Which distro?
cross-posted from: lemmy.world/post/19744473
I'm going to be building a new computer soon for myself. (Going AMD for the first time, since intel microcode issue.)I would say I'm an expert or advanced user, as been using pcs for 25 years and set up arch and slackware in the past. I have tried many distros and would like some feedback.
I mainly use my pc for gaming. I want something customizable, KDE ish, and without bloatware. A good wiki is a plus.
I think that i may end up with arch... is it better for gaming since it's bleeding edge and isn't steamos built off it?
Side question is distro chooser accurate?
Tails os leaves no trace computer and sends all traffic thru tor spread as many as possible and chat with XMPP Pidgin needs 8GB+ USB live USB
Check documentation:
Setup XMPP Chat OTR over tor on tails (make sure you enable persistence storage read documentation):
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SerNet secures funding for Samba project from Sovereign Tech Fund
SerNet secures funding for Samba project from Sovereign Tech Fund
SerNet has secured significant funding from the German Sovereign Tech Fund (STF) to advance the Samba project, a vital open-source software that…samba.plus
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Bandwagon is Emissary’s Bandcamp Alternative
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As someone who spends more money than I should on music from Bandcamp, I'm interested to see if they ever get payments working. I remember people talking about a federated BC alternative, where the 10% platform fee goes to the instance you're on, when they got bought by that music licensing company.
Also, first paragraph under "Integrating with the Fediverse", you put Bandcamp when I think you meant Bandwagon.
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Bandwagon is Emissary’s Bandcamp Alternative
Bandwagon is Emissary’s Bandcamp Alternative
The Fediverse has a bustling music scene with thousands of artists putting out their original work for everyone else to enjoy. We’ve written in the past about Radio Free Fedi and FairCamp, two amazingSean Tilley (We Distribute)
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sub.club Emerges to Offer Paid Fediverse Subscriptions
sub.club Emerges to Offer Paid Fediverse Subscriptions
Historically speaking, the act of financially supporting creatives on the Fediverse has always been something of a pain point. The network lacks a meaningful payment layer, and most of the network’s iSean Tilley (We Distribute)
Probably because, to my knowledge:
- I didn't know that Mitra did that.
- Even though it does have that functionality, I have no idea whether it would work with the rest of the network.
- This article was about sub.club
I'm not trying to slight Mitra in any way, shape, or form, but my focus for this article was scoped to one thing in particular.
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I'm not a co-author of this article. I contribute to WD but did not contribute to this article as it would be a conflict of interest irt my relationship with the project.
Share your info with kindness instead of anger. We're all trying to educate and build together, and good-faith conversations go a lot further than assuming the worst of everyone.
Sean has never written a piece with the intent to erase history, and he works incredibly hard to keep things accurate.
In another article @deadsuperhero talked about nomadic identity and Mike Macgirvin's efforts to implement it in ActivityPub, but similarly failed to mention another project that implements it (Mitra) and the person who wrote the spec (me).
At least my work was mentioned in a footnote. In the current article it is completely ignored.
Dude, listen. I am one person running a volunteer news project for free. I try my best to stay on top of researching the space, but there's no reasonable way for me to catch everything. I've written 200+ articles at this point, but due to a combination of factors, I struggle to get more than one article out per week at times. I regularly juggle a backlog of 40+ drafts at any given moment. Add a dash of burnout and fatigue, and you'll start to get a clearer picture: it's hard to keep up, and only getting harder.
There's no way for me to reasonably catch everything. Mitra's a cool project and all, but it's tiny enough that I've heard relatively little about it. There are dozens of projects out there at this point, and new ones everyday. If you're not advertising the thing you're building and what it does, there's a high chance I might miss it.
I keep an eye on the FEP developments from time to time, and I applaud all you've accomplished with that. However, the existence of a spec does not necessarily mean that platforms out there are necessarily implementing each and every one of them.
@fediverse FEP-ef61 is what Mike was implementing and rolled out in production this summer. It's not like we didn't advertise that. All work on this FEP (and ones that precede it) was done in public channels, it's really hard to miss if you're interested in nomadic identity.
Give @weekinfediverse a follow. It provides a concise summary of what is happening in Fediverse
Most efforts haven't moved beyond the planning stages. Just because you can point to a plugin or a FEP spec doesn't mean that it's an ongoing active effort for bring a payment layer to the Fediverse, with a consumer-facing tool or platform. I'm sorry if I didn't catch that Mitra had some of that functionality, but I would also push back and say that the average person is not going to use Monero for payments on the Web anytime soon.
Those PeerTube plugins are nice, and the Premium Users one was actually something I pointed @quillmatiq@mastodon.social to for sub.club, as an example of prior art. They're interesting experiments, possibly useful integrations, but not in and of themselves actual platforms to build infrastructure and solutions on.
@fediverse Protocols described in these FEPs are currency-agnostic and developers can build actual platforms and solutions on them (as I did). This is the only ongoing effort to bring a payment layer to the Fediverse - there are no alternative proposals. FEP-8c3f was withdrawn in favor of FEP-0ea0.
Okay, you didn't know about it. But now you do and it would be nice to include at least some of that information in the article.
sub.club Emerges to Offer Paid Fediverse Subscriptions
A lot of people use Mastodon as an RSS feed where they can leave comments. This would basically allow you to subscribe to the content of a writer, and get it full-form straight in your feed.
I could also imagine following artists on Pixelfed, throwing money in their tip jar to keep posted on their newest creations.
I think there's a lot of potential here. But monetisation is always tricky on the internet, of course.
Samba Secures A Big Investment From Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund - Phoronix
Samba Secures A Big Investment From Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund
Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund is set to make a €688,800 investment into the Samba open-source project that re-implements the SMB networking protocol and focused on better file and print service interoperability with Microsoft Windows systems.www.phoronix.com
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Can confirm that it can do this fairly well.
Source: the time I grabbed a machine we were about to toss and made it a secondary domain controller for our site so we could nuke and pave our misbehaving Server 2012 DC.
(That other one was also a secondary DC - we just needed one on-site so we could prevent our T1 connection to another site from being the bottleneck.)
Huh, didn’t even know my country had a sovereign tech fund. Looking more into it … yeah. It gets money from the federal government but it is in no way run or even associated with it. Looks like a GmbH is behind it, which is a for profit company in Germany. It has a volume of 17 million €.
Also its name is literally sovereign tech fund, even in German, I.e. that’s not a translation, that’s its literal name. I wouldn’t say it’s sketchy, the people behind it definitely look legit, but it certainly doesn’t quite meet the lofty associations the name suggests.
Dense technical analysis about implementing post quantum cryptography into distributed social networks coupled with cartoon images of furries showing various emotions.
This is the essence of The Fediverse.
My name is Blort™ and I approve this message.
How long til they can get a Rust Kernel committee to really decelerate progress?
But seriously, great to see progress keep chugging.
Newly added documentary on VideoNeat.com:
Hell Jumper
Courage, love and loss. Young people risk their lives with self-funded missions to rescue families in Ukraine’s frontline towns. Told through their own words and unique first-person footage.
Watch it here:
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Åtal mot Flashbacks ägare. Ägaren har åtalats för hets mot folkgrupp för att han inte hållit rent bland kommentarerna på diskussionsforat. Han som heter Jan Axelsson har underlåtit att ta bort inläggen som är att betrakta som hets mot folkgrupp.
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Isn't it the job of the WM to position windows and stuff?
Apps have to do it themself now?
Now, maybe QT did things more in depth behind the scene, I don't know.
But for a tiling window manager like w3m, I don't see the application having a say in position and location.
Hence I didn't think that the app has so much to do with creating windows. Just my thought.
Die Fediverse Files sind eine fantastische Videoserie über das Fediverse, und ich bin stolz, Teil davon zu sein! @docpop bringt mit seinem einzigartigen Stil eine perfekte Mischung aus Information und Popkultur in jede Folge. Auch der Cast ist hervorragend, und ich schätze @docpop, @evan und @bart sowie ihre Arbeit für das Fediverse sehr.
Es freut mich besonders, dass WordPress.com/Automattic und @docpop zusammengefunden haben!
Genug der Lobhudelei!
Ich kann jedem, der die Fediverse Files bisher noch nicht gesehen hat, nur ans Herz legen, dies umgehend nach zu holen! Viel Spaß beim Binge Watching 🍿
Weiterlesen: The Fediverse Files
Thor Fisheries P/f i är ett färöiskt fiskeriföretag som ägs av ett företag, Thor P/f som sysslar med offshoreverksamhet, dvs underhåll av oljeplattforrmar i Nordsjön och liknande. Thor P/f ägs av Hans Andrias Frímann Kelduberg (55%), Gunnbjørn Joensen (25% via personligt holdingbolag) och Per Lund Gulklett (15%).
Flera personer åtalade för våld kopplat till Foxtrotnätverket. Åklagare har väckt åtal mot nio personer för en rad grova våldsbrott som kopplas till nätverket Foxtrots konflikter med andra kriminella nätverk i Stockholmsområdet. Många av de åtalade i detta ärenden tog sen ställning för Ismail Abdo i den interna konflikten inom Foxtrotnätverket.
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Rolling distro, up to date kernel, very good KDE support, stable?
OpenSuse Tumbleweed has got you covered.
Though this weird bloat fetish usually leads to Arch...
in reply to CrypticCoffee • • •On the other side: point-release distro, LTS kernel, also very good KDE support, practically unbreakable?
Debian to the rescue.
This one won't lead to Arch.
in reply to pastermil • • •tisktisk
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •degen
in reply to tisktisk • • •tisktisk
in reply to degen • • •fitting username to you sir
in reply to tisktisk • • •tisktisk
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to tisktisk • • •tisktisk
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to tisktisk • • •pastermil
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to CrypticCoffee • • •Understood, not really a fetish, more of I don't want extra stuff that I don't want to use or take space for no reason.
I want to use every drop of my system for performance, maybe that's from my "old person" in me.
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Non-running software doesn't affect performance as it isn't anywhere near your RAM or CPU. What often people perceive of bloat is frequently software dependencies that are likely to be used over the course of the OS's usage.
Often I have found bloat free setups end up taking hours of digging out dependencies on multiple occasions. Life is too short. I have things to build.
in reply to CrypticCoffee • • •It still takes space on the drive. It takes an icon on the start menu.
And then there's that little devil in me that I don't want to send feedback back to servers of what I do with my system.
Maybe I'm paranoid or maybe I just want to squeeze all the pure power (and space) I can. It's like an old hot rod, there's no radio; there's no heated seats; it's made to go fast and have fun.
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •It does take space on the hard drive. Can easily remove desktop shortcuts. Telemetry on open source software doesn't usually happen without consent and you can turn it off (Firefox for example).
This is more of a feeling type thing. If it makes you feel good though, go ahead.
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •tisktisk
in reply to pastermil • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to tisktisk • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to pastermil • • •pastermil
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •The USE flags (feature compilation option) can be a bit tricky to manage, but they've tidied up the defaults quite a bit.
The one thing that might still be hard to get right is having all the media codec you need. I wish they'd include it in the default so I didn't have to fine tune it myself, but well, that's just part of the fun, and I already got my battle-tested set, so I got nothing to complain.
in reply to pastermil • • •Ok I tried a gentoo setup this week. 8 hours in was able to build a kernel and get a cli on my box. But I'm failing at my attempts to get xfce or KDE or even startx to work. 😅 debating if I should keep it at this weekend or go back to my arch or simple eos.
I like emerge and I like the philosophy but gotta get a bit more knowledge on this use flag thing.
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •tisktisk
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to tisktisk • • •Breadhax0r
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •I tried bazzite and nobara which are both the big gaming distros. Bazzite worked the best but I had a ton of just weird little issues with stuff randomly not working unless I restarted it. I don't have much to say about nobara because I couldn't actually get steam to work for some reason.
I went back to mint and honestly it's been the smoothest and easiest to use distro, plus it has a larger user base so it's easier to find help.
in reply to Breadhax0r • • •kusivittula
in reply to tisktisk • • •missingno
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to missingno • • •Scratch
in reply to missingno • • •My first and current distro is Pop_OS and it’s been a bit of a pain in the ass. I need to run terminal commands to get Bluetooth to work, Rocksmith is a lost cause, my display signal dies randomly, forcing a restart.
Thinking about Bazzite, but read this article and maybe Ubuntu is just easier, for now?
(Nvidia gpu giving me pause over which will support it better)
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Gaming is in spot where you want stability but also a rolling release, since we have daily improvements on essential packages; as an experienced user you can use Arch for that; consider also even Valve is on it with the Steam Deck (Arch-based).
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in reply to SolarPunker • • •737
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to 737 • • •BingBong
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •Crazyslinkz
in reply to BingBong • • •VARXBLE
in reply to Crazyslinkz • • •EndeavourOS has been my daily driver for over a year now has been mostly completely smooth. I went from Windows to Linux with no Linux knowledge beforehand.
I've had some issues pop up, but thanks to Arch's very detailed documentation, I've been able to fix them myself or find answers online. Most recently and update yesterday broke yay (AUR package manger) for me, so I searched the error code that popped up in the terminal and found a discussion at the EndeavourOS forum (great resource) where a fix/workaround was posted. A couple of terminal commands later and yay was reinstalled and working again.
That's been my experience with any problems that have come up. Very manageable.