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Två norrmän gripna för narkotikasmuggling. I tisdags greps två norska medborgarna i Colombia. De greps i en internationell polisinsats som har letts av den spanska polisen. Insatsen som går under beteckningen Mentor har pågått sedan juni 2020 och 11 länder har deltagit.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

"What has devastated Mt. Gorongosa’s forest canopy is aggressive deforestation.

"People are poor and telling them not to cut forest wood makes no sense. There was no motivation for them to guard the forest.

"So our innovation to plant and embed coffee trees amongst the fast-growing indigenous trees quickly won over local communities."

#mozambique #gorongosa #reforestation #rewilding #coffee #forests #africa…

– Vi levererar nu ett pärlband av beslut för att bana väg för ny kärnkraft.
Näringsminister Ebba Busch
Ett av dessa ”pärlor” för nya kärnkraftverk kan bli en enorm statlig satsning enligt förslag i en utredning som presenterades i måndags.

Enligt förslaget i utredningen ska staten låna upp minst 300 miljarder kronor för fyra […]…

(Det här inlägget håller på att ändras)
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Flatpak on Slackware

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in reply to superkret

Bringing Flatpak to Slackware is a very inspiring endeavor that brings Linux data independence to another level.
in reply to obbeel

Yes, you can be against it philosophically all you want, but the fact that most of the software you need is now available for easy installation on any distro is pretty awesome.
And IMO, it puts the Slack back into Slackware. It's supposed to be a distro for lazy people.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Jesper Nilsson har skrivit en intressant reflektion över vänstermedier som kan se som en slags reaktion eller kommentar till mitt blogginlägg om vänstermedias kräftgång. De centrala budskapen i hans artikel är att vänstermedia misslyckas på grund av omvärlden (mer specifikt på grund av den svaga vänstern) och att statistik inte är att lita på. Utan […]…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Lemmy interoperability with other Fediverse projects

Migrazione in corso!


❗️Stiamo migrando su un nuovo server, al momento è in fase di test e ricomincerà a funzionare senza prolemi solo a lavori completati.

❓Peertube Uno è la prima istanza video italiana del fediverso, ha 5 anni e circa 600GB di video caricati, ma il server che ci ospitava non riusciva più a fornire un servizio completo da almeno un anno.

🚀Stiamo spostando Peertube su un server più performante che finalmente risolverà tutti i problemi e i limiti che avevamo finora.

➡️ Aggiornamenti a breve 🙏

why can't I connect to my ssh server UNLESS I enter eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" first?

I have my own ssh server (on raspberry pi 5, Ubuntu Server 23) but when I try to connect from my PC using key authentication (having password disabled), I get a blank screen. A blinking cursor.

However, once I enter the command eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" and try ssh again, I successfully login after entering my passphrase. I don't want to issue this command every time. Is that possible?

This does not occur when I have password enabled on the ssh server. Also, ideally, I want to enter my passphrase EVERYTIME I connect to my server, so ideally I don't want it to be stored in cache or something. I want the passphrase to be a lil' password so that other people can't accidentally connect to my server when they use my PC.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to dysprosium

Okay, that agent process is running but it looks wedged: multiple connections to the socket seem to be opened, probably your other attempts to use ssh.

The ssh-add output looks like it's responding a bit, however.

I'd use your package manager to work out what owns it and go looking for open bugs in the tool.

(Getting a trace of that process itself would be handy, while you're trying again. There may be a clue in its behaviour.)

The server reaponse seems like the handshake process is close to completing. It's not immediately clear what's up there I'm afraid.

in reply to gedhrel

Is this problem a recurring one after a reboot?

If it is it warrants more effort.

If not and you're happy with rhe lack of closure, you can potentially fix this: kill the old agent (watch out to see if it respawns; if it does and that works, fine). If it doesn't, you can (a) remove the socket file (b) launch ssh-agent with the righr flag (-a $SSH_AGENT_SOCK iirc) to listen at the same place, then future terminal sessions that inherit the env var will still look in the right place. Unsatisfactory but it'll get you going again.

Investeringsbedrägerier i mångmiljonbelopp, utpressning och penningtvätt med kopplingar till kriminella nätverk i Norrköping och Södertälje. Utredningen började med att två personer från Norrköping uppmärksammades i en insats i Södertälje.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Stipple Effect is a pixel art editor that supports animation and scripting (available on Windows, macOS and Linux)

Not Fully FOSS license though.

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in reply to sag

I don't understand the install instructions. I downloaded all the jars of step 2. Imported the folder into Visual Studio Code, checked that my Java Configuration is set to Java 17.

And now "Main Class: com.joardanbunke.stripple_effect.StrippleEffect"


I tried creating a launcher.json, but here I don't know what to put into. With chatgpt I added some stuff like { "main class": com.jordanbunke.stripple_effect.StrippleEffect"} and some more info like " classPathes": ${workspaceFolder}/lib/*"
And saved it into .vscode folder.

Edit: I got the to no longer have red errors, but when I try task run it is missing a .settings fie in my roaming folder. I guess I made a mistake in the launcher.json.

I guess I need to compile the .java to a jar? I created a tasks file in my .vscode folder and run Tasks: Run Build Task. But now it complains about missing packages.

When running Tasks: error package com.jordanbunke.delta_times does not exist import com.joardanbunke.delta_time.OnStartup

I tried to put the jars into the com\jordanBunke folder. No luck.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to sag

Why is the link not to the project homepage (on but to the Microsoft GitHub code forge?

Det har under två dagar varit våldsamt i Östergötland. Under gårdagen inträffade en dödsskjutning i stadsdelen Berga i Linköping och och dagen innan en i stadsdelen Berget i Norrköping. I Berga sköts en man i 40-årsåldern ihjäl och i Berget en man i 20-årsåldern.…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

2 Billion Downloads & Other Milestones from 2024 So Far

We're back with some new milestones thanks to the continued growth of Flathub as an app store and the incredible work of both our largely volunteer team and our growing app developer community:
- 70% of the most popular apps are verified
- 100+ curated quality apps
- 4 million active users
- Over 2 billion downloads

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in reply to pnutzh4x0r

Flatpaks aren't perfect, but they are really solid in almost all cases.

For the general user that just wants a simple way to download apps on Linux, it just works.

For power users, they will know already the upsides and downsides.

in reply to pnutzh4x0r

One of the best things about ditching Ubuntu for Debian was losing worthless snaps and gaining UI support for flatpaks.

Getting better in #FlightOfNova 💪 Delivery mission without breaking… much 🤡

Man… I need telemetry data for this game. That’d be so freakin awesome 🤓

#HomeCockpit #SimPit…

#FlightOfNova #homeCockpit #simpit

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

in reply to go $fsck yourself

I am lost as well.. can we get a summary what is special about this browser? What is it trying to achieve?
From the GitHub I understand that this is very early development?
in reply to B0rax

It’s a prototype of a brand new browser built on the modern open source web rendering engine servo
in reply to sag

Servo is incredibly exciting to look forward to rather than Ladybird imo. The name of this browser and engine are perfect aswell.

Share Paste O₂ is a privatebin client for android.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

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in reply to sag

Why should I use this rather than going directly to

Also, is the website safe?

in reply to sag

Hey this is pretty nice and simple, I like it. Had to hold down on the app to select the settings to change my server, would be nicer if that settings button was within the app itself... But got it pointing to my self-hosted instance and tested it out. Works perfectly! Thanks for sharing

Announcing Lix 2.91 "Dragon's Breath"

Lix is a Nix implementation focused on reliability, predictability, friendliness, developed by a community of people from around the world. We have long term plans to incrementally evolve Nix to work in more places, to make it more reliable and secure, and to update the language and semantics to correct past mistakes and reduce errors, all the while providing an amazing tooling experience.

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in reply to dinckel

Are there and plans for improving/writing documentation? This was always a lacking area for nix