Samba Secures A Big Investment From Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund - Phoronix
Samba Secures A Big Investment From Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund
Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund is set to make a €688,800 investment into the Samba open-source project that re-implements the SMB networking protocol and focused on better file and print service interoperability with Microsoft Windows
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Dense technical analysis about implementing post quantum cryptography into distributed social networks coupled with cartoon images of furries showing various emotions.
This is the essence of The Fediverse.
My name is Blort™ and I approve this message.
How long til they can get a Rust Kernel committee to really decelerate progress?
But seriously, great to see progress keep chugging.
Newly added documentary on
Hell Jumper
Courage, love and loss. Young people risk their lives with self-funded missions to rescue families in Ukraine’s frontline towns. Told through their own words and unique first-person footage.
Watch it here:
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Åtal mot Flashbacks ägare. Ägaren har åtalats för hets mot folkgrupp för att han inte hållit rent bland kommentarerna på diskussionsforat. Han som heter Jan Axelsson har underlåtit att ta bort inläggen som är att betrakta som hets mot folkgrupp.
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Isn't it the job of the WM to position windows and stuff?
Apps have to do it themself now?
Now, maybe QT did things more in depth behind the scene, I don't know.
But for a tiling window manager like w3m, I don't see the application having a say in position and location.
Hence I didn't think that the app has so much to do with creating windows. Just my thought.
Die Fediverse Files sind eine fantastische Videoserie über das Fediverse, und ich bin stolz, Teil davon zu sein! @docpop bringt mit seinem einzigartigen Stil eine perfekte Mischung aus Information und Popkultur in jede Folge. Auch der Cast ist hervorragend, und ich schätze @docpop, @evan und @bart sowie ihre Arbeit für das Fediverse sehr.
Es freut mich besonders, dass und @docpop zusammengefunden haben!
Genug der Lobhudelei!
Ich kann jedem, der die Fediverse Files bisher noch nicht gesehen hat, nur ans Herz legen, dies umgehend nach zu holen! Viel Spaß beim Binge Watching 🍿…
Weiterlesen: The Fediverse Files……
Thor Fisheries P/f i är ett färöiskt fiskeriföretag som ägs av ett företag, Thor P/f som sysslar med offshoreverksamhet, dvs underhåll av oljeplattforrmar i Nordsjön och liknande. Thor P/f ägs av Hans Andrias Frímann Kelduberg (55%), Gunnbjørn Joensen (25% via personligt holdingbolag) och Per Lund Gulklett (15%).
Flera personer åtalade för våld kopplat till Foxtrotnätverket. Åklagare har väckt åtal mot nio personer för en rad grova våldsbrott som kopplas till nätverket Foxtrots konflikter med andra kriminella nätverk i Stockholmsområdet. Många av de åtalade i detta ärenden tog sen ställning för Ismail Abdo i den interna konflikten inom Foxtrotnätverket.
Fedora 42 On 64-bit ARM Might Make It Seamless To Run x86/x86_64 Programs
Fedora 42 On 64-bit ARM Might Make It Seamless To Run x86/x86_64 Programs
As one of the early feature proposals for Fedora 42, there is a proposal being considered to make for a nice out-of-the-box experience running x86/x86_64 game/application binaries atop Fedora 42 AArch64
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We can already run arm seamlessly on x86 Linux, why not use Qemu-user + binfmt misc the other way around? I guess FEX must be much faster. Im also not super keen to run binaries that can't be recompiled anyway so probably not the target audience.
Take that Java, everything is a portable binary now.
I hate Java with the white hot passion of a thousand suns. It is baked into so many admin tools for hardware (Dell, Cisco, etc) and trying to connect to older hardware that requires a security model that isn’t supported anymore or has expired certs that are never getting updated is a giant pain in the ass. Run anywhere my ass. I have to keep special VMs with just the right version of Java and all the necessary tweaks (like having to tell it that certain older encryption methods are ok) to even access some of these tools. I’ve even had to surplus hardware that was perfectly fine accept for the fact I could configure it because of some stupid Java thing. In short Fuck Java with a rusty wire brush.
I’m not bitter at all 🤣
Regeringen inför ett nytt bidrag till gängkriminella. Sverige behöver arbetskraft då det finns brist på arbetskraft. Då vill regeringen att människor som finns i Sverige ska lämna landet. De genomför en utredning som säger att bidrag till folk för att lämna landet är en dålig idé. Regeringen skiter i utredningen och inför ett bidrag på 350 000 per person för att lämna landet.
An evidence-based and critical analysis of the Fediverse decentralization promises
An evidence-based and critical analysis of the Fediverse decentralization promises
This paper examines the potential of the Fediverse, a federated network of social media and content platforms, to counter the centralization and dominance of commercial platforms on the social
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They define decentralisation as an even distribution of users? Or did I get that wrong skimming the paper?
This seems arbitrary. Mastodon is a decentralised network, no matter how big is. Lemmy is equally decentralised, even though there's a dominant actor.
The other hubs in the network don't revolve around they connect to each other bilaterally - if the central hubs disappeared over night it wouldn't affect them all that much.
I think the notion that decentralised networks can't have hubs of varying sizes is plain wrong, and a fundamental misunderstanding of what decentralized means.
LibreOffice 24.8.1, released, fixes 89 bugs
LibreOffice 24.8.1, the first minor release of the recently announced LibreOffice 24.8 family, is available for download - The Document Foundation Blog
The LibreOffice 24.8 family is optimised for the privacy-conscious office suite user who wants full control over the information they share Berlin, 12 September 2024 – LibreOffice 24.8.1, the first minor release of the LibreOffice 24.Italo Vignoli (The Document Foundation)
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Polismyndighetens nationella operativa avdelning, Noa, har identifierat runt 600 gängkriminella svenskar i utlandet som bedriver organiserad brottslig verksamhet riktad mot Sverige. De befinner sig i 57 olika länder över hela världen.
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Yeah, the pitchfork crowd manages to shut down everyone who tries to do something genuinely good for the community, while leaving all the bad actors running wild in the background.
I mean, we always knew loud voices in the open source community were toxic as fuck - that's obvious enough from the Linux mailing list. Giving these people their own social network to ruin was wildly optimistic from the beginning. It's a wonder it hasn't gone worse.
It's amazing how computer nerds posting on the fucking fediverse can be so sceptical of seeing their content leave the platform they're currently on. Like that's not the whole goddamn point of posting here in the first place.
Also, Bridgy.fed rules. Anyone out there on Mastodon or Bluesky: Please opt in! :)
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It’s amazing how computer nerds posting on the fucking fediverse can be so sceptical of seeing their content leave the platform they’re currently on. Like that’s not the whole goddamn point of posting here in the first place.
It was more about the unability to defederate if necessary (e.g. conspiracists or crypto bros becoming the majority users here), and the bridge not being opt-in at the beginning.
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but bad actors can just migrate to a new one, or spin up a new hostname.
Then you defederate from it too. I just went through some instances list, some servers have been defederating Mastodon instances like crazy
Then you defederate from it too.
Okay, let me create an account on and use it to scrape content from every other instance.
Better yet, let me create an account on "" and access the federated timeline directly, then I can go and push the content from everyone into this discovery service.
What are they going to do? Unless they go to the point of asking for physical evidence behind the person asking for accounts and/or only give invitations to people they already know, and completely shut down their own servers to the outside world*, they will **never be able to avoid data leakage.
And if they do get to do any of this, then what is the point of using anything based on ActivityPub? They will be better off by just using any of the existing group chat servers like Discord (or Matrix/XMPP if they still care about FOSS.)
The point we were discussing was not data leakage, it was the inability to defederate from a huge instance which would overflow the number of users, similar to the way people imagined what would happen if Threads federated, and Lemmy is suddenly overflown with people usually on Facebook.
It's not a bad thing per se (anyone can make their own opinion), but not having even the option to defederate is the issue.
No, admins might think of defederation as a way to avoid interaction with larger instances, but in the case of the bridge it was mostly regular users crying "I don't my content going in a place that I do not control", with "lack of opt-in" and "this violates GDPR" being the main reasons cited to be against it.
With Threads is the same thing. The whole thing with users asking their admins to block threads is not because they were worried about Threads pushing too much to the smaller instances, but to block Threads from mining data from the Fediverse to their profit.
I think what you are talking about is instances that may have a large population of marginalized groups, and the fear that someone is creating a database that could be used to easily seek them out and use it for trolling and such. Which I think is a very valid concern.
And as mentioned above, you have the crowd that wants to take an instance and give all their posts over to for-profit corporations like Threads and Bluesky, that should not even be called part of the fediverse IMHO.
I don't know how you make a global search for the fediverse that avoids both of those issues though.
marginalized groups, and the fear that someone is creating a database that could be used to easily seek them out and use it for trolling and such.
The fear might be justified. I don't question that the issue exists, but the belief that they can stop it.
Let me repeat: there is no real privacy in any social network. If people are genuinely afraid of being targeted because of what they write online, the solution is not to give them a false sense of privacy, but to educate and empower them to use messaging platforms that are provably secure.
Those that are telling marginalized folks to use instance XYZ because "they don't federate with threads and therefore are safe" think that they are being helpful, but in reality are putting them at even more risk because they are telling all of them to concentrate in the same place and make the targeted tracking even easier for malicious actors.
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The author (who isn't OP) is using federated wordpress blogs, so expect to see this pop up if you are subscribing to them.
That being the case, and also considering the rough edges around the fediverse right now, I think the link sharing is reasonable. I'll add that this isn't the first time I've seen it shared.
Nice article,
Kind of funny to see a very recent comment from highlighted
Otherwise, nice article
Why does VirtualBox keep launching on boot?
cross-posted from:
Sorry if this kind of question isn't allowed here, but I'm at my wit's end. VB randomly started launching on startup about 2 weeks ago (on EndeavourOS) and I can't figure out why. There's no shortcut in ~/config/autostart, it isn't in the KDE startup apps list, and I can't find anything virtualbox-related with systemctl either. There's also no setting in the VB app itself. WTF?
Based on recommendations in that thread, I also checked:
KDE "restore session" settings
Any ideas are much appreciated!
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Secondly, I’d attempt to write a bash script to walk a directory tree, cat out files, pipe it through grep and get every instance where VirtualBox is mentioned in a file. Trying the name of proccess, or of the executable too.
Move to the top of the tree you want to search and do something like this:
find . -type f -exec grep -iH "virtualboxexecutable" {} \;
That will give you what you want without the need for a script. -type f makes the find command only search files, and -exec has it run the grep command on any files it returns with -iH giving you case insensitive results showing you the file it's found in. Substitute 'virtualboxexecutable' with whatever the process name is that is being run. If you want to ignore binary files, the add in "| grep -iv "binary file matches" to the command. That will strip out any results where it has searched a binary file.
STF Opens Up Maintainer Fellowship Application Process
STF Opens Up Maintainer Fellowship Application Process
Last month Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund announced they would be opening a fellowship program for open-source
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in reply to Possibly linux • • •CaptainBasculin
in reply to Possibly linux • • •Telorand
in reply to CaptainBasculin • • •Thanks, that's awesome.
It's great to see Linux projects getting some funding.
Possibly linux
in reply to CaptainBasculin • • •lengau
in reply to Possibly linux • • •Can confirm that it can do this fairly well.
Source: the time I grabbed a machine we were about to toss and made it a secondary domain controller for our site so we could nuke and pave our misbehaving Server 2012 DC.
(That other one was also a secondary DC - we just needed one on-site so we could prevent our T1 connection to another site from being the bottleneck.)
in reply to Possibly linux • • •Huh, didn’t even know my country had a sovereign tech fund. Looking more into it … yeah. It gets money from the federal government but it is in no way run or even associated with it. Looks like a GmbH is behind it, which is a for profit company in Germany. It has a volume of 17 million €.
Also its name is literally sovereign tech fund, even in German, I.e. that’s not a translation, that’s its literal name. I wouldn’t say it’s sketchy, the people behind it definitely look legit, but it certainly doesn’t quite meet the lofty associations the name suggests.
in reply to Sbauer • • •d_k_bo
in reply to Sbauer • • •Sbauer
in reply to d_k_bo • • •