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Debian Orphans Bcachefs-Tools: "Impossible To Maintain In Debian Stable"

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

TLDR Debian and the traditional Linux package management system is antiquated and insecure, but somehow this is the fault of one of the many programming languages that is designed around the sensible expectations of being able to manage your own dependencies.

Looking for software KVM I can't remember the name of (solved)

Fairly recently, I saw an app that served the same purpose as Barrier or Input-leap, allowing you use one computer to control the keyboard and cursor of multiple. I'm fairly certain it was designed with GTK 4, or maybe 3, and it had Wayland support. I've had no luck getting input-leap working well on my devices, so if anyone knows what app this was (or any other options) I would really appreciate it.

Despite searching for 15 minutes before posting, I found it seconds later, thanks to DDGs reddit bang. It is lan-mouse. Will leave this up in case this software comes in handy for others.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
I just pre-ordered five of these. lol. Thanks for the rec. Wendell from Level1Techs always has his eye on the coolest stuff.

EmuDeck team announce Linux-powered EmuDeck Machines…
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to mr_MADAFAKA

OS wise this is ready to go, my main concern is that their emu deck project is written in a way that needs KDE to be fully functional. Hopefully this is just because is started out as a steam deck app and isn't inexperience.

The old frontends like Hyperspin and Launchbox were similar in that they were developed in such a way it really limited where those projects could go, as such the retro frontends for Linux have been pretty limited.

Be really cool to see them expand Emu deck into a standalone program, it's even cooler that we're seeing the intention of Ublue already allowing people to achieve their goals.

in reply to mr_MADAFAKA

Cool devices, but I've seen Beelink PCs with better specs and for cheaper. Cool if you want the case but not really worth it at the end of the day.

in reply to someacnt_

It is a project! All games are, 😅, just follow the instructions from the README. You'll be solving Rust exercises on your preferred editor, and get some feedback from a terminal window. It's great.
in reply to unknowing8343

Welp, that means I set up my neovim with rust as well.. will do when I got time!
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Triple Buffering pushed to Gnome 48

Retargeted triple buffering to GNOME 48 instead of trying to upstream it in 47 at the last minute. Actually upstream wants it in 47 more than we do. But recent code reviews are both too numerous to resolve quickly and too destabilizing if implemented fully. So I’m not going to do that so close to release. There are still no known bugs to worry about and the distro patch for 24.10 only needs to be supported until EOL in July 2025.…

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Triple buffering is only active if the GPU isn't keeping up with double buffering. So it will mainly only be active for lower powered devices, like older integrated GPUs.
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
but in games, triple buffering is the norm

GNU Screen 5.0 released

Screen is a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical
terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells.

The 5.0.0 release includes the following changes to the previous
release 4.9.1:
- Rewritten authentication mechanism
- Add escape %T to show current tty for window
- Add escape %O to show number of currently open windows
- Use wcwdith() instead of UTF-8 hard-coded tables
- New commands:
- auth [on|off] Provides password protection
- status [top|up|down|bottom] [left|right] The status window by default is in bottom-left corner. This command can move status messages to any corner of the screen.
- truecolor [on|off]
- multiinput
Input to multiple windows at the same time
- Removed commands:
- time
- debug
- password
- maxwin
- nethack
- Fixes:
- Screen buffers ESC keypresses indefinitely
- Crashes after passing through a zmodem transfer
- Fix double -U issue

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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Agreed, tmux copy-pasting is so horrendous I'd rather open a new window, less the file and copy with my mouse
This entry was edited (6 months ago)

Digitala banker utnyttjas för penningtvätt. Helt digitala banker som polisen och en rad andra myndigheter kallar neobanker i en rapport, löper enligt just polisen en betydande risk att utnyttjas för penningtvätt.…

vkd3d 1.13 Released

in reply to Leaflet

Is this at this point useful as anything else than being a base for vkd3d-proton?
in reply to Laser

I'm pretty sure vkd3d-proton does not rebase from vkd3d.
in reply to NoXPhasma

Maybe not, but doesn't really answer my question what this would be used for.

I'm not hating, just interested; my last knowledge was that if you wanted to play Direct3D 12 games, you'd need the proton fork. But I don't know many other things Direct3D is used for, so...

in reply to Laser

The ultimate goal of the WIneHQ team is to have their own fully DX12 implementation. The reason why vkd3d-proton exists is that Valve didn't want to wait for it to mature and AFAIK they did have differences in what should be included in vkd3d. Which is why they don't work on the same project.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to False

Yeah but to my knowledge only limited, when I tried it back then, D2R wouldn't run with it, you'd need vkd3d-proton.

Asking for donations in Plasma

in reply to Leaflet

FOSS in general needs better means of financial support. While the software is free and libre, developer time is not, and ultimately they gotta eat and pay bills. I hope they get positive results and don't catch much unnecessary flak.
in reply to Leaflet

Instructions unclear, blood is spinning down in the centrifuge.

Tumbleweed Monthly Update - August 2024

One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down - Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"

Wedson Almeida Filho is a Microsoft engineer who has been prolific in his contributions to the Rust for the Linux kernel code over the past several years. Wedson has worked on many Rust Linux kernel features and even did a experimental EXT2 file-system driver port to Rust. But he's had enough and is now stepping away from the Rust for Linux efforts.

From Wedon's post on the kernel mailing list:

I am retiring from the project. After almost 4 years, I find myself lacking the energy and enthusiasm I once had to respond to some of the nontechnical nonsense, so it's best to leave it up to those who still have it in them.


I truly believe the future of kernels is with memory-safe languages. I am no visionary but if Linux doesn't internalize this, I'm afraid some other kernel will do to it what it did to Unix.

Lastly, I'll leave a small, 3min 30s, sample for context here: -- and to reiterate, no one is trying force anyone else to learn Rust nor prevent refactorings of C code."

Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source

I hate how I can't do everything I imagine in rust.

But researching about why something isn't possible, makes me realize that the code should never be wroten like the way I did... so I can't blame rust for dissallowing me this.

in reply to troed

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This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Azure Linux In, CentOS Out: LinkedIn Switches its Server Operating System

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Red Hat SEVERELY shot themselves in the foot. This sort of thing is just going to continue.
in reply to ProgrammingSocks

So, somebody that was generating no revenue for Red Hat is not generating revenue for Red Het? Sounds like a real catastrophe for them.

Also, if I had to guess, I would say that Azure Linux is based on CentOS Stream. So, whatever “halo” they had before is mostly still in place.

Most importantly though, LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft as is Azure Linux. So I am not sure what kid of bellwether this is.

Are they most using Azure Linux? Or Azure? If Azure, no headline. If they are not using Azure, why not? That would be the headline here.

in reply to LeFantome

So, somebody that was generating no revenue for Red Hat is not generating revenue for Red Het? Sounds like a real catastrophe for them.

I'm sure that's how they're thinking. It will cause their platform to slowly fade into irrelevance though.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

CentOS 7 reached the end-of-life status, resulting in no new future updates for it, including fixes for critical security vulnerabilities.

Wow are people dumb. We specifically chose the non-IBM source for continuing updates, so that's two counterexamples to whatever this chucklenuts is pushing.

But - speaking as someone who's used RHL since 98 and rhel since 3, el8 is so sketchy and el9 is just not worth it. I'll do Rocky if I have to do anything, as at least it uses the better packaging - albeit requiring to mimic RH's use in the dumbest way to date with a version-switching that pretends the method they fucking invented for doing that better doesn't exist, the same as PCLinuxOS that does it better every day also doesn't exist.

I just hope PCLinuxOS can get a good oVirt/pve template packered before it loses its opportunity to show off how insanely great it is.

Ozean: Self-Hosted RSS reader written in Go.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

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in reply to sag

Why can't people include just a few screenshots of their app...
in reply to Sips'

Yup. That alone is enough for me to just ignore a software and keep moving.
in reply to sag

how are people using rss these days? i never found a good use for it.
in reply to jenny_ball

Every single open source and linux related blog has an RSS feed. A reader groups all those in a single "inbox", I save / share what I find interesting. It's an awesome way to condense news.
in reply to jenny_ball

Despite not being easy to find, most news sites still have RSS feeds. They are great for just getting the news from sources I trust instead of big tech algorithm recommend blogspam. It is also possible to get RSS feeds from subreddits and Mastodon.
in reply to jenny_ball

Use it to get info on new torrents mostly movies and games. And I hate reading gaming articles in a browser so rss is the only best experience for me.

La verità sull’arresto politico di Pavel Durov | World Politics Blog

"Dopo i numerosi casi del passato, come quello di Julian Assange, vittima di anni di persecuzione, e dei già citati Edward Snowden – costretto a chiedere la cittadinanza russa – e Meng Wanzhou, l’arresto di Pavel Durov rappresenta l’ennesimo caso di flagrante violazione dei diritti umani da parte delle potenze occidentali, che continuano ad applicare il proprio doppio standard secondo il quale le violazioni sono solo quelle commesse da terzi."
in reply to giuseppep

vabbè, diciamo la verità: questo "articolo" è una valanga di monnezza... 😁 😄 🤣

in reply to sag

Are you the developer? Because with the fact that you're hawking for this program everywhere on Lemmy (5 different communities) is making me think so

Which if that is the case, I can understand you wanting to get your work out there but you need to be transparent

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to DoucheBagMcSwag

No, I am not dev. I just wanted to share this because so many Firefox users don't know about this extension. I don't even know the developer. Actually, a chrome user asked in other post if they could theme the Mozilla Addon page, so I just suggested it to them.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to sag

Interesting; I wonder how this compares to Dark Reader.