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in reply to gedaliyah

I don't think this is a malicious act by Google, yet alone intentional at all. (English is not my native language and I'm unsure of how this sentence turned out. Is my grammar correct?)

Google uses a shit ton of automation on it's services. Youtube being the biggest example with all the unfair bans and copyright strikes. I believe this to be simply a case of those.

in reply to Quintus

Yes it literally has the update notes in fdroid saying they updated their browser integration to comply with Google services. It was most likely an abrupt code and compliance issue generated automatically.

I totally missed the memo but apparently there is a Linux version of #GameGlass for a while now:…

* Ubuntu 22.04+
* Linux Mint 21.2+
* Fedora 39+

Not a fan of GameGlass (I prefer my switches and dials, as you may know) but it’s probably of interest for other #homeCockpit builders.

#SimPit #Gaming #GamingOnLinux #LinuxGaming #StarCitizen #EliteDangerous…

#EliteDangerous #GameGlass #gaming #gamingonlinux #homeCockpit #linuxgaming #simpit #StarCitizen

Afrikaner kraftigt överrepresenterade bland offer för dödligt våld. Detta enligt en rapport från Järvaveckan Research som gjorts med stöd av Socialstyrelsen. Rapporten jämfört hälsoskillnader och hälsoutfall hos personer med bakgrund i Asien och Afrika.…

Hamnarbetarförbundet oroat över kokainsmugglingen. Svenska hamnarbetareförbundet är enligt vad de säger i en artikel i tidningen Arbetaren oroliga för att riskerar att bli måltavlor i samband med narkotikasmuggling.…

Last Week in Fediverse – ep 84

in reply to squirrel

"Bluesky has managed to grow significantly bigger than the fediverse at this point, with around 5 times as many monthly active users, as well as onboarding the Brazilian community. It seems to me that it is worth reflecting on why that is, and how the fediverse can better show itself as a good, ethical social network that people would like to join."

Yeah, why is that? On the one hand, LGBTQ is strong in the Fediverse, and tech nerds of course. But other than that ... the Fediverse never had this kind of cultural momentum.

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in reply to Blaze (he/him)

I guess Its not only the Brazilians, its also BTS army, and the japanese community. They also went to Bluesky instead of Fedi. Maybe the fediverse is too euro-centric?

Maybe at some point swifties could join the Fediverse?

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to squirrel

I used to watch "This Week in Tech" with Leo Laporte, before I realized he was a massive douche. And he always shortened his show name to TwiT.

I tried to do the same thing with your show name, and got "LwiF", which when I said it outloud made me sound like I was inventing a new french word. Say it outloud. It's fun to say. LWIF!

Minskat stöd till solceller bromsar klimatomställningen. Svensk Solenergi är starkt kritiska till att regeringen föreslår att minska ett stöd och helt ta bort ett annat i samma svep. Stödsystemen som regeringen angriper är och har varit viktiga för att accelerera hushållens och småföretagens elektrifiering.…

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Because of something I did during an anthropology lecture, I learned the hard way to read the "The following packages will be REMOVED" list when upgrading a package to backports in Debian GNU + Linux.

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in reply to dullbananas (Joseph Silva)

Newer versions of apt now have coloured text showing what will be installed (green) and what will be REMOVED (red)

Handy feature for someone like me who also makes mistakes

in reply to dullbananas (Joseph Silva)

If only you had timeshift and a CoW filesystem ;) rollbacks are easy peasy then!

Wikipedia defines Zionism as ‘colonialism,’ sparking outrage

At the center of the debate are key changes in the language used to describe Zionism, the movement that called for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in what is now Israel.

The 2023 version of the page framed Zionism as a nationalist movement born in the 19th century that sought to secure Jewish self-determination.

In contrast, the 2024 version of the entry introduces more charged terminology, describing Zionism as an “ethno-cultural nationalist” movement that engaged in “colonization of a land outside of Europe,” with a heightened focus on the resulting conflicts with Palestinian Arabs.

“Zionists wanted to create a Jewish state in Palestine with as much land, as many Jews, and as few Palestinian Arabs as possible,” it reads.

Linus Torvalds: Speaks on the Rust vs C Linux Divide

Linus Torvalds Speaks on the the divide between Rust and C Linux developers an the future Linux. Will things like fragmentation among the open source community hurt the Linux Kernel? We'll listen to the Creator of Linux.

For the full key note, checkout:

The Register's summary: Torvalds weighs in on 'nasty' Rust vs C for Linux debate

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

This video is full of jarring edits which initially made me wonder if someone had cut out words or phrases to create an abbreviated version. But, then I realized there are way too many of them to have been done manually. I checked the full original video and from the few edits i manually checked it seems like it is just inconsequential pauses etc that were removed: for instance, when Linus says "the other side of that picture" in the original there is an extra "p" sound which is removed here.

Yet another irritating and unnecessary application of neural networks, I guess.

in reply to Arthur Besse

I don't think its completely unnecessary, it helps save some time
in reply to pnutzh4x0r

What exactly makes rust memory safe? That's the big selling point of it right? Is the compiler just more strict?

PeerTube v6.3 released!

in reply to morrowind

How can I go from rando to content producer?
Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
This is all true, but they would still have to say goodbye to the ad revenue from YouTube. However little that might be.

PeerTube v6.3 released!

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in reply to Laurens Hof

Mozilla certainly has the capacity to run a server but decided that it didn't further their business goals. Plenty of other organizations will see the benefit of fediverse participation, whether on their own servers or hosted space.

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in reply to Leaflet

Still just experimental fractional scaling...

I don't think the rounded circles for buttons in the file dialog looks good, but that's hopefully just the default theme.

in reply to 1984

There is no alternative theme, when it comes to rounding or spacing
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in reply to 1984

Yeah, strange design choice since the other buttons in theUI are not pill shaped.

Aside from that things look very nice.

in reply to threeganzi

Yeah I think that round shape looks seriously out of place. You would never see something like that outside of gnome, in any app.

But alright, it is what it is.

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Pregnancy completely rewires mothers' brains — study

The researchers found sweeping changes in overall brain neuroanatomy which unfolded week by week during the pregnancy.

Inside Chrastil's brain, grey matter volume, cortical thickness, white matter microstructure, and ventricle volume all changed.

The changes were all over the brain too — "over 80% of my brain regions showed reductions in grey matter volume," Chrastil said.

Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy. Published by Pritschet, L., Taylor, C.M., Cossio, D. et al. in Nature Neuroscience (September 2024).…

in reply to namingthingsiseasy

this is the first study to consistently map brain changes during pregnancy, write the study authors in their paper.

"It's 2024 and this is the first glimpse we have of this fascinating neurological transition. There is so much about the neurobiology of pregnancy we don't understand yet. It's a biproduct of the fact that biosciences have historically ignored women's health," said Jacobs.

I knew that there were fundamental neurological changes that occurred during pregnancy, but had no idea that there hadn't been a comprehensive brain mapping study done yet. There is a surprising amount of sexism in academia.

in reply to namingthingsiseasy

The changes were all over the brain too — "over 80% of my brain regions showed reductions in grey matter volume," Chrastil said.

Grey matter is brain tissue with high concentrations of neuron cell bodies, where information is processed. Reductions in grey matter volume are sometimes associated with reduced memory and cognitive function.

However, the study authors say a reduction in grey matter during pregnancy isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's more like a wave of brain refinement as the brain prepares for motherhood — like the process of chiseling a block of marble into a sculpture.

Seems like an overly positive framing of the effect.

De exploderande personsökare som Israel har använt vid sin terrorattack i Libanon var av en modell, AR-924, som tagit fram av det taiwanesiska företaget Gold Apollo har inte tillverkats i Taiwan. Enligt företaget ska tillverkningen ha lagts ut på det ungerska företaget BAC Consulting KFT.…

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PeerTube 6.3 released

This is the last minor release before v7, but it's packed with interesting new features
- Separate audio and video streams for more flexibility
- Browse subtitles in the transcription widget
- Set up Youtube-dl for smoother imports
- And much more!

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Krypterad kommunikationstjänst har slagits ut i en internationell polisoperation. Svensk polis har i en internationell polisoperation tillsammans med Europol, Eurojust och rättsvårdande myndigheter i åtta länder slagit ut en krypterad kommunikationstjänst som möjliggjort grov organiserad brottslighet.…