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En rubrik i tidningen GP ropar ut att Öckeröfiskarna är emot vindkraft. Det är en rent lögnaktig rubrik för det stämmer inte. Inte ens i artikeln framgår det att yrkesfiskarna är emot vindkraft. Utan det som framgår är motsatsen. Yrkesfiskarna är inte motståndare till vindkraft.…

Fediversum var länge ett tillhåll för minoriteter och nördar. I begynnelsen fanns OStatus som en standard för federerade kommunikationsnätverk. Det var ett sätt att beskriva hur en räcka öppna protokoll som Atom, Activity Streams, WebSub, Salmon och WebFinger kunde användas för att olika sajter skulle kunna utbyta meddelanden.…

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to Quintus

I just finished this, yes it took me a month.

I found his literary style, very compelling, it was a fun read.

I found his predictions while interesting, not very clairvoyant. BeOS is sadly no longer with us.

I did like his tie-in to the Church of the simulation at the end, though this predates the official organization of such an church.

I think it was a thought-provoking essay, I disagreed with some aspects of this predictions, especially around what a monopoly is. It's thought-provoking. It's a good read. It is not gospel

He did talk about hacker culture, and anybody being able to fix anything, but was not able to make the connection between BeOS and proprietary license and Linux with an open license.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to

I agree with all you've said. Especially the monopoly part is where I disagreed the most. This is a good document to inform people about the ideology behind computers. Well, would be if not for those mistakes you have mentioned.

Other than those, as you have said, it's a thought-provoking essay.

Windows 11 vs. Ubuntu 24.04 Linux Performance For The AMD Ryzen 9 9950X Review

in reply to floofloof

The best thing here is Michael tested it with kernel 6.8.0, which is released in march - so there is no special optimization for new CPU in it. And, it still runs faster.
in reply to floofloof

So many f****** ads I gave my cell phone cancer.


When taking the geometric mean of 73 benchmarks run for this comparison, upgrading from the Ryzen 9 7950X to 9950X on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS yielded a 14% generational improvement with this set of cross-platform applications/benchmarks while under Windows 11 was a 10% generational improvement. The raw performance of Ubuntu Linux on the AMD Ryzen processors also was greater overall to the extent of the Ryzen 9 7950X to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS nearly matching the Ryzen 9 9950X on Microsoft Windows 11.
in reply to linearchaos

Firefox and uBlock solves your problems, mate.

edit linked it so you can install them now

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Fonzie!

already running firefox, usually the piholes eat the ads. not on that site tho for some reason
in reply to linearchaos

Hm strange, can't you add/modify PiHole's block lists? Perhaps you can add all of uBlock's lists in it?
in reply to Fonzie!

They're usually pretty aggressive, something about what was on this site passed by it though or maybe my s***'s broken I don't see ads anywhere else...

I will have to say, that site has a ridiculously amazing amount of ads. It's like they took all the ads from all the recipes that ever had chicken noodle soup and added them to all the recipes for people that searched for a certain air cleaner and put them together under one page

PieFed development update August 2024 - prepping for 1.0 release

Beinur A/S är det tredje stora fiskeriföretaget i Hirtshals. Ett pelagiskt fiskeriföretag som ägs av Fridalvur Virgarsson Tindskard med 66,67% av aktierna via FVT Holding ApS och hans bror Runi Virgarsson Tindskard som bor på Island via Atlantic Viking Holding ApS med 33,33% av aktierna.…

I brottsförebyggande syfte kommer polisen, med start fredagen den 16 augusti, att öka sin närvaro på tåg, bussar och andra allmänna färdmedel från Sverige mot Danmark. Det blir fler poliser i kollektivtrafiken.…

Den 30 maj 2023 sköts en 34-åring ihjäl på öppen gata i Hagalund, Solna. De två skyttarna var beväpnade med ett automatvapen av typen Kalasjnikov AK47 och en halvautomatisk, ombyggd startpistol av märket Zoraki. En livstidsdom för mord i Solna har nu fastställts av hovrätten.…

Newly added to the Trade-Free Directory:


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TROM reshared this.

in reply to BrikoX

Looks like that change happened way earlier than 1.9.6.

This is the commit changing the license.

in reply to exu

You are correct, I somehow got confused... It was v1.2.0 release, I updated my original post. The release didn't even mention the license change.…
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Explaining the fediverse is a hard problem.

Fediverse Report reshared this.

in reply to eeeee

The lack of complete federation is another very good (and very hard to solve) point that makes federation less-than-intuitive. From my Mastodon instance the situation is worse, none of @bumblefudge 's posts nor any others from SocialHub appear in the thread. (See…)
This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Caesar

I suspect most of the federation problems mentioned in the last few posts are the "fault" of Discourse – BrowserPub fails to find anything at… – but in the end the user doesn't care whose fault it is when something doesn't work, they just think federation is confusing and broken.

The Open Source Computer Science Degree

in reply to BaroqueInMind

Newly added documentary on


The film follows the assassination of Kim Jong-nam, as he is assassinated by two young women who were tricked and thought they were participating in a prank show.

Watch it here:…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

TROM reshared this.

Åtal för förberedelse till mord. Åklagare väckt åtal vid Attunda tingsrätt mot 20 personer för inblandning i mordplaner i Upplands Väsby under vintern 2023.…

Sillen i Östersjön och Bottenhavet är inte i någon som helst fara för att bli utrotad. EU:s beslut om kvoterna följer forskarnas rekommendationer. Forskarna i detta fall är 100-tals forskare från en mängd länder som ligger bakom råden från Internationella Havsforskningsrådet (ICES).…

Polsk lastbil fraktade 129 200 tramadoltabletter. Föraren påstod vid kontrollen att han skulle frakta byggmaterial till sin pappas firma i Sverige. Men tulltjänstemännen tyckte att mannen uppträdde märkligt och började genomsöka hans fordon. I bilen hittades två kartonger som visade sig innehålla Tramadol.…

in reply to Wilshire

Biden ‘open’ to sending long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine

The Pentagon is already working through fixes to allow Ukraine to launch the weapons from its fighter planes.

The White House’s willingness to give Ukraine the Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile

That thing is stealthy, fairly new, can penetrate air defenses, but is only available in limited numbers; it'd be used against high-value targets.…

The AGM-158 JASSM (Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile) is a low detection standoff air-launched cruise missile developed by Lockheed Martin for the United States Armed Forces.[7] It is a large, stealthy long-range weapon with a 1,000-pound (450 kg) armor piercing warhead.

Depending upon whether it's the -ER variant (extended range) or not:

Operational Range: 230 mi (370.4 km)

Range: > 575 mi (926 km)

EDIT: For perspective:

370 km:


926 km:


This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Minetest 5.9.0 is here!

in reply to TheGrandNagus

It looks alright but the UX is IMO bad.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to TheGrandNagus

Yeah, gnome seems to be something you either hate or love.

Admittedly I haven't used Gnome that much (because I don't like it) but I'm in the former group, I can't stand the UI and the UX sucks for me. Gnome really feels clunky and like change for the sake of change.

I really like KDE though.
I'm also not a fan of MacOS and especially not the way they take out the menus in programs and force it to be OS integrated. I really really hate that. The program should stay inside the program and not invade my OS.

Åklagare har väckt åtal för mord i Fittja på en 27-årig man. Han sköts till döds på en restaurang i Fittja söder om Stockholm den 21 mars i år. Tre personer har åtalats.…

Vi har alla läst dem. Domedagsartiklarna om att antalet insekter minskar. Det visar sig att det inte stämmer. Inte i Sverige i alla fall. För antalet insekter minskar inte i Sverige. Det visar en genomgång som SLU gjort. De har tittat på data från fyra olika platser i Sverige där det finns material från sugfällor sen 35 år tillbaka.…