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Steam: Controller not working anymore in Forza Horizon 4

So I've been playing Forza Horizon 4 for a while without any issues using a XBox One Controller via Bluetooth. First i used Proton experimental and later Proton GE. Absolutely no problem.

Now however, the controller is not being recognized in game anymore (the on screen buttons show keyboard keys, not gamepad buttons) and I can't use any of the buttons (except the screenshot one). In the Steam menu, the controller test settings, big picture mode etc. it works fine and its recognized normally.

I didn't make any changes (before it happened, now of course it tried a bunch of stuff) but I did upgrade the system normally.

Any ideas what might have caused this issue?

in reply to archer

So... no idea what happened but it works again.

Just in case anyone stumbles upon this thread at some point here are my current settings:
- The compatibility layer is proton-ge-custom (from AUR)
- Steam Input Translation in the Forza Horizon 4 Controller Settings is enabled using the "Official Layout for Forza Horizon 4 - Gamepad"
- Regular mode (not big picture mode)
- Steam Overlay is enabled

I still have the issue that on some screens it shows the keyboard buttons and not the controller buttons but since the controller works anyway I don't really care (it's just the optics).

Thanks everyone for your suggestions! :)

in reply to archer

Just a general tip. Update the firmware on your controller if you haven't before.

Why can ffmpeg kmsgrab capture the tty without root permissions?

I'm using sunshine for remote gaming on my Linux PC. Because I use Wayland and don't have an Nvidia I use kmsgrab for capture (under the hood sunshine uses ffmpeg).

I have noticed that I can enter tty and kmsgrab will capture it as well. If it just captured after logging in my user I wouldn't be surprised, but it also captures the login screen.

I autostart it at login using my systemd user configuration (not systemwide) so it should just have my user's permission level. I get the same results if I put it in KDE's autostart section, so it's not a systemd thing.

Why does that work? Shouldn't you need special privileges to capture everything?

The installation instructions tells you to do sudo setcap -r $(readlink -f $(which sunshine)) is this the reason why it works? What does the command do exactly?

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to edinbruh

in reply to edinbruh

setcap adds Linux capabilities to an executable. Capabilities are elevated privileged within the kernel for specific privileged "actions".……

I completely broke Kubuntu

So like
I was trying to install Davinci resolve (an editing program) and while doing so it basically said "removing" followed by that appears to be everything installed on my computer

So I nope right out of there and I notice a bunch of important things are missing ex: the terminal, file manager, etc

So I just decided
Maybe if I reboot everything will be a ok

And now on this screen and it won't even let me enter my logic

This was the latest update of Kubuntu
And idk what I did wrong or how I got here

I've only been using Kubuntu for probably about 4 months ish

Edit: please help

Edit 2: I got it working by reinstalling Kubuntu as suggested, Thank you for the help :>

This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to EvolvedTurtle

It's pretty normal to keep the configurations. An inplace reinstall will just put the system files back that got removed, then a reboot will bring them up with the configuration files left from before the reinstall as long as they were put in the right place for user-configured files.
in reply to EvolvedTurtle

At login, press ctrl-alt-f4 or f5 or one of the F* keys until you get a text based login screen. (Might need to press enter on a blank screen for the login to appear)

Login as your user and password.

Sudo apt install kubuntu-desktop

Sveriges två största fiskeriföretag har sina huvudkontor på Rörö i Göteborgs norra skärgård. I Öckerö kommun. Men de flesta av de stora fiskeriföretagen finns i Fiskebäck som sen länge är en stadsdel i Göteborg. Det allra största fiskeriföretaget i Fiskebäck är Fiskeri AB Ginneton.…

Kina är ett kapitalistiskt land med planekonomi. Regeringen gör planer och subventionerar olika sorters produktion. Exempelvis bilindustrin för att Kina ska bli den dominerande och ledande producenten av elbilar. De över 100 företag som producerar elbilar får enorma subventioner av stat, regioner och städer.…

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

Kill a Process Running on a Specific Port in Linux (via 4 Methods)

in reply to petsoi

I will simply Google this next time I need it
in reply to atyaz [he/him]

What makes Google search useful is articles like this not the opposite.

Need help to find OSTree-like project

Couldn't find the project in my browser history or Lemmy saves. I'm pretty sure it was Lemmy though that led me to find a GitHub project similar to OSTree. It sounded like it was maintained by one person and it hasn't been updated in a long time because the author thought it was "done" and they used it frequently.

It was a tool that let them basically create images that could be booted from and it was easy to layer software on top of a base image and I think there were config files similar to Containerfiles but didn't look the same. Don't think it be was "goldboot" either but that might be a little closer to what the project does. I don't think it was something Fedora specific either like bootc.

Update: Found it! It was in the history of a laptop I rarely use (of course). The project is and it does appear to be those things I said: layered, docker-like, bare metal, and OS agnostic.

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in reply to BrianTheeBiscuiteer

I'm going to assume it's not Universal Blue... But parts of your description reminded me of it.
in reply to Drathro

Could've been something Fedora-ish but based on the GitHub I don't think that's it. The most distinct thing I remember is that it appeared abandoned but the author just didn't feel it needed any changes.

I use like four different devices to browse and some have multiple browsers so checking history has been rough.

what exactly am I doing adding deb sid main to my etc/apt/sources.list? trying to install newest yt-dlp on debian 12.6

All I wanted is to install the current yt-dlp (2024.07.16-1) on debian 12.6.

Suggested way to that according to… is to add that line to that file (etc/apt/sources.list), but do I really need to download the 1600 files that upgrade would entail?

I don't want to download the tar.gz 'cause upgrading that would be a pain.

in reply to merompetehla

This entry was edited (7 months ago)

Proton Experimental gets fixes for Ubisoft Connect, Once Human, Burnout Paradise Remastered

in reply to mudle

Why not just post the actual changelog if the blog post doesn't add anything at all
in reply to Voyajer

I was initially going to post just the changelog itself, but included in the changelog are other older fixes before July 22nd. Even though the fixes present on July 22nd are bolded, I decided to use the blog post because it only highlights the fixes for July 22nd. I didn't think of this previously, but I could have just posted the changelog, and specifically noted the July 22nd fixes 😅

in reply to mudle

NVIDIA's user-space components remain the same and are closed-source, but great to see the NVIDIA open-source kernel driver bits being mature enough to now be preferred over the proprietary ones on supported GPUs.

How is it open source? In the history of the whole repository, there were 11 merged PRs in 2022 (when the project began), and no merged PRs after, even though lots of PRs have been submitted since then. There has never been an issue-fixing PR merged, and no issues or PRs are submitted by the maintainers of the project.

All of their commits are tagged versions, none of which tell you in words what they did or what changed, it's clear that they still do their actual development internally, and the GitHub repository does not contain that incremental work. Because the commits are releases only, there are only 65 commits on the main branch from May 2022 to the latest commit/release 4 days ago.

:::spoiler so NVIDIA,

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Unknown parent

lemmy - Link to source
Interesting. I'd guess that something probably went horribly wrong with your Windows installation because performance should be very similar in most scenarios, but if it works for you under Linux, great!

in reply to 737

Had that happen to me with Last Epoch. At launch the native linux version had graphical issues where as proton ran the windows version almost perfectly.
in reply to DragonOracleIX

Same for me with Black Mesa. Native version has all sorts of graphical glitches while Proton looks as it should.

OTOH some games like Valheim runs very well native.

in reply to corbin

Not use 100% of my CPU at idle and become a zombie process when I kill it.

I think it might be a packaging problem but still I'm salty...

in reply to federino

Some time ago I managed to sell my 3070 ti and buy a brand new RX 6800 for the same money. 99% of my desktop issues are now gone. Seriously, if you don’t need CUDA, don’t bother… Get rid of Nvidia it is not worth the hassle
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in reply to stuckgum

I effectively did the same. While I’m happy NVIDIA is finally got their heads out of their butts and are acquiescing to this, it’s going to still be years before it’s on the same level as radeon in terms of stability and the just works factor.
in reply to ulkesh

It's not NVidia's fault. Never has been. It was a religious war over licensing of the driver.
in reply to PseudoSpock

If it was the "war" you implying it to be, it would be an ideological or moral one, not religious, but even then it wasn't.
in reply to stuckgum

That would be giving into the Linux kernel and wayland driver bigots who set out to destroy NVidia on Linux, simply because of the driver's license. Linus, the kernel dev team, and wayland devs sought to break NVidia at every turn. A company that provided us with the best graphics cards on Linux for over a decade, because they couldn't get in and mess with NVidia's code and steal their secrets from their drivers. Don't give into to that level of zealotry. If anything, NVidia and their users should sue Linus and all the wayland devs for the years of crap they've pulled. All over a license. I love Linux, and am forever indebted to Linus for starting it... but this zealotry over licensing is why GNU never got off the ground itself; and they should be spanked for what they did to us. Wayland devs especially, they should be banned from opensource dev work forever and crippled financially for the crime they've committed.
in reply to PseudoSpock

AMD used to have the same issue - their drivers were proprietary and buggy (anyone remember fglrx?). The difference is that they did something about it. Their modern drivers are open-source and mainlined so it's easy for anyone to work on them. New kernel display/GPU features always come to AMD first, because the kernel developers working on the new feature can just add it to the AMD driver themselves.

Nvidia have open-source drivers now, but they're still out of tree (so they'll always lag behind the kernel) and AFAIK they have no plains to merge them into the kernel.

I appreciate Nvidia's efforts, and their newer drivers are much better than older ones (especially now that they support explicit sync), but they're just not as good as AMD's.

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in reply to dan

Could have been, if Linux kernel devs and wayland devs weren't trying to break it all the time.
in reply to PseudoSpock

So instead of accepting that the driver should be GPL and part of the kernel, you turn things around and pretend the development of the kernel is the way that it is because of a conspiracy against Nvidia?

The bit regarding Wayland doesn't make sense, no idea what you're getting at. Though maybe you don't follow Linux developments?

in reply to baru

It's not a conspiracy. Here's Linus, himself, publicly picking a fight with NVidia. All because of a driver not being open source. I love open source, I love the GPL, but no individual or company should be required to do business that way. It's up to them, as is their right.

in reply to PseudoSpock

All because of a driver not being open source

Do you even assemble the sentences in your head before you post?

That is precisely the issue, it's closed source.

Now you're just trolling. Did your dad block all the porn in your home network and now you're bored?

in reply to youmaynotknow

Closed source isn’t a crime. However trying to ruin a company with exclusionary tactics can be. Linux kernel devs and Wayland devs have all conspired to harm a company.
in reply to PseudoSpock

Closed source isn’t a crime. However trying to ruin a company with exclusionary tactics can be. Linux kernel devs and Wayland devs have all conspired to harm a company.

NVIDIA kinda shoot themselves in the foot on Linux and excluding themselves. Refusing to support generally supported APIs like;

  • VA-API

NVIDIA rather wants the OSS community the use their VDPAU or NVENC / NVDEC API's. Whilst everything and dog uses VA-API.

  • GBM

Not true anymore (for driver above 495), but in the past NVIDIA refused to support GBM (for Wayland) and rather have compositors use EGLStreams instead of GBM.

Next to that modern NVIDIA hardware (GTX 900 and 1000 series) on the opensource Nouveau drivers cannot be reclocked because it needs some magically blessed signature by NVIDIA. NVIDIA refuses to supply that signature for that hardware but did release it for 1600 and up series.

That's just two things where I am like, dafuq are you doing NVIDIA....

in reply to dan

I appreciate the fruit of NVidia's efforts... But that they were forced into it by a pack of wolves is morally wrong, and those responsible need to be ousted from open source, blacklisted from any IT work forever for needlessly inflicting harm on a company and it's users over a licensing preference.
in reply to PseudoSpock

Looks like the birdie has escaped phoronix...

In the small chance that this comment is serious, Nvidia is found this because the corporate server-based customers need the ability to troubleshoot and debug the driver.

The actual trade secrets are being moved into the proprietary firmware blob and out of the driver.

in reply to Supermariofan67

Which will still be enough for Linus to prevent NVidia from getting full access to the kernel internals.
in reply to PseudoSpock

Dude, the kernel is OSS. WTF are you on about? Ever heard of Zen+ or Xanmod? What's keeping Nvidia from doing just that and have the Nvidia GPU owners just use their nodded kernel?
in reply to PseudoSpock

Is it that people don’t mind sounding like morons in public or that they think everybody else is stupid enough to fall for their nonsense? I always wonder when I read something like this.
in reply to LeFantome

in reply to stuckgum

I just sold my 3070 and bought a 7800XT for the same reasons.
in reply to federino

Still went all AMD when I built my PC a couple of months ago. Plug and play is what it was, plug and play. Nvidia won't get any money from me until all their shit is open source.
in reply to penquin

I wish I could do this, but where I live I just can't find a laptop with a good amd gpu (I live in Brazil), so I'm locked to nvidia :/
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in reply to federino

Maybe a laptop with a very good CPU and an eGPU? You can get it from Aliexpress.
in reply to penquin

I would love to buy an AMD, but I can't afford it, so I'm stuck with the Nvidia I have.

It. blows.

in reply to EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted

Find something used. If you have Facebook, see the market place. I don't have Facebook, my wife does, and I always find great deals on it. Bought me a Dell 27" 4 monitor for $80. That thing is used $275 used on Amazon. If no Facebook, then try eBay. Used is not that bad most of the time.
in reply to penquin

No, seriously, when I say I can't afford it, I mean I really can't afford it. Like, seriously, my "Fun" budget for each month? 15 dollars. Lol. I'm brooooooooke as fuck, bruh.
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in reply to penquin

ebay seems to just be a place for scammers and people selling used items for new prices.
in reply to pbjamm

I've actually noticed that, too, but you can still run into good things, although very rarely.

Effectively Use History Commands in Linux

in reply to petsoi

I always use reverse search. But, it is always good to learn something new.

From Linux to NetBSD with SSH only

First Pop!_OS 24.04 Alpha with COSMIC DE Drops on August 8 - OMG! Ubuntu

in reply to filister

Does it fix window scaling if you have 2 monitors with different resolution settings?
in reply to aStonedSanta

More importantly to me, can blind users even install the OS.

All current mainstream distros now use Wayland, which has broken screen reading, so the OS cannot be installed.

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in reply to refalo

Fuck. That is way more important.
in reply to aStonedSanta

Honestly, it's not as important. These projects are working with very limited resources, typically dependent on free labour. Accessibility is incredibly hard to get right and half arsing it isn't going to work. The priority should be pushing out a reliable, working prototype that people want to use. Once that's accomplished you can refocus on expanding the features.

Demand for reliable multi monitor support is going to be far higher than screen reading capabilities.

Let's bring back the webring.

Back in the day the best way to find cool sites when you were on a cool site was to click next in the webring. In this age of ailing search engines and confidently incorrect AI, it is time for the webring to make a comeback.

This person has given his the code to get started: Webring

in reply to mrpalmer16

Stumbleupon was fun.

I miss old web shit.

Ninety zeros dot com was one of the Internet's weirdest best things.

[guide] How to install Aslain's modpack for World of Warships on Steam

Is Pegasus the best Steam alternative for launching games with a gamepad?

I'm sorting out my collection of native games and ROMs, Pegasus requires some forethought to customize the collections as I want but it seems like the best option.
Do you know of interesting and equally customizable alternatives like Pegasus that are not proprietary and are comfy with the gamepad?
in reply to SolarPunker

It's hard to reach out from a flatpak's sandbox to run other programs - for example Steam's flatpak doesn't like to "add non-steam games".