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in reply to Laurens Hof

Mozilla certainly has the capacity to run a server but decided that it didn't further their business goals. Plenty of other organizations will see the benefit of fediverse participation, whether on their own servers or hosted space.

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in reply to Leaflet

Still just experimental fractional scaling...

I don't think the rounded circles for buttons in the file dialog looks good, but that's hopefully just the default theme.

in reply to 1984

There is no alternative theme, when it comes to rounding or spacing
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to 1984

Yeah, strange design choice since the other buttons in theUI are not pill shaped.

Aside from that things look very nice.

in reply to threeganzi

Yeah I think that round shape looks seriously out of place. You would never see something like that outside of gnome, in any app.

But alright, it is what it is.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Pregnancy completely rewires mothers' brains — study

The researchers found sweeping changes in overall brain neuroanatomy which unfolded week by week during the pregnancy.

Inside Chrastil's brain, grey matter volume, cortical thickness, white matter microstructure, and ventricle volume all changed.

The changes were all over the brain too — "over 80% of my brain regions showed reductions in grey matter volume," Chrastil said.

Neuroanatomical changes observed over the course of a human pregnancy. Published by Pritschet, L., Taylor, C.M., Cossio, D. et al. in Nature Neuroscience (September 2024).…

in reply to namingthingsiseasy

this is the first study to consistently map brain changes during pregnancy, write the study authors in their paper.

"It's 2024 and this is the first glimpse we have of this fascinating neurological transition. There is so much about the neurobiology of pregnancy we don't understand yet. It's a biproduct of the fact that biosciences have historically ignored women's health," said Jacobs.

I knew that there were fundamental neurological changes that occurred during pregnancy, but had no idea that there hadn't been a comprehensive brain mapping study done yet. There is a surprising amount of sexism in academia.

in reply to namingthingsiseasy

The changes were all over the brain too — "over 80% of my brain regions showed reductions in grey matter volume," Chrastil said.

Grey matter is brain tissue with high concentrations of neuron cell bodies, where information is processed. Reductions in grey matter volume are sometimes associated with reduced memory and cognitive function.

However, the study authors say a reduction in grey matter during pregnancy isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's more like a wave of brain refinement as the brain prepares for motherhood — like the process of chiseling a block of marble into a sculpture.

Seems like an overly positive framing of the effect.

De exploderande personsökare som Israel har använt vid sin terrorattack i Libanon var av en modell, AR-924, som tagit fram av det taiwanesiska företaget Gold Apollo har inte tillverkats i Taiwan. Enligt företaget ska tillverkningen ha lagts ut på det ungerska företaget BAC Consulting KFT.…

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

PeerTube 6.3 released

This is the last minor release before v7, but it's packed with interesting new features
- Separate audio and video streams for more flexibility
- Browse subtitles in the transcription widget
- Set up Youtube-dl for smoother imports
- And much more!

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Krypterad kommunikationstjänst har slagits ut i en internationell polisoperation. Svensk polis har i en internationell polisoperation tillsammans med Europol, Eurojust och rättsvårdande myndigheter i åtta länder slagit ut en krypterad kommunikationstjänst som möjliggjort grov organiserad brottslighet.…

PeerTube v6.3 released!

in reply to Framasoft

I guess I'm asking this before I register.

I still don't get PeerTube. Is it like Lemmy, where signing up to one "platform" gives you access to other platform's content with the same login? Or is each platform separate and only videos there will be shown?

in reply to Showroom7561

It's federated like Lemmy, so each platform has 'local videos' and an 'all videos' section. E.g. and

Of course, since it's federated, it means other platforms like PieFed, MBIN and Mastodon can access the same stuff, so you don't need to register anywhere if you're on one of them.

in reply to Andrew

Why can't peertube use lemmy accounts too?

Couldn't they just join the fediverse like masterdon?

in reply to MisterD

Just a temporary thing with Lemmy I think - PeerTube (like Lemmy and Mastodon) are already part of the fediverse. You used to be able to successfully subscribe to PeerTube channels from Lemmy (when it was on 0.18), and likely will be able to in future (it's just a Lemmy bug that needs a fix).

Åtal väckt för omfattande narkotikabrottslighet. Åklagare har väckt åtal mot en 27-årig man för två fall av synnerligen grov narkotikasmuggling och två fall av grovt narkotikabrott. Vidare för ett fall av försök till grovt narkotikabrott, ett fall av synnerligen grovt vapenbrott och grov smuggling.…

Kvoten för sill (strömming) i Bottenhavet kan öka. Forskningen är klar på denna punkt. Internationella Havsforskningsrådet (ICES) har kommit med sina råd om fisket i Bottenhavet år 2025. Rekommendationen är en kvot av sill (strömming) på mellan 66 466 och 74 515 ton.…

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Sverige mot organiserad brottslighet“ (SMOB) är ett initiativ som syftar till att stärka Sveriges samlade förmåga att bekämpa den organiserade brottsligheten med särskilt fokus på den kriminella ekonomin.…

Personsökare exploderade. Hizbollah vill kunna kommunicera utan att bli avlyssnade eller spårade. Det betydde att det bytte utrustning regelbundet och dessutom tycks ha valt använda äldre teknologi och personsökare istället för mobiltelefoner och krypterade chattprogram.…

Bigfive Personality Test

Just wanted to highlight this project because I've had to take many personality tests for school and work and things, and this is the most accurate one I've seen, and the only one where I feel I'm actually learning about myself from the results.

So if you need a personality test for any reason this one's pretty good.

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in reply to Eyck_of_denesle

Do sociopaths care about drawing attention to themselves to deal with their own feelings of inadequacy?

in reply to just_another_person

After decades of journalists attaching the suffix "gate" to anything even remotely scandalous, I was disappointed that I never heard anyone embrace the full stupidity of this practice by referring to this story as "Oceangate-gate"
in reply to toast

After some thought, I've decided that we should refer to this apparent lapse by journalists as "Oceangate-gate-gate"
in reply to toast

I’ve never understood why gate is used as a suffix in this way.
in reply to ThunderComplex

It originated from the Watergate scandal iirc. Watergate being the Watergate hotel but I guess water and gate are easy to separate and -gate kind of works as a suffix.

in reply to vovo

Is that a shoe that looks like a keyboard or a keyboard that looks like a shoe?
in reply to vovo

Reminds me of Reef sandals, at least some of which have bottle openers on the sole.

Using them for that purpose seems ... Ill advised.

Mozilla exits the fediverse and will shutter its Mastodon server in December

Mozilla announced it will shut down its Mastodon server,, on December 17, allowing users to download their data or migrate to another instance.

This decision follows Mozilla’s strategic shift to focus on Firefox and AI, scaling back on other projects like VPN, Relay, and its involvement in the fediverse. had only 270 active users at the time of the announcement, and Mozilla plans to take a more modest approach to participating in the Mastodon ecosystem in the future.

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