it’s so widely covered in tutorials/guides and troubleshooting docs. I want to branch out and try other distros, but I have had no reason to stop using Ubuntu. I use 22.04 on my daily driver and Ubuntu server for my home servers.

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lemmy - Link to source
Why not both? My daily driver is Linux Mint with XFCE as my DE.
in reply to qooqie

My advice is to just do it and figure it out from there. If you're at least moderately tech-savvy and you're willing to look up how to do things, you'll be fine. The installation process is painless.

Think of the software you use on Windows, and then look up if a Linux version is available. Failing that, odds are pretty good that there's a FOSS alternative to replace it.

Each distribution has a built-in package manager that gives you access to tons of software. The majority of the free software that you'll want to use will probably be available from there.

Quick edit: The Linux community is truly supportive, and you'll pretty much always find someone somewhere willing to help you figure things out.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to qooqie

My best tip is not to worry too much about distro. I like mint, but it's not too different from PopOS or ubuntu. They're just some nice starting points.

If you look at a few and like how they look or feel, you should know the majority of that is the desktop environment not the distro. Meaning you can change it out without re-installing or losing all your apps.

If you like linux mint with cinimon, but want to try out xfce, then just go into the app centre, search 'xfce', install it, log out, select xfce, and log in. Nothing is lost and you can go back at any point in time. Same with plasma, gnome, lxqt, etc. (PopOS uses Gnome with the pop shell).

Only negative suggestion would be to avoid arch based distros for the time being. They assume a bit more knowlage and break much more often. I use EndeavorOS but I understand that life isn't for everyone

in reply to qooqie

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to rtxn

I swear to God this is my biggest gripe with Linux, not being able to choose where stuff gets installed. Like yeah cool I want to have the OS on a SSD but that doesn't mean I also want my packages to go to it too, the HDD is for that

jourgeist doesn't like this.

in reply to Yuumi

I just thought of this, could one, create symbolic links that point to /lib (for ex.) to "repoint" the directory a package gets installed to?

Not sure if this would work, but was curious if someone's attempted it before.

in reply to VoltaicGRiD

Yeah I was thinking the same thing too, technically if we would recreate the file structure on the second drive, move everything there and set up soft links to those folders instead it might work? I need to try it out in a vm

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in reply to Yuumi

Exactly what I was thinking. Kind of a PiTA if everyone needed to do that, but maybe an excuse to throw up an open-source script on github for it.
in reply to Yuumi

in reply to Yuumi

You could set it up so that your root is on one drive and your home directory is on another
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to WalrusByte

But doesn't APT or Pacman install to root folders? Like when I say I want just the OS on the SSD I really mean it.
in reply to Yuumi

Yeah, they’re installing software.

Everything below / is the OS. There isn’t an analog to C:\Windows in *nix-like operating systems.

The closest thing to a pure separation would be an immutable distro like Silverblue or MicroOS.

in reply to Yuumi

What are you trying to separate from the OS files? If it's just personal documents and stuff like that, I don't see why you can't just keep those in your home directory. Or are you saying you want your installed programs separate from the Linux kernel? Then you can just put the boot partition on one drive and have the root partition on the other (including home). I guess I'm just a little confused as to what it is you're trying to separate here. What do you mean when you say "separate from the OS"?
in reply to Yuumi

Usually each distro decides which packages go in / and which in /usr based on how critical, more or less, a package is to the system. It's often not very easy to configure these choices because it affects other distro decisions, including filesystem structure and paths, and boot sequence. Beware that "just the OS" on a typical distribution is usually a lot less functionality than you get with "just" Windows NT.

There's also /usr/local for packages you install on your own, apart from the distro package manager, and /opt, for closed source binary only packages or for anything else that doesn't want to conform to the bin, lib, include, share schema.

in reply to Yuumi

Is that really an issue, though? My entire install is only 38GB (not including swap), and I've never even gotten close to filling the root partition.

If you really want to, you could mount the HDD to /usr or make symlinks pointing to a directory on the HDD.

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in reply to rtxn

I am more concerned about the life of the SSD than it filling up. I'd like to minimize the amounts of write operations and since I have a perfectly capable HDD that doesn't suffer from such a thing I want to offload all of that work.

Also thanks for mentioning mounting, completely forgot about that and it might actually be easier to do

in reply to Yuumi

I wouldn't worry too much about SSD wear. It's not nearly as big an issue for PCs, and wear balancing can stretch that ~10000-write lifetime to many years, especially if most of the SSD is empty. I bought my oldest SSD around 2015 and it still works perfectly. SMART barely reports any errors.

If you want frequently written files to be on the HDD, start with /var, /run, and ~/.cache. Those files are likely far bigger contributors to wear than anything inside /usr.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to rtxn

I value a distro that “Just Works”^TM and I can affirm that Linux Mint is it! Been using it for 5 years and would never go back.
in reply to qooqie

Package manager is your friend. Learn "whom is whom" in Linux (alsa = your sound "driver", for instance) and how to fully customize your Linux installation are what I'd call as "The Holy Trinity" of Linux. Know those, and you can call yourself a penguin.
in reply to qooqie

Use mint or Ubuntu and try a dual boot install if you have drive space. That way you can use both and gradually stop using windows
in reply to foiledAgain

I've been doing this for over 10 years. It works great. Never had a problem with Mint.

foiledAgain doesn't like this.

in reply to qooqie

I'm a fan of the "just dive in" approach. You may encounter issues, but researching the solutions is where you really begin to learn. I personally like Fedora, but any of the other distros mentioned are also great choices. The great thing, if you don't like it there's tons off other options to try.
in reply to qooqie

VanillaOS is a great distro and it’s hard to break everything is with flatpaks
in reply to qooqie

I'd say install virtualbox on your windows, download a few isos and check them out; once you've made your mind on which one seems a decent one (don't worry too much: it's not like you can't change distro later on) and have found out replacements for all the apps you use (well, some of them will have a linux version too) save your windows data somewhere, format and reinstall.

I'd say to stay away from dual booting if you can: honestly, it's a pain.
Ah, check that your hardware works well on linux before switching!

in reply to gomp

I agree with virtual box and testing. Most distros have a live boot to test the operating system really to get a good feel. If you like one then attach a virtual hard drive disk to the vm and do a full install and use that for most of the day.

Then once comfortable do a full install on the actual hardware.

I always say to start with some distro that is widely known and used like Ubuntu or fedora - the defaults they suggest. This is also their bread and butter release. Then slowly get into desktop and windowing environments. This will help you learn a new operating system and if there are issues you are using something “popular” to get a resolution than a smaller, lesser known user base of a system.

Expect things to just work, but also break or not work. Take your time and everything is able to be resolved. Not everything is perfect, but that is also what makes the Linux world great is there is something for everyone!


in reply to qooqie

You can try out Fedora Kinoite or Silverblue. Stuff just works and is very hard to break. Kinoite uses KDE which has a more Windows-like UI, and Silverblue uses GNOME which has a more modern UI but will take some time for Windows users to get used to.

After installing either of those, you should rebase to Universal Blue Bluefin if you chose Silverblue, or to Universal Blue kinoite-main/kinoite-nvidia for NVIDIA GPUs if you chose Kinoite. Alternatively, rebase to Universal Blue Bazzite if you do a lot of gaming.

This may sound intimidating, but the procedure is straightforward and beginner-friendly. Once you do it, you'll have a system that will be very stable and hard to break. All maintenance will be done for you.

in reply to IverCoder

True, but then it's complicated to install anything that's not available through a Flatpak, and a lot of online guides don't work. I love immutable distros (I use one myself), but I think they're best for either advanced users who can work around the quirks or basic users who only need the web browser and a few Flatpak apps.
in reply to qooqie

Linux Mint with Cinnamon Desktop Environment, PoP Os with their Cosmic/gnome desktop environment, or Fedora workstation with KDE desktop environment. Pick one of those three and roll with it ;)

There are tonnes of reasons why these are good/bad choices but simply put. They are all very well documented (mint and Pop are Ubuntu based), Fedora has a very active and helpful community.

Cinnamon on mint and KDE on fedora are both very much like windows in the way they look and behave. PoP Os is a bit more Mac like with their desktop.

I personally use an Arch based distro (endeavour OS) but the three above are just much easier to sink your teeth into.

in reply to Toidi

I dont think pop is any more mac like than default gnome is.

Esp with tiling it might be even less so.

in reply to qooqie

If you really plan on going full Linux, get an AMD card and use a desktop that supports the Wayland protocol (gnome or KDE)

Holzkohlen doesn't like this.

in reply to Presi300

This only discourages people from switching to linux. You are doing this community a disservice. Nvidia GPUs work just fine, you simply recommend distros like Mint that properly support it.
Once they are a linux user, they will naturally gravitate towards AMD GPUs.
in reply to Holzkohlen

But they are asking about PC components that work well with Linux...
in reply to qooqie

Grab a second SSD or HD, that way, keep windows in one as it will be probably be supplied with the computer. Add Linux to the other disk, Debian maybe, EndeavourOs much better. ThNo dual boot. And when starting to computer just choose which disk you want to use (F8 or F12 often) and later if and when ready, you wipe the windows HD and use it for backups
in reply to qooqie

in reply to smpl

I couldn't get Linux Mint to work with my laptop's secureboot.
I've had luck with Fedora and Debian.
In case you trip at mint same as me.
in reply to niisyth

Yep, had a similar experience with anything Ubuntu based, especially on Acer laptops. Can easily be fixed by just adding grubx64.efi to the trusted secure boot files in the bios though
in reply to qooqie

Start with the most user friendly distro TROMjaro. Even my mom computer retarded have no problems of using it.

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in reply to qooqie

Stick to popular distros, mint, Fedora, kubuntu.
Test out your hardware, i prefer using usb stick but vm will work
Decide on a disto and install it to that partition or drive

I first used mint and made a duel boot machine
If you are doing that.

Create a blank partition first in windows. Then install Linux

in reply to joel_feila

Most ubuntu installers should allow you to install along with windows with just a dragger to choose size. No need to manually shrink partitions.

Correct me if this is only on Ubuntu and not on its derivatives.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Jacob Urlich 🌍
It has full added protection of ads coming into distro. So you don't need to worry, look or install anything. Just install and play.

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in reply to qooqie

Install windows first. Install Debian stable as dual boot after that. Add your user to the sudo group and restart. When stuff breaks, look up how to fix it on your phone or in your windows install.

You’re gonna have to gain a different set of troubleshooting skills to deal with Linux, but it’s pretty easy.

jack doesn't like this.

in reply to bloodfart

Did that a year ago with Linux Mint and I love it. If I start my computer it boots Mint, if I press F11 during startup I can select Windows from the Boot menu. I have a 1TB SSD with two partitions, one NTFS for Windows and one EXT4 for Mint. All other harddrives (NTFS) can be used in both OSs. It wasn't that complicated, I just followed some tutorial anf I highly recommend this Kind of dual boot setup.
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
As long as you don't want to run Wayland anyways
in reply to qooqie

Try it out the worst that can happen is you install windows when you’re over it.

jack doesn't like this.

in reply to qooqie

I'd suggest starting with a distro that very user friendly. Pop OS was the distro that made me ditch windows completely. I could also recommend Manjaro, it's almost as user friendly but it has AUR which basically let's you install stuff from github directly if a package isn't available (For example xpadneo is basically a requirement if you use a controller with Bluetooth and it's only in github). I haven't had to open a terminal with Manjaro since the first install.

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in reply to qooqie

Start with something designed around a graphical interface, pretty much anything based on Ubuntu will do this (Linux Mint, Zorin, Pop!_OS, etc).

If you use Nvidia Pop!_OS has an ISO file with Nvidia drivers already installed. It isn't hard to get Nvidia drivers on other distros but the more done for you the better.

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source


Every documentation would say it was supported but no ball.
Tried Fedora first and worked smooth as butter.
Then RHEL decided to be tools so on Debian now.

in reply to qooqie

If you can, dual boot with two hard drives. Windows will work when linux doesn’t/you break it. Learn linux, distro hop, figure it out - and you’ll be able to learn at your own pace.
in reply to Kongar

You can get a second SSD for less than $30. It can be a good option for dual booting of the computer supports two drive
in reply to qooqie

I can't believe no one mentioned this yet. I hope OP reads this comment. The first step is to make sure this new computer you want to buy is compatible with Linux. Otherwise your experience will be very frustrating, no matter what distro you choose. That is, if you can install any distros at all. Ask the vendor if this machine is compatible with Linux.
in reply to LogarithmicCamel

What? Compatible with Linux? How would it not be? Linux runs on so much more than windows.

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in reply to offby1

There is some obscure/proprietary hardware that doesn't play nicely with linux. Fingerprint readers may not work on laptops, for example. I've had trouble with a trackpad in the past.
in reply to LogarithmicCamel

Agree to that, especially for video cards and Wi-Fi. These two can be hard to deal with... If your laptop is Wi-Fi only and you don't have a USB/Ethernet adaptor you may not be able to connect to the net at all
in reply to qooqie

Start with a pre-installed laptop for an easy life?
in reply to qooqie

in reply to qooqie

Install tromjaro and use it without big worries or understanding

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