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John Lewis memorial unveiled on the Decatur Square

From Decaturish:

Decatur, GA — Hundreds of spectators, including various local, state and federal officials, celebrated the unveiling of the John Lewis memorial on the Decatur Square on Saturday, Aug. 24. The 12-foot statue replaces a Confederate obelisk that stood on the Square in front of the Historic DeKalb County Courthouse. The obelisk was removed in 2020. […]

SurrealEngine: Open-source reimplementation of Unreal Engine with playable UT99

Title copied from HN since it's more descriptive

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in reply to anarchrist

Listen, if there isn't a server you can download maps and umods on that allows you to fly a shark in the sky with redeemer rockets over a Burger King, then I'm not interested...

UT99 was too good for us.

13ft: Self-Hosted Alternative

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in reply to sag

Seems to have some severe bugs:…
in reply to sag

Just a grammatical nitpick in the readme but as a compound adjective it would be 13-foot Ladder. "That ladder is 13 feet tall" vs "That is a 13-foot tall ladder".

Copilot AI calls journalist a child abuser, Microsoft tries to launder responsibility

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to David Gerard

Copilot then listed a string of crimes Bernklau had supposedly committed — saying that he was an abusive undertaker exploiting widows, a child abuser, an escaped criminal mental patient. [SWR, in German]

These were stories Bernklau had written about. Copilot produced text as if he was the subject. Then Copilot returned Bernklau’s phone number and address!

and there’s fucking nothing in place to prevent this utterly obvious failure case, other than if you complain Microsoft will just lazily regex for your name in the result and refuse to return anything if it appears

Bypass Paywalls Add-On Takedown Notice

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in reply to Clot

Don't know if it's allowed to post links here. If anyone wants it, just ping me in my inbox. 😉
in reply to Clot

I was wondering if there will I got was legit for my fork. ~~Well I better back it up now~~ I guess I just keep what I already downloaded a few months ago and hope no major updates had happen lol
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Bilstölder och kassaskåpssprängningar. Polisen har gripit fyra män i 20-35-årsåldern som misstänks ligga bakom ett stort antal stölder och inbrott i Skåne och Halland. Tre av männen häktades den 14 augusti vid Helsingborgs tingsrätt.…

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Newly added to the Trade-Free Directory:

Sana Mare

Sana Mare is an international environmental organisation that works to protect the oceans. Our focus is on combating the discharge of civilisation’s waste into the ocean. Poverty is the biggest environmental toxin. In developing countries in Africa and Asia, we therefore combine our efforts to protect the ocean with the reduction of poverty.

We are organised as an association. The association was founded in 2020 by oceanographer and climate scientist Lucas Schmitz. We do not strive for profit, but to maximise environmental protection. If you identify with the goals of our association, you are very welcome as a member.

#humanitarianAid #oceanprotection

More here:…

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Newly added to the Trade-Free Directory:


Cochrane is a British international charitable organisation formed to synthesize medical research findings to facilitate evidence-based choices about health interventions involving health professionals, patients and policy makers. It includes 53 review groups that are based at research institutions worldwide. Cochrane has over 37,000 volunteer experts from around the world.


More here:…

TROM reshared this.

Besöket i Ålesund innebar också ett besök i Geirangerfjorden, ett av Norges världsarv. Geirangerfjorden, Sunnylvsfjord, Tafjord och Aurlandsfjord är tillsammans med Nærøyfjorden på Vestlandet belv 2005 upptaget på UNESCO:s lista över världsarv på grund av naturen.…

Linus Torvalds Begins Expressing Regrets Merging Bcachefs

There's been some Friday night kernel drama on the Linux kernel mailing list... Linus Torvalds has expressed regrets for merging the Bcachefs file-system and an ensuing back-and-forth between the file-system maintainer.
in reply to Possibly linux

Me neither, but the risk is there and well documented.

The point was, ZFS is not great as your normal laptop/workstation filesystem. It kind of requires a certain setup, can be slow in certain kinds of workflows, expects disks of same size and is never available immediately for the latest kernel version. Nowadays you actually can add more disks to a pool, but for a very long time you needed to build a new one. Adding a larger disk to a pool will still not resize it, untill all the disks are replaced.

It shines with steady and stable raid arrays, which are designed to a certain size and never touched after they are built. I would never use it in my workstation, and this is the point where bcachefs gets interesting.

in reply to neutronst4r

Yeah, same :D

It was a typo, I have meant compression. Specifically a per-file controlled compression, not per-directory or per-dataset.

This week in KDE: per-monitor brightness control and “update then shut down”

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in reply to MazonnaCara89

Gnome has been pissing me off for a while. Time to take a try of kde
in reply to makingStuffForFun

I used GNOME for years because people say it's "easier", but it's not "easier" it's just simpler. I almost never need to go to the command line with KDE whereas with GNOME it was a weekly occurrence. I am frankly embarrassed I wrote off KDE for so long.

arm64 / aarch64 compatibility

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to ExtremeDullard

Pretty much. From v8.0 onwards all the extra features are indicated by id flags. Stuff that is relevant to kernel mode will generally be automatically handled by the kernel patching itself on booting up and in user space some libraries will select appropriately accelerated functions when the ISA extensions are probed. There are a bunch off advisory instructions encoded in the hint space that will be effectively NOPs on older hardware but will enhance execution if run on newer hardware.

If you want to play with newer instructions have a look at QEMUs "max" CPU.

in reply to Alex


libraries will select appropriately accelerated functions when the ISA extensions are probed.

Yeah okay, that sounds like how it's always been done. I don't know why I figured it would be any different with ARM. But that makes complete sense.

Den gångna veckan besökte jag bland annat jugendstaden Ålesund i västra Norge. En liten stad känd för fiske och att de centrala delarna i huvudsak består av byggnader i jugendstil eller art noveau som det brukar kallas på engelska.…

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Cattleya A/S är ett pelagiskt fiskeriföretag i Esbjerg. Det kvarvarande pelagiska fiskeriföretaget i Esbjerg. Den stad som en gång i tiden var Danmarks största fiskeläge och centrum för industrifisket och fiskmjölsindustrin tillsammans med Skagen. Idag är fiskmjölsfabriken borta och Thyborøn har övertagit Esbjergs roll.…

Mike Macgirvin är en veteran när det gäller utvecklingen av Fediversum. Han arbetade på Facebook fram till 2010 och innan dess på bland annat AOL och Netscape. Dessuom står han bakom utvecklingen av nomadisk identitet.…

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in reply to Leaflet

I'm still a bit confused by the use of this "Driver Store". Since when does Wine support device drivers? Or are we talking about something else?

Phoronix seems to explain a bit more, but I still did not understand:…

Could anyone share their insights?

in reply to bruce965

I'm just as stumped, but my best guess is there's some application(s) that expect(s) the Windows Driver store to work and return an exception if it's missing.
in reply to data1701d (He/Him)

Yeah that’s it, this website explains it.
in reply to data1701d (He/Him)

I'm actually wondering if it's not just applications. That text talks of installing drivers to devices, so I'm actually wondering if this is about better support for hardware that's paired to specific software. The recent use-case that's got it on my mind is Rekordbox with Pioneer DJ decks. My housemate was curious so I tried running it under WINE and it launches just fine, but it could not see the decks at all, nor the encrypted license key verification it does with it's driver. And I did manually install the driver into the prefix first.

However, I'm not positive this is it. It's just a hunch.

in reply to bruce965

It seems like the support copying to the driver store. I don't think they have driver support. I believe you would need a kernel like what is in React OS