Can THC Turn Back The Clock? Cannabis Reverses Brain Aging, Boosts Mental Capacity, New Study Suggests
THC brain aging reversal: New study reveals how low-dose THC can enhance cognitive function and reverse aging in the elderly. Read now!Patricio Liddle (Benzinga)
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Instead of Thrown, Spears Were Planted in the Ground to Kill a Charging Mammoth
Instead of Thrown, Spears Were Planted in the Ground to Kill a Charging Mammoth
Researchers recreate Ice Age hunting techniques to show that spears were probably braced against the ground rather than thrown at massive mammoths.Paul Smaglik (Discover Magazine)
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Maeve, PokyDokie, Chozo, Hegar, kindenough and Atelopus-zeteki like this.
Many people have a silly idea in their heads that stone-age humans could not be as innovative and smart as we can because their technology was less advanced than ours.
They also look at an expertly-knapped spearhead like the ones in the thumbnail and think they could do that with a couple of rocks they find in their backyard.
These ancestors of ours were smart, they were creative thinkers, they made stone tools at an expert level that the average person today could not even hope to replicate. I love finding out new ways they were able to innovate.
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I'm sure so much of our history is more or less completely unknowable simply because the remains all degraded quickly.
How many things made out of wood that simply rotted away, or burned or any one of a thousand things.
Stone tools were a game changer in every sense.
How do you think they got the stone on the end of a stick
For a long time, they didn't.
Hand stone tools predate everything except sharpened sticks as spears.
Without the Olduvai tools, we have no civilization.
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RandomStickman likes this.
i remember reading how eskimos would wrap sharp bone fragments in balls of fat and leave them for polar bears.. then they would follow the bears until
they died of internal bleeding.
elephants are much smarter than bears though.
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The same reason people shouldn't be living in Arizona and expecting other states to divert their water to them. There is no water there you shouldn't live there. No one is forcing anyone to live there
Just live in a habitable climate there are so many.
Just live in a biome with plentiful game, there are many
The Inuit/Eskimos are some of the more self-sustaining peoples on the planet. They don't depend much on imports from elsewhere, at least not to my knowledge. They had to figure out many adaptations for the area but they make it work and have done so for a long time.
To compare them with a city representing the pinnacle of mankind's hubris is a bit of a reach imo
How do you think they got the mammoth to run into the trap of spears?
Also, in case it turned towards you, you'd want a spear in your hands to make him turn.
Edit: judging by the picture in the post, if you couldn't run away, you might jam the back end into the ground beside/behind yourself and hold up the point so at least he'd be wounded when he squashed you
The grooves carved into each point could allow it to slide down the shaft upon impact. A fixed point, by contrast, would be more likely to shatter when it hit dense material, especially bone.
This is really interesting. And to further illustrate just how much we have no idea and might be wildly wrong, there's an incredible book, All Yesterdays, which reimagines prehistoric animals in interesting new ways. The second half of the book shows possible recreations of contemporary animals based solely on their skeletons to really drive home the point at how much guessing is involved in this field. Some of the images can be found here.
This is a rhino skeleton (wtf):
We do know a lot more about mammoths though, because they have been found frozen in good condition in Siberia.
To protect US coasts, scientists want to zap the sea with electricity
As efforts step up to protect coastal regions affected by erosion, scientists have found an unexpected way to protect communities—zapping the shoreline with electricity.
In a study published in the journal Communications Earth and the Environment, researchers from Northwestern University demonstrated the novel technique to strengthen marine sand, potentially offering a sustainable solution to combat erosion caused by climate change and rising sea levels.
"Over 40 percent of the world's population lives in coastal areas," Alessandro Rotta Loria, who led the study, said in a statement.
"Because of climate change and sea-level rise, erosion is an enormous threat to these communities. Through the disintegration of infrastructure and loss of land, erosion causes billions of dollars in damage per year worldwide," he said.
To Protect US Coasts, Scientists Want To Zap the Sea With Electricity
An electrical stimulation technique turns beach sand into "natural cement," offering cost-effective coastal protection.Tom Howarth (Newsweek)
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I was reading through hoping they'd show they'd considered the impact on life, but nope. Two to three volts doesn't sound a lot, but if you're a small creature living half in brine it might be a big deal.
Plus the change in the sand that is the whole point, as you say.
OfCourseNot likes this.
See Project Oilsand/Project Cauldron where huge brains wanted to nuke the oil sands deposits thus turning the sand into a big glass crater with all the oil floating nicely inside ready for exploitation.
This sounds more useful to apply to specific, small portions of the sand, rather than applying it to an entire coastline.
"We can use it to strengthen the seabed beneath sea walls, stabilize sand dunes and retain unstable soil slopes. We could also use it to strengthen protection structures, marine foundations and so many other things. There are many ways to apply this to protect coastal areas."
Scientists Develop World’s Fastest Microscope — It’s So Fast It Can Capture Electrons Moving
The world's most powerful laser weapon -- blasts a car from a mile away!
A 30KW high-power laser was demonstrated by Lockheed Martin by disabling a vehicle more than a mile away.Tibi Puiu (ZME Science)
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With this microscope, we hope the scientific community can understand the quantum physics behind how an electron behaves and how an electron moves.
Since I am totally ignorant, what's the practical benefit of this?
Replicators with subscription plans, depending on product classes and value and WW3.
So a simple Tea-Machine will cost you 15 Bucks/m
but a cocktail mixer 4500,-
Each time we peer into the quantum world we do a shit load of what is called Fundamental Research. This fundamental research leads to new discoveries in our understanding of quantum physics which then leads on to commercial research to apply these new discoveries to engineer new things.
What this new tool does is unlock a whole new batch of fundamental research that can be done which in turn will advance what we can build on top of it.
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Essentially, yes.
In Minecraft this is the equivalent of crafting a hoe which unlocks the whole of agriculture in the game.
Nobody knows what discoveries we'll make and what will grow from these discoveries. Exciting times.
This is pretty amazing. I have a random shower thought about the headline at this point.
Microscopes are any device that can see things smaller than what we can manage with our own eyes.. But that range has become extremely massive. It's to the point where I'd really like a new set of terms for scopes based on the magnification levels.
That's for low magnification professional microscopes, like that thing jewelers use (apparently called a loupe)
Edit: damn, loupes are typically 10x so they would literally be deciscopes.
Astronomers think they’ve found a plausible explanation of the Wow! signal
Astronomers think they’ve found a plausible explanation of the Wow! signal
Magnetars could zap clouds of atomic hydrogen, producing focused microwave beams.Ars Technica
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MIT stopped subscribing to Elsevier journals, instead ordering materials as needed. It saved millions.
MIT leaders describe the experience of not renewing its largest journal contract as overwhelmingly positive. MIT has long tried to avoid vendor lock-in through big deal contracts and, in 2019, maintained individual title-by-title subscriptions to approximately 675 Elsevier titles. In 2020, they took the significant step of canceling the full Elsevier journals contract – all 675 titles – leaving users with immediate access to only pre-2020 backfile content. Since the cancellation, MIT Libraries estimates annual savings at more than 80% of its original spend. This move saves MIT approximately $2 million each year, and the Libraries provide alternative means of access that fulfills most article requests in minutes.
After laying the groundwork with faculty and university administrators, the transition has been relatively seamless with minimal push back from researchers. Most faculty have been supportive of the Libraries in taking a principled stand in line with MIT values and are finding alternative means of access to needed research without an Elsevier subscription. Four years out, the faculty who continue to be most challenged by lack of immediate access are in the life sciences.
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Buy our journal.
Written by you.
Edited by you.
Referreed by you.
Based on research paid for with public money.
The journal contribution is to sell the paper back to the people who provide their content.
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Plus you pay them to publish, not the other way around.
They charge for literally every step in the process, even the ones where in other systems you'd be the one charging them.
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Is the staggeringly profitable business of scientific publishing bad for science?
The long read: It is an industry like no other, with profit margins to rival Google – and it was created by one of Britain’s most notorious tycoons: Robert MaxwellStephen Buranyi (The Guardian)
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MIT OpenCourseWare
MIT OpenCourseWare is a web based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activityMIT OpenCourseWare
Definitely fuck them. The largest pro-privacy, entity really, ISP in Sweden had them sued for copyright trolling. I believe that Elsevier in response blocked any Bahnhof-customers. Bahnhof blocked Elsevier traffic with this tenner:
This was a big deal when working there because Bahnhof had a track record of not honoring requests to give out personal info or blocking any sites. The CEO also secretly recorded the FRA, our equivalent to the NSA, as they were trying to make a deal under the table to be able to spy on customers. There's even a video recreation (the server he's holding used to host Wikileaks)!
For more info about the Elsevier stuff: [](here's an official big post in Swedish).
SENASTE NYTT: Bahnhof blockerar internet - Bahnhof
Det holländska vetenskapliga förlaget Elsevier stämmer Bahnhof via Patent- och marknadsdomstolen för att våra internetanslutningar kan användas för att besöka hemsidor där det går att komma åt texter som Elsevier äger upphovsrätten till.bahnhof (Bahnhof)
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I wonder whether this is because the subscription method was overpriced compared to the number of articles they actually accessed or if academics are now just thinking twice about whether they really need to access a particular article if it's not easy and "free". I've certainly downloaded articles I never actually got around to reading.
It's still wild that universities don't just en masse refuse to use the for-profit journals. They services they provide could easily be managed and funded by a university consortium. They just need to actually make the leap.
New blog post: `grep`ping your `tty` and showing it too
How would one inspect the output of a program AND display it, but without temporary files or variables? tl;dr: Use tee(1) to duplicate stdout to /dev/tty, and allow it to be processed by grep.
Scientists Build a Simple Gel 'Brain' That Learns How to Play Pong Better
Scientists Build a Simple Gel 'Brain' That Learns How to Play Pong Better : ScienceAlert
A little blob of squishy transparent gel can not only play the video game Pong, it can get better at it over time.Michelle Starr (ScienceAlert)
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- Ep1:
- Ep2:
- Ep3:
Iconic Wow! Signal May Finally Have An Explanation (It’s Still Not Aliens)
After 47 Years, Cause Of The Mysterious Wow! Signal May Finally Be Solved
The cause of the most mysterious signal in the hunt for extraterrestrial intelligence may finally have been solved, and it’s only taken 47 years.Stephen Luntz (IFLScience)
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I swear that every year for the past 20 years:
- A signal from aliens is found
- A "structure" is discovered in space (the structure is gas)
- AIDS is cured
- Cancer is cured
- Evidence of water is found on Mars
My brain has boy-who-cried-wolf'd itself into ignoring stories about these topics because I've been trained to believe that they're bullshit lol
At least one of those has come true. Frozen water has 100% been confirmed on Mars.
Now, the wishful part this year is liquid water being detected underground by seismometers (sp?)
tl;dr the signal appears to have been from a cold hydrogen cloud "resonating" off of radiation bursts; namely, those emitted by neutron stars. The stronger the burst through the cloud, the louder the signal on equipment. The WOW! signal appears to have been the result of a particularly powerful event, but by observing the same/similar (?) gas cloud(s), they've been able to spot signals with the same signature, albeit weaker due to being hit by less rare (and less powerful) phenomena.
Some clarification might be needed on whether it's a specific cloud that produces this signal, or if any cold hydrogen clouds are capable of it. I couldn't seem to find any in the article itself. Maybe there's something in the published research paper that provides further information.
“To our horror”: Widely reported study suggesting divorce is more likely when wives fall ill gets axed
A widely reported finding that the risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill — but not when men do — is invalid, thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the original conclusions, published in the March issue of the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
The paper, “In Sickness and in Health? Physical Illness as a Risk Factor for Marital Dissolution in Later Life,” garnered coverage in many news outlets, including The Washington Post, New York magazine’s The Science of Us blog, The Huffington Post, and the UK’s Daily Mail .
But an error in a single line of the coding that analyzed the data means the conclusions in the paper — and all the news stories about those conclusions — are “more nuanced,” according to first author Amelia Karraker, an assistant professor at Iowa State University.
“To our horror”: Widely reported study suggesting divorce is more likely when wives fall ill gets axed
A widely reported finding that the risk of divorce increases when wives fall ill — but not when men do — is invalid, thanks to a short string of mistaken coding that negates the origina…Retraction Watch
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mozz, ShaunaTheDead, dandi8 and TVA like this.
Note that the retraction happened in 2015. I had heard of the original study but not the retraction. (I expect that I would have heard of neither the study nor the retraction if the study wasn't about a politically charged topic).
People who left the study were actually miscoded as getting divorced.
At least it was a stupid mistake rather than poor study design.
What we find in the corrected analysis is we still see evidence that when wives become sick marriages are at an elevated risk of divorce ... in a very specific case, which is in the onset of heart problems. So basically its a more nuanced finding. The finding is not quite as strong.
This on the other hand... I haven't read the corrected study but I suspect this does not account for the fact that four different classes of illness were looked at, both because that's a common mistake and because it makes no sense to me that men would divorce women with heart disease but not with cancer, stroke, or lung disease.
(The probability that at least one study out of four would have significance > 95% simply by chance is 1 - 0.95^4 = 0.18549375.)
Edit: Now I'm scared that I didn't do the math correctly. That tends to happen when I try to be pedantic. Also there were eight categories, not four. (They also looked at women divorcing men.)
In theory for multiple comparisons they “share” a value of P such that a significant result adjusted for four comparisons is evaluated against a P-value of (0.05/4) = 0.0125. This correction (called the Bonferroni correction) is the most restrictive method used for controlling family-wise error rate. Most researchers would adjust P using a less restrictive method, which is not necessarily wrong to do.…
Otherwise I agree with your logic
At least it was a stupid mistake rather than poor study design.
And one that kind of makes sense how it'd happen, too.
"We don't have any more data on these couples after a few sessions. What does that mean?"
"Oh, well we don't follow up with divorced couples, so we wouldn't have more data after the divorce date. Tag them as divorced."
Disclaimer: Hypothetical scenario I've imagined to explain the error. Not based in reality.
Interesting. The corrected data still leans in that direction.
Anecdotally, a friend of mine worked a few years helping people after traumatic brain injuries. She noticed the women always had a husband to help with their care, but all the men were devorced and alone.
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Drusas likes this.
Your anecdotal experience doesn't take into account weather the patients were divorced following the injury or if they were unmarried before the injury to begin with.
The study was looking into something totaly different.
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TVA likes this.
I wonder if some of that nuance is medical debt. If you divorce before the bills come in, can you get away with only the ill person getting the debt? If it's terminal, do you have a way to deny debt collectors by saying you're divorced?
Of course, the gender angle still suggests otherwise, but I imagine that's mostly a breadwinner/power dynamic that hopefully is changing with more women in the workforce.
I wonder if that plays any part in it.
Designed in Ergogen and KiCAD. Basically remade the Zilpzalp using the rufous Ergogen config then cut down the thumbs. Build the rest with jcmkk3’s great footprints and using the hummingbird matrix. Made firmware for ZMK but should also just work with standard hummingbird firmware. Lot’s of love to apfel, weteor, and PJE66 as well.…
GitHub - grassfedreeve/akohekohe: 26-key, column-staggered, unibody-split keyboard
26-key, column-staggered, unibody-split keyboard. Contribute to grassfedreeve/akohekohe development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
I might be a grumpy old keyboard enthusiast, but I am amazed by how keyboards just keep getting smaller and smaller.
Just out of interest, what is the benefit of having exactly as many keys as the alphabet?
EDIT: just looked at the keymaps and now I understand that you use key chords to replicate the missing keys. But I still don't get the benefit of using chording instead of a clearly marked key, for example for /.
Happy to answer as someone on the low key count side, simply put the benefit for me is comfort. Having a two key inner column reduces that awkward reach which is a pretty big improvement. I personally have pinkie pain so reducing pinkie keys completely down to just one key each lowers load and any reaches.
As noted you get rid of having dedicated keys as a side effect. By design those keys are low frequency or fit well with combos. Q and Z for example are super uncommon.
V is an almost a special case that works really well as a combo. V almost exclusively interacts with vowels, especially “e” and “i”. So with optimized layouts, it gets pushed to one of the worse positions on the consonant side. Usually top pinky or top inner.
The combo position is easier to reach and use over the pinkie or inner index. It is predictably preceded and followed by a vowel (or space), it is easy to keep a typing flow with the combo. (This V explanation is stolen and reworded from jcmkk3)
I’d say the same for / and quotes ring and middle move together and those combos are very comfortable compared to using your pinkies or at least my pinkies.
First biolab in South America for studying world’s deadliest viruses is set to open
First biolab in South America for studying world’s deadliest viruses is set to open
Construction is underway for the maximum-security Brazilian facility, which will face cost and regulatory hurdles.Rodrigues, Meghie
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I have no idea how this lab will operate, but these types of labs are often used by government agencies whose own countries have prohibited certain types of extremely dangerous and risky research.
There's actually a lot of good circumstantial evidence that the really big Ebola outbreak some years ago likely originated from a lab in neighboring country, that was being used by US government funded scientists, doing work that they were not legally allowed to do on US soil.
It's late and I'm tired so I am not going to dig up the reporting on that, but there has been some great coverage on the topic in the few years that it's worth reading up on.
Whether or not any of that has any relevance to this specific laboratory, or how they'll operate, I have no idea. Just pointing out that whatever upside can be gained by this type of research, is also accompanied by serious risks.……
Did West Africa's Ebola Outbreak of 2014 Have a Lab Origin? - Independent Science News | Food, Health and Agriculture Bioscience News
Were virologists covering up the role of a US funded pathogen lab in Sierra Leone when they blamed the 2014 West African Ebola outbreak on a Guinean boy?Jonathan Latham (Independent Science News)
I've read the reporting, looked into the journalists and researchers behind it, and find them credible.
If you don't, it doesn't affect me any.
Those are both pretty through examples of indepth investigative reporting, by credentialed and experienced independent journalists and researchers. There's plenty of threads to pull on once you start reading into it.
It's also been covered by Ryan Grim, former DC Beauru Chief for The Intercept. I believe he has recorded interviews up with either researchers from those articles, or some other journalists specializing in covering scientific and medical fields, I forget which.
They aren't conspiracy theories, at least, not according to the US Government and Biden's DoE:…
Circumstantial evidence, not conclusive either way, but clearly the Biden administration feels the evidence is weighted slightly more on the side you just called a conspiracy theory.
Which again, is all they allege for ebola, but unlike the co-author of that first paper I linked, I don't have a PhD in virology, so what do I know.
Someone else posted that link as well, see my response:…
Having a PhD doesn’t automatically make someone a reliable source, and the site it is published on isn’t exactly a respected journal.
Other direct quote:Some officials briefed on the intelligence said that it was relatively weak and that the Energy Department’s conclusion was made with “low confidence”
An article from a well-respected journal:…It really seems like the evidence points towards natural origins. And the article you linked doesn’t actually have the evidence, it only waves toward the existence of classified intelligence.
Is the Biden administration lead by conspiracy theorists as well?
Again, inclusive and circumstantial, but pretty far removed from crackpot conspiracy theories and tinfoil hats.
Direct quote from that NYT article I linked:
*In addition to the Energy Department, the F.B.I. has also concluded, with moderate confidence, that the virus first emerged accidentally from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a Chinese lab that worked on coronaviruses.*
Other direct quote:
Some officials briefed on the intelligence said that it was relatively weak and that the Energy Department’s conclusion was made with “low confidence”
An article from a well-respected journal:…
It really seems like the evidence points towards natural origins. And the article you linked doesn’t actually have the evidence, it only waves toward the existence of classified intelligence.
Can't wait for people to blame it for the next outbreak.
"It came from the same area as the lab!"
"Where would you put a lab designed to look for these kinds of things?"
"U so dumb."
Good, we need more BSL4 labs. The more we cut down forests and push into remote areas where bacteria, viruses, and fungi have always been endemic, the more we risk a catastrophic spillover event that will be magnified by rapid, worldwide flights and climate change making animals and diseases more present around humans. Fungi, for example, are thriving in warmer and wetter winters. We must be hypervigilant about new and evolving diseases, especially ones that might not yet have vaccines developed for them.
These labs will keep churning out research even in the event of catastrophic calamity in areas were most of our BSL4 labs reside (Europe, and North America).
Moon Was Once A Fiery Ball Of Molten Rock: ISRO Confirms In New Study
Moon Was Once A Fiery Ball Of Molten Rock: ISRO Confirms In New Study
The team has published the first scientific results from the instruments that flew to the Moon onboard the Pragyan Rover.NDTV
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Ancient tree resin artifacts provide earliest-known evidence of humans dispersing through the Pacific
Ancient tree resin artifacts provide earliest-known evidence of humans dispersing through the Pacific
Exactly when and how humans dispersed into and through the Pacific remains an intensely debated topic.Sandee Oster (
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NASA’s Webb Telescope Finds Evidence For An Ocean World Around Uranus
NASA’s Webb Telescope Finds Evidence For An Ocean World Around Uranus
NASA's Webb Telescope finds evidence for an underground ocean on Uranus moon Ariel, raising interest in future missions to explore the seventh planet and its moons.Jamie Carter (Forbes)
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Whatever you think you know about the future, guaranteed you're wrong.
Your science is the best we got right now, just like the science was in the past. Your predictions are the best we got right now. Your cool shit's going to look just as dumb to your grandchildren as those rubber monster suits in old movies. Your guesses about the future are going to look as dumb as an episode of the Jetsons.
Physicists reveal the role of ‘magic’ in quantum computational power – Physics World
Physicists reveal the role of ‘magic’ in quantum computational power – Physics World
Entanglement and magic interact in ways that impact quantum algorithms and physical systemsDaniele Iannotti (Physics World)
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It's always been magic, from the moment we convinced lightning to live inside rocks and do math for us. Every line of code: an incantation. Every monitor: a new orb to ponder.
Quantum computers are just deeper magicks than we have had before.
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Hidden Consciousness Detected in 25% of Unresponsive Patients Tested
cross-posted from:
Up to one in four patients who are unresponsive after suffering serious brain injuries might actually still be conscious – indicating more patients may be aware of their surroundings than previously realized, new research suggests.This state of 'hidden consciousness' is now officially known as cognitive motor dissociation (CMD), where cognitive (or thinking) abilities aren't connected to motor (or movement) abilities. Researchers have been looking into CMD for several years.
However, 62 percent of an additional 112 patients who were visibly responding to instructions at the bedside didn't exhibit the expected brain signals showing responsiveness – so the researchers suggest their methods still don't detect everyone with cognitive function.
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However, 62 percent of an additional 112 patients who were visibly responding to instructions at the bedside didn't exhibit the expected brain signals showing responsiveness – so the researchers suggest their methods still don't detect everyone with cognitive function.
AKA: kinda bullshit science. ~50% of the time they're seeing the wrong thing? That's not even in the range of what people would consider to be a hypothesis I'd say.
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John Scalzi’s got you covered:…
LOCK IN | Kirkus Reviews
In the near future, a meningitislike disease has killed millions and left a small percentage of survivors locked in—fully conscious, but unable to move any part of their bodies.Kirkus Reviews
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Metallica's first ever video. My teenage ass stumbled in one night, turned on Mtv's Headbanger Ball and saw, "The world premiere of Metallica's ONE!"
Jesus help me, did not expect that.
(For those not around at the time, Metallica swore to never sell out and do an Mtv video. Ever.)
Metallica swore to never sell out
They tricked me too. Then that Napster thing happened.
Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team
Well, this is surprising isn't it. Microsoft are handing over the Mono Project to the Wine developers with a thank you note.Liam Dawe (GamingOnLinux)
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
As in
“We’ve finished taking all we need from the Mono project and implemented it into our ~~proprietary~~ .NET implementation for Linux, Android and iOS. Instead of getting flack for killing off Mono (which is open source and would’ve been forked anyways) we graciously give this old husk to the Wine project. We recommend that active Mono users and maintainers of Mono-based app frameworks migrate to .NET. kthnxbye!”
Good thing that it went to Wine I guess, as they do lots of work to get old Windows programs up and running in Linux and that often involves Mono.
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It's MIT and actually a fork of Mono. Reading the article helps.
GitHub - dotnet/core: .NET news, announcements, release notes, and more!
.NET news, announcements, release notes, and more! - dotnet/coreGitHub
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Good thing that it went to Wine I guess, as they do lots of work to get old Windows programs up and running in Linux and that often involves Mono.
I see this as the main purpose of this transfer of ownership. When it comes to developing new software, MS has their modern tech stack for creating cross-compatible code, and the recommendation is to use that. But that is not helpful when trying to get old legacy software running on a modern system. So MS is giving this "outdated" technology to the WINE team. A team whose primary goal is getting incompatible software to run in the "wrong" environment. This should allow WINE to continue to properly handle older Mono software for the foreseeable future.
as in “your fork is official now, we have our own compatability in .net and there’s no need to maintain it”
The recognition is nice, but there hadn’t been a major release in over 5 years. I’d guess the outcome is mostly paperwork
Okay, a suspicious thanks to you, Microsoft...
...So when can we get this treatment for WMR so all our VR headsets don't become useless bricks kthaaaanks!
For that reason, Mono was avoided by linux app developers. But since MS had acquired the company that made and developed Mono
"You don't like it? Fine then, we buy it and force it on you!"
Classic Microshit.
Yes, Mono is used by Wine to support Windows .NET applications since it's a) open source and b) contains support for Windows Forms and other Windows-only APIs.
They can't ship the regular .NET framework by default for licensing reasons but it can be installed with winetricks to replace Mono, which is sometimes necessary for compatibility reasons.
What’s the difference?
Technicalities... it has been cross-posted, i hadn't noticed it.
Yea I know. But I still can't believe it.
Microsoft finally sees they can't code.
Microsoft maintains what is essentially the “real” version of Mono within their official .NET project. It is up to version 8.
The version of Mono represents by “The Mono Project” still targets .NET Framework ( stuck on version 4.x for years now ). Microsoft does not care about the real version, nevermind the Open Source replica.
What Microsoft is “donating” is pure legacy. It is a good fit for Wine though.
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melroy likes this.
The “fork” is the real version of Mono and Microsoft is not giving it up.
The repository managed by “The Mono Project” still targets .NET Framework. Microsoft does not care about the official version of that. Why would they want to manage an Open Source replica of it.
In some ways though, this is good. Nobody should be seeing the Mono Project as a viable cross-platform development framework at this point. It is nothing more than a support layer for running legacy software that was originally Windows only. That makes it a good fit for Wine.
If you want what Mono used to be, a cross-platform application framework, you can just use the actual .NET from Microsoft. It includes the Mono runtime for targeting mobile platforms and Microsoft continues to actively develop it. They are not passing control of that to anybody.
Used thinkpad ok for casual retro gaming?
Hi, want to buy some used hardware to run with Linux (Gnome DE ON Mint, Debian OR ElementaryOS). Mainly Office use, transcoding, but also for casual gaming Half-life 2 and maybe some more modern games.
Are Thinkpads with integrated GPUs sufficient for that?
Any nice alternatives which are sturdy and can be upgraded?
EDIT: thank you for all the helpful input. Will check AMD options!
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Tech Cyborg reshared this.
I've been enjoying my Thinkpad E16 that I got brand new from Best Buy.
Liking my new Thinkpad E16 AMD
Another update: I found a fix for my issue. I'm annoyed that I had it in the first place, but I overall still like my laptop.Important update in this post:
I still consider this a good laptop, but this is an important fix if you're using this on Debian 12. When 13 comes out next year, the out-of-box support of this laptop should be basically perfect.Anyhow, back to the original post:
I recently got a brand new laptop, a Thinkpad 21JT001PUS, to consolidate/replace my array of various on-the-go-Linux devices, and I have to say, I'm impressed. I know Thinkpad and Linux aren't news, but for such a recent device, I am surprised how well it works. The price wasn't bad (which makes up for the fact that it's a Zen 3 chip with DDR4, in my opinion), it has good upgradability (I'll touch a bit on my experience later), and hardware support was really good.I initially tested hardware support with Debian Testing Trixie XFCE (as that was the Live USB I happened to have on hand, since I often test devices and also keep it around as a backup for my desktop, which runs Testing). At first I couldn't get it to boot, but then I found the BIOS setting to enable non-Microsoft certificates. After that, I booted in and found everything worked out of the box (except the fingerprint sensor, of course, but that's extremely rare for any laptop anyway). However, after experience with my previous portable devices, I learned I prefer stable distributions on those, as during some parts of the year, I can go months without opening the laptop.
Thus, I retested with Bookworm. Almost everything worked still, except for the Wi-Fi (which seems to have been introduced in later kernel versions). Luckily, this thing has an ethernet port (From which it is HECK to remove cables - I've found I had to twist the end up a bit to get it out), so I was able to do an install and then add the Backports kernel to get Wi-Fi working.
One minor issue I had (a software fault rather than a hardware/kernel one) was Bluetooth headphones, but as it turned out, it was just that PulseAudio was installed instead of Pipewire, so after switching, it worked flawlessly with Blueman).
As for battery life, so far it seems okay (as I write this, it says 3:29 left at 51%), but I haven't rigorously tested it yet (though I threw on the usual tlp and stuff like that for good measure).
For performance, I once again haven't tested it too rigorously, but I did play some Civ VI, which it was keeping up with just fine.
The upgrabability of this laptop does have one caveat, though. The bottom is a bother to remove, and most Youtube crap conveniently glosses over them. For one, some of the screws would get loose but not come out all the way. I eventually found the trick was to throw some pry tool under the screw head to hold it up so I could get it the rest of the way out. After they were all out, the bottom cover STILL wouldn't budge. This too ended up being a matter of jamming a pick in one corner of the case and running another one to slowly pry up the bottom case on all sides. I lost a plastic tab or two in the process, but that doesn't show up on the outside, and I think 24 GB of RAM (and 2 TB of NVME 2280 storage + 256 GB, the Windows drive that I left in the 2242 bay) will be plenty for a long time.
Overall, I would say this is a great laptop for those who don't want to go the route of purchasing a used laptop for Linux. I'll say an 8.5 out of 10 due to the hard-to-remove bottom cover and weird ethernet port (Update: 8 out of 10 now due to the nasty Wi-Fi bug I had to fix with a few module options, see posts linked in top of page).
Here's the Linux Hardware probe:…
Stay away from the Thinkpad T580 with the Geforce MX150. It's horribly throttled and can't even run Quake 3 properly although it should actually be capable of running Doom 2016.
Might be the same with the T480.
I'd say if you get a Ryzen, yeah. I have a P14s gen4 AMD that I use for my primary machine, and game on successfully. But I also have an old T14s gen1 AMD that work let me keep when I got refreshed. Right now I have Windows on it, to play some games that don't work well in Proton, but it works fine in Linux as well.
If you can swing it, the T14s gen3 with a Ryzen 7 6850u was a truly excellent machine, it's what I have for work right now. But we won't see it coming off lease for another couple years, so it's a bit early for good prices on the used market.
I've got a 2015 T540p with integrated graphics. It's fine for low-spec gaming. I only run Linux-native games and haven't managed to get any Windows games running in compatibility mode yet. Here are the games that have "just worked" for me so far.
Dwarf Fortress
Cataclysm: Dark Day Ahead
Darkest Dungeon
Baldur's Gate 1 and 2
Caves of Qud
Unity of Command
Stardew Valley
Planescape: Torment
Shovel Knight
If that's the kind of retro gaming that floats your boat, an old Thinkpad is just fine.
I have an X220 with an i5-2520M, I don't use it for gaming but I have briefly played Half-Life 2 with it and it was comfortably playable.
So I would say mid-2000s titles and before will be fine. It really depends on the age the Thinkpad you want is, and the age of the games you want to play.
in reply to karashta • • •metallic_substance
in reply to Illegalmexicant • • •The Pantser
in reply to karashta • • •ohYouKnow
in reply to The Pantser • • •Is this why you posted the same comment twice?
Once here
And the other here
The Pantser
2024-08-24 02:24:12
The Pantser
in reply to ohYouKnow • • •yokonzo
in reply to The Pantser • • •ohYouKnow
in reply to The Pantser • • •Sanctus
in reply to ohYouKnow • • •intensely_human
in reply to The Pantser • • •CaptainSpaceman
in reply to The Pantser • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to The Pantser • • •I started getting high later in life (25) and had shit memory beforehand.
It's a bit less shit now, take that as you will.
in reply to karashta • • •ivanafterall ☑️
in reply to karashta • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to ivanafterall ☑️ • • •southsamurai
in reply to karashta • • •The publication itself, which seems to be legit, and well done.
Haven't had a chance to read all of it, but it isn't badly executed by a quick scan.
Edit: I've had a chance to read it in full.
About half of it is over my head. Just don't have the biochemical background to be able to interpret much of the metabolites they were measuring.
That being said, that stuff isn't actually important for casual interest.
Here's the key points I found:
First, the study was mice only. While mice are excellent for this kind of work, you can't guarantee things will be a 1:1 result in Holland p.
Second, the study was for low dose levels, and only delta-9 thc, with no other cannabinoids being used at all.
Third, the study was relatively short, with 42 days being the longer end.
Fourth, and this is the cool part, changes in the relevant metabolites and brain samples had benefit at the 14 day mark. So, if this do
... show moreThe publication itself, which seems to be legit, and well done.
Haven't had a chance to read all of it, but it isn't badly executed by a quick scan.
Edit: I've had a chance to read it in full.
About half of it is over my head. Just don't have the biochemical background to be able to interpret much of the metabolites they were measuring.
That being said, that stuff isn't actually important for casual interest.
Here's the key points I found:
First, the study was mice only. While mice are excellent for this kind of work, you can't guarantee things will be a 1:1 result in Holland p.
Second, the study was for low dose levels, and only delta-9 thc, with no other cannabinoids being used at all.
Third, the study was relatively short, with 42 days being the longer end.
Fourth, and this is the cool part, changes in the relevant metabolites and brain samples had benefit at the 14 day mark. So, if this does translate to human effects, short term, low dose use of delta-9 may be a valuable option. That's years away before this could be confirmed as valid for humans, but the effects were significant.
All of that means that just smoking weed, you aren't going to duplicate the conditions of the study. If you're taking in enough to get high, you're at a higher dose than the study, and that may cause an opposite effect long term.
This is a very focused experiment, with well defined limits and goals. The information gained can not be used as an indicator that smoking herb as an adult human will give any benefit, much less what is in the title of the article.
Think of this study as step one in maybe ten steps you get to the point where it would be useful for indicating benefits in humans, assuming everything went right along the way.
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in reply to southsamurai • • •southsamurai
in reply to pbbananaman • • •It was three different doses, 0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg per day
It was also delivered via subcutaneous pump, which is usually done with a mind towards a gradual dosing rather than a single push of the total amount all at once.
The kind of pump listed in the article previously linked was an osmotic pump.
Here's an excerpt from a different paper describing the various methods for substance delivery:
Osmotic pumps are internally implanted devices that use an osmotic displacement system to infuse a preloaded substance into an animal. Use of these pumps permits constant dosing without the need to handle an animal after the initial implant surgery. Extracellular fluid is absorbed at a constant rate by an osmotic salt layer immediately beneath the permeable outer membrane. As the osmotic layer absorbs fluid, it swells and puts pressure on an impermeable reservoir in the center of the pump. The reservoir then expels the loaded substance from the pump at
... show moreIt was three different doses, 0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg per day
It was also delivered via subcutaneous pump, which is usually done with a mind towards a gradual dosing rather than a single push of the total amount all at once.
The kind of pump listed in the article previously linked was an osmotic pump.
Here's an excerpt from a different paper describing the various methods for substance delivery:
Osmotic pumps are internally implanted devices that use an osmotic displacement system to infuse a preloaded substance into an animal. Use of these pumps permits constant dosing without the need to handle an animal after the initial implant surgery. Extracellular fluid is absorbed at a constant rate by an osmotic salt layer immediately beneath the permeable outer membrane. As the osmotic layer absorbs fluid, it swells and puts pressure on an impermeable reservoir in the center of the pump. The reservoir then expels the loaded substance from the pump at a constant rate through a flow moderator. The outflow can pass directly into the tissue surrounding the pump, or a cannula can be attached to the pump to direct the flow into a blood vessel or specific tissue.
Osmotic pumps are cylindrical in shape and come in sizes small enough for mice. These devices are surgically implanted either subcutaneously or intraperitoneally. The flow rate is fixed, and the duration of action varies from 3 d to 6 wk, depending on the size of the pump and the delivery rate selected. Pumps cannot be refilled but can be implanted sequentially to prolong dosing.
I'm not up on the dosing levels in humans, So I I don't have the ability to know offhand if 3mg/kg spread over the day is unusually high (pun partially intended) or not. There's a section I can't find easily (I'm actually dyslexic so it takes me a while to get through this kind of dense and complicated writing) where they mentioned having a higher dose as a point of comparison.
Administration of Substances to Laboratory Animals: Equipment Considerations, Vehicle Selection, and Solute Preparation
PubMed Central (PMC)pbbananaman
in reply to southsamurai • • •Thanks this is a lot of great detail on the dosing mechanism that I think is really interesting. I love reading up on the experimental details and the actually components used to make these experiments work.
300mg of orally ingested THC spread out over 24 hours is about equivalent to consuming 1 typical candy/gummy every hour for 24 hours of the day. A reasonable or average or normal person would be uncomfortably high at these dosages. I also imagine the bioavailability of oral ingestion is less than the dosing mechanism you described although I’m not sure (is that getting taken up through the lymphatic system? How does it differ from oral ingestion or injection into the bloodstream?).
Fascinating stuff, thanks for sharing your knowledge.
in reply to pbbananaman • • •Osmotic pumps tend to be equivalent to a transdermal patch in how the substance spreads through the body, but bypasses the need to go through skin. So, faster initially, but otherwise the dose over time would be the same, assuming the transdermal patch was able to maintain dosage (they aren't, there's a drop-off).
And, just as you said, the entire dose is taken in without any degradation by digestion, or being bound in something.
What I have zero clue about is what difference it would make in terms of numbers. It is equivalent in speed of uptake to subQ or IM injection, which is essentially immediate, just with a slight curve at the very beginning, so tiny it won't be noticeable to someone that experienced all those deliveries.
Vs IV, the initial release is slower with osmotic pumps, but the sustain of the pumps makes everything after that different.
Basically, the pump goes under the skin and leaks the substance into the intracellular fluids, to be taken up by capillaries into the bloodstream.
Yer Ma
in reply to karashta • • •fsxylo
in reply to karashta • • •OsrsNeedsF2P
in reply to fsxylo • • •CeruleanRuin
in reply to OsrsNeedsF2P • • •weariedfae
in reply to karashta • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to weariedfae • • •Most days I microdose by diluting extract in glycerine, roughly 1/4 of a joint paced out thru the day.
Works wonders for my EDS, and I don't feel high at all and have a ton more executive control.
Can't really reply on the cognitive decline but I'm pushing 50 and still in the top .5%
Long Covid did drop me a bit tho, but I guess when you start with a straight eight, losing two cylinders isn't so bad.
in reply to weariedfae • • •It would be better to microdose lithium if you really don't want to be high imo. 5-20mg range, can be intermittent (doses for bipolar are in the 100mg range and up). There's already lithium in some water supplies and in foods like potatoes, so a small amount in a microdose normally doesn't affect anyone negatively.………
I will say over time your body will adjust to cannabis so if you microdose at night consistently before bed, you'll just sleep it off anyway and eventually it won't even get you high anymore.
Beyond its Psychiatric Use: The Benefits of Low-dose Lithium Supplementation
PubMed Central (PMC)southsamurai
in reply to weariedfae • • •workerONE
in reply to karashta • • •remotelove
in reply to workerONE • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to remotelove • • •ikidd
in reply to karashta • • •HorseRabbit
in reply to karashta • • •LustyArgonian
in reply to HorseRabbit • • •Reefers 🫧
Eta: lol the downvote is even funnier
in reply to karashta • • •like this
Chozo likes this.
Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to Thorny_Insight • • •It can also be true independent of one's liking it.
That little aphorism you just trotted out is a thought terminating cliche, something that contributes nothing and artificially ends discussion.
You chose it deliberately to denigrate the study with zero evidence, and 11 people agreed with you.
Disturbing for lemmy.
in reply to Angry_Autist (he/him) • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to we_avoid_temptation • • •And now there's an explicit block here, free for you.
You don't get to 'it's just a prank bro' someone else's stupidity.
in reply to Angry_Autist (he/him) • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to obre • • •obre
in reply to Angry_Autist (he/him) • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to obre • • •I think I'd rather trust the opinion of my degreed therapist than some rando on the internet, and even with my neurodivergences, she considers me to be a mentally fit and motivated individual.
There really should be a consequence for amateur psychology copypastas.
in reply to Angry_Autist (he/him) • • •Angry_Autist (he/him)
in reply to obre • • •Again, she's got a degree, you likely don't. I trust her judgment and it hasn't been wrong in years. Please go bother someone else before I excise you from my internet experience forever.
Bitch I have been posting on the internet since before it had pictures, and if you think a thousand posts in a month is significant, then you don't want to hear about when I still had a reddit account.
Yes she knows, no she is not concerned and even considers it good therapy for me to practice handling my EDS, which I have to say has been a significant improvement in my quality of life. I mean just look at this post, I BARELY insulted you! 5 years ago that wouldn't be the case and confronted with your rancid presence I would likely already be banned.
You are concern trolling and on any rational media platform that should be an instaban.
in reply to obre • • •ShepherdPie
in reply to CeruleanRuin • • •Lost_My_Mind
in reply to Thorny_Insight • • •AlecSadler
in reply to karashta • • •tyrant
in reply to AlecSadler • • •TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
in reply to karashta • • •A chronic low dose of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) restores cognitive function in old mice - Nature Medicine
in reply to karashta • • •RobotToaster
in reply to Grass • • •LustyArgonian
in reply to karashta • • •Boomkop3
in reply to karashta • • •MonkderVierte
in reply to karashta • • •sinceasdf
in reply to karashta • • •Lmao benzinga the pinnacle of science news
There is a real study it's referencing at least but these fucks are probably just trying to pump weed stocks
in reply to sinceasdf • • •sumguyonline
in reply to karashta • • •Want to improve your brain? Find consistent ways to reduce stress and perform them daily(like an hour walk outside). That will make you feel and think like a younger you.
in reply to sumguyonline • • •Dkarma
in reply to ShepherdPie • • •Matriks404
in reply to karashta • • •Well, I don't know if we'll be able to reverse brain aging anytime soon, but we at least know some ways of slowing it down, like by language learning or some other mental tasks.
I personally recommend at least giving a try for learning a new foreign language, it's fascinating journey and even it might be hard at first it's very satisfying in the end. And some people might say that it's not worth it because of AI, but come on, you can still do it for fun, and bigger cultural understanding.
Captain Poofter
Unknown parent • • •Plopp
Unknown parent • • •werefreeatlast
in reply to karashta • • •Omgpwnies
in reply to werefreeatlast • • •THCDenton
Unknown parent • • •ashok36
Unknown parent • • •UNY0N
in reply to Captain Poofter • • •Dkarma
Unknown parent • • •Dkarma
in reply to UNY0N • • •Kintarian
in reply to karashta • • •Leate_Wonceslace
in reply to Kintarian • • •