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Ingenting blir bättre med fler övervakningskameror. Det fnns inte ett enda belägg eller bevis fö ratt fler övervakningskameror ger minskad brottslighet eller bättre uppklarning av brott. Visserligen kan kameror underlätta en del brottsutredningar men det handlar då i allmänhet om utredningar av brott som polisen skulle löst ändå. De brott som de inte löser idag kommer de inte heller att lösa med fler kameror.…

Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS

Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

That's because all they do is WORK so HARD! They work SO Hard that they can be CEO of MULTIPLE Companies as well as a Government Agency! WOW! How do they MANAGE all that TIME!
in reply to BigMacHole

Slave driving is hard work ok, the labor isn't going to exploit itself.

in reply to The Spectre

Israel is guilty of genocide and will be held accountable. I understand this is the Israeli flag, but this meme is treading a line dangerously close to antisemitism. There are those who will not see a flag. They will see a symbol, The Star of David, many peaceful people display.

The Star of David globally represents millions of Jews who are among those most against the Israeli occupation. Not only do they have the same abhorance of the unspeakable violence committed against Palestinians, Israel has hijacked their religion, cultural heritage, and the symbol representing their their passivist philosophy.

Memes like this have the potential to create hardship for Jews in the same way Muslims were persecuted in the aftermath of 911. I have personally seen the defacement of mosques. The same has already happened to synagogues. A jokes may seem innoculous, but they can beget additional violence. Take caution when making ones such as this.

(Before someone fronts Reductio ad Hitlerum, the swastika and Star of David are not even remotely the same thing)

in reply to dosuser123456

Having your spacecraft ripped apart by floating point rounding errors was part of the charm, and I'm sure that some speedrunner has used a massive disintegration bomb to cause the physics calculation frame to hang and phase through an obstacle.
in reply to rtxn

there's a whole sub-community around building physics exploit driven crafts:

look up "kraken drives" ;)

in reply to dosuser123456

Glitched/bug machines are the best in games, I used to enjoy Reid Captain on YT when he would use some physics bending engine to move so fast it's basically like teleportation.

Here's Some Rare KDE Apps You Might Not Have Heard About

KDE has a massive collection of app, and I combed through them to find some of the lesser-known hidden gems that people may not be aware of. Here is a list of my favorites.
- Kirogi: A ground control software. It only supports a few drones right now, but should get MAVLink support in the future.
- KStars: An astronomy software that lets you view the positions of planets and stars, as well as a whole lot of other features related to astronomy.
- Licentia: A license comparison app. It lets you view and compare free software licenses. It has the full license text as well as a simplified list of features of it.
- KDE Itinerary: An app for travel planning. Well designed, with detailed station views courtesy of Openstreetmap.
- KTrip: Similar to Itinerary, a public transport navigation app
- Alpaka: An Ollama client for running LLMs
in reply to potentiallynotfelix


I'll add that KStars has a really powerful astrophotography suite called Ekos. It has lots of helpful automation features to make imaging relatively simple to setup.

Snart har vi bara en mediekoncern. Bonniers är Sveriges största mediekoncern. De är dessutom delägare i Gota Media och har precis blivit delägare i NWT Media. NWT Media är Sveriges tredje största mediekoncern genom att de också är huvudägare tillsammans med Schibsted AS i Polaris Media ASA som i sin tur är kontrollerande ägare i Stampen Media AB som bland annat ger ut GP.…

Seems .world and .ee federation are broken

Is it a .world or a .ee issue?

Seems .world to .ee is broken so i wont be seeing anyone's comments from .world and the rest of the fediverse probably wont see this.

Heres ya issue:…

Edit found more info

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to 🇦🇺𝕄𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕𝕔𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕕𝕚𝕝𝕖

I see it? Maybe I just haven’t noticed but I think .world is fine for me?

Edit: nvm you might be right. I just checked my posts in ! They normally get 60-100 up votes but the last one only got 3.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

New Charter for the W3C SocialCG

I want to draw attention to an administrative process at the W3C Social Web Community Group (SocialCG), the standards group that manages ActivityPub and Activity Streams 2.0 and a number of other open social networking standards. The group is considering
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

reshared this

Konflikten mellan Farsta yngre och Farsta äldre. Farsta äldre är ett kriminellt nätverk som existerat under lång tid. Nätverkets bas finns i Farsta strand och de kallas i allmänhet, Farsta-Fagersjönätverket.…

in reply to no_nothing

I owned the NES version of Skate or Die when I was a kid. One of the games I stupidly sold after getting a Sega genesis, though.

Omfattande cigarettsmuggling avslöjad i Karlshamn. Klockan 11:00 på förmiddagen den 22 september rullade en litauisk lastbil av färjan i Stillerydshamnen, Karlshamn. En tulltjänsteman beslutade att kontrollera lasten.…

Malmer och mineraler i reformisternas landsbygdsprogram. Reformisternas landsbygdsprogram börjar kapitlet om gruvbrytning med ett helt felaktigt påstånende om att det inte öppnats några nya gruvor i Sverige på decennier. Det är bara att kolla på Wikipedia så går det att hitta ett antal gruvor som öppnats de senaste decennierna.…

Have you done tests to see if sites or places you send information to can view them?

For instance, People I know that are using Eventbrite for private event registration. To sign up for the event with or without an account, you have to write and confirm your email in the boxes, I did some looking up to see if hosts can see the email. I didn't find any answers so I made a Reddit post asking, and got a reply saying "No, they can't. Eventbrite deletes them as soon as you submit the form." I wanted to be sure so I created a private test event and registered for it in a private window. I then went to my event dashboard and clicked on the ticket # where I can in fact view it (the email shown is made up).


I only asked Perplexity after trying to find out myself. It did in fact find the answer (link #8: View your Attendee Summary report): "Review attendee purchase details like email address ..." I've found LLMs and search tools like Perplexity to be unreliable for answering questions like this for websites, as well as software. Which means I may not turn to them in cases where they actually would help. It's too bad they hallucinate a lot too.

OBS Studio 31.0.0 released

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to petsoi

is abandoning kepler related to the higher gpu driver requirement or anti cheat architecture or both? i can't imagine this change saving more than a few megabytes
in reply to SitD

They bumped the NVENC SDK to a more recent version with new features, I guess this is the part that dropped Kepler support technically speaking