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I made a lot of progress polishing up my book these days. Got through almost the entire huge list of grammar questions/problems that I had (-and that was a huuge pain). Now I have a few more edits to do before I go through it all again - hopefully the last time (though I seem to say that every time :D).

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@Dima made a cool video about my octopus experience :D -…

Here I explain the story of how I met and started interacting with these octopuses :)
See my blog for more details:…

These days the water temperature is about 14-15 degrees, but I'm still going in there to interact with these octopuses :D Yesterday I found a very friendly one who chased me around the bay. I'll see if I can film him :)

Big thanks to Dima for the video :)


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Yesterday I got to preview the first part of TROM II documentary and I must say that it’s really really awesome :) I may be biased (since I’m in it :)) but sometimes it gave me the chills. And it also reminds me a bit of Adam Curtis’ documentaries. Overall I think @Tio did a fantastic job so far, and I can’t wait to see what will come next!
in reply to Tio

Oh I cant wait to watch it :D

Rokosun reshared this.

So I finished draft 4 of the book (a few weeks ago), then I had a couple of people read through it and give me some feedback. Now I want to edit a few more parts, do some fact checking, and find answers to all of my grammar questions. I have a nine-page document full of only bullet points of grammar problems/uncertainties. I worked on this list for a little while, then got overwhelmed and started gorging on ice cream to make myself feel better :D But of course, unless I want to change the name of my blog to Small World Big Sasha, eating ice cream is not a good solution to my problems! So I decided to take it easy, just do five or so grammar points per day, and get this done little by little. Be like the squirrel-… :D

After that, I want to go through the book one more time, make a reference page, and still fix the conclusion. I never thought it would take me this long to finish this damn book but it is what it is. Just a little bit more to go..

Big thanks to @Future is FOSS @Xantulon and @Alexio who helped with the release of TROMjaro XFCE! They test it, help us create custom scripts, and more. All about the release here…


I added some Pyrenees photos to my photo page:
It seemed a bit out of date since I had nothing there since 2019. Now 2021 is there :)

Love those Pyrenees mountain lakes :)

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This entry was edited (3 years ago)
in reply to mihira✌️✨

It's mostly about my last 13 years of traveling around the world with very little money. There's more info about it here if you're interested :)…

I'm taking off on my big hike today! I'll be mostly offline for the next 2-3 months.

Also, I made a longer update on my old GoFundMe campaign-…
Sorry that I made that campaign almost two years ago and I still haven't published my book! I have been working on it like crazy over the past two years though and I'm super relieved that I finally finished it. I will publish it when I get back from the hike (after I go over it just one last time 😁)

Let's see how far I can get on this hike before I collapse 😀

Rokosun reshared this.

Over the past 2-3 months I've been coming back to the secret octopus bay and I've figured out that there are three octopuses that like human feet :D And there is one octopus that is particularly friendly. She even took me by the hand, held me in strong current, and dragged me around the bay!

I updated my octopus blog with a bunch of new videos so you can see all of this here-…

Or on PeerTube:…

This entry was edited (3 years ago)

Rokosun reshared this.

I finished my book! YES! :D Well, I finished draft 3 of the entire thing, which is basically (hopefully) the final draft :D. Maybe I’ll change the conclusion in the end, but we’ll see, for now I am done!

I’ll spend the rest of the summer walking across the Pyrenees Mountains and thinking about it :D

I plan to leave in 1 week.

This entry was edited (3 years ago)

So Tio and I moved out of our apartment last week, unfortunately, but thanks to someone named Taras, we now have enough funds to feed ourselves and keep our projects alive for the next few months. Thank you so much Taras!

My plan hasn’t changed much. Right now, I’m finishing up draft 3 of my book- and I’m finally almost done! (This time really :D) I’ve put a crazy amount of work into this book over the past 2 years so now I’m pretty much sick of working on it :D Once I finish everything except the conclusion, I plan to go off into the Pyrenees Mountains and hike to the Atlantic. After that, I’ll come back, finish the conclusion, take one last look over the book, and then I’ll finally publish it. Whew. Then I’ll figure out some way to make some money so that Tio and I can keep our projects going without getting all stressed out all the time :)

Here's a new video based on my blog "Prison Earth":…

@Dima recorded and edited the video, I made the script.

Here is a link to the blog that it's based on:…


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We found a very cool website last night:…

OneZoom Tree of Life- An interactive map of the evolutionary links between all living things. Discover your favorites, see which species are under threat, and be amazed by the diversity of life on earth.

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in reply to Sasha

Wow, this is really amazing 😍

Thanks for sharing :)