Ingenting blir bättre med fler övervakningskameror. Det fnns inte ett enda belägg eller bevis fö ratt fler övervakningskameror ger minskad brottslighet eller bättre uppklarning av brott. Visserligen kan kameror underlätta en del brottsutredningar men det handlar då i allmänhet om utredningar av brott som polisen skulle löst ändå. De brott som de inte löser idag kommer de inte heller att lösa med fler kameror.
Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS
Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS | ABS-CBN News
Billionaires have seen their combined wealth shoot up 121 percent over the past decade to $14 trillion, Swiss bank UBS said Thursday, with tech billionaires' coffers filling the fastest.Agence France-Presse (ABS-CBN)
Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS
Billionaires' wealth more than doubles in 10 years: UBS | ABS-CBN News
Billionaires have seen their combined wealth shoot up 121 percent over the past decade to $14 trillion, Swiss bank UBS said Thursday, with tech billionaires' coffers filling the fastest.Agence France-Presse (ABS-CBN)
No matter if its a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Jinping, Putin or Netanyahu (or some political conglomerate), and no matter where the injustice and moral corruption began or what once was, the people have to stand up against a corrupt system at that point. Of they don't they are indeed complicit, every single time.
The great majority of adult Israelis are militant settler-colonizers
link: Conscription in Israel
Since the Israeli Declaration of Independence in 1948, fixed-term military service has been compulsory in Israel.
I don't see how your statement and the hyper-texted link are relevant. I went through the sections but it's just their basic military service that a lot of countries require?
This is not in defense of a government, just want to make sure we're not making vague blanket statements on a populace.
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Dessalines likes this.
Israel is guilty of genocide and will be held accountable. I understand this is the Israeli flag, but this meme is treading a line dangerously close to antisemitism. There are those who will not see a flag. They will see a symbol, The Star of David, many peaceful people display.
The Star of David globally represents millions of Jews who are among those most against the Israeli occupation. Not only do they have the same abhorance of the unspeakable violence committed against Palestinians, Israel has hijacked their religion, cultural heritage, and the symbol representing their their passivist philosophy.
Memes like this have the potential to create hardship for Jews in the same way Muslims were persecuted in the aftermath of 911. I have personally seen the defacement of mosques. The same has already happened to synagogues. A jokes may seem innoculous, but they can beget additional violence. Take caution when making ones such as this.
(Before someone fronts Reductio ad Hitlerum, the swastika and Star of David are not even remotely the same thing)
The Incredibles (2004)
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originalucifer and Dessalines like this.
your Ivy's who are doing a net positive for the world but the methods are technically illegal.
All vigilantism is technically illegal
Also you ever notice that the most common crime that superheroes fight is robbing of banks, jewellery stores, etc? And they cause TONS of collateral damage to the surrounding city while doing so?
Oh you're a struggling worker living in a run down studio apartment next to the bank? Fuck you, a plasma bolt through your window incinerating everything you own is absolutely worth the banker oligarch losing the tiniest amount of capital in the eyes of this city's supposed saviour!
Oh you're riding the train on your way to your dead end wage slave job? Hope you don't mind the fighter for all things good using that train as a projectile to launch at the villain! Just pull your broken legs up by their bootstraps and crawl out of the wreckage of your train to work, peasant.
Oh you're the bank teller working minimum wage? You wouldn't mind if we turned this already dangerous holdup you're caught in into a literal fucking warzone with lasers and missiles right? After all, it doesn't matter if you die horrifically as long as the money is safe!
All popular depictions of super"heroes" were always in the best interests of the bourgeoisie, not the citizens. They're even depicted to have largely replaced the police in their cities. They're not superheroes, they're just supercops.
The Incredibles isn't Randian propaganda by any stretch. This interpretation is wildly missing the film's messages about society. Brad Bird, the director, called the "Ayn Rand" interpretation of the film "nonsense" and "ridiculous" in multiple interviews when this interpretation started getting parroted by people who didn't get the point of the film.
I think it got misinterpreted a few times. Some people said it was Ayn Rand or something like that, which is ridiculous. other people threw Nietzsche around, which I also find ridiculous. But I think the vast majority of people took it the way I intended. Some people said it was sort of a right-wing feeling, but I think that's as silly of an analysis as saying The Iron Giant was left-wing. I'm definitely a centrist and feel like both parties can be absurd.
I'm definitely a centrist and feel like both parties can be absurd.
is he thinking of the dems and the republicans? lmfao terminally american.
So, can you tell me in your own words what scene(s) in the film makes you think this Randian interpretation is valid?
I've seen this film more than most people (it's my favorite movie; I've seen it probably two dozen times since it released), and I am comfortable discussing any scene wherein you think the viewer's takeaway is meant to be that "the unexceptional are intimidated by exceptional people and force them to perform inadequacy for the comfort of others and how this is a net loss for society."
Average atmospheric CO2 concentration breaches 420 PPM for the first time in recorded history
South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol survives impeachment vote
South Korean president Yoon Suk Yeol survives impeachment vote
Lawmakers narrowly failed to pass a bill to censure Yoon Suk Yeol after he declared martial law on Tuesday.Aleks Phillips (BBC News)
National Assembly says "We oppose trying to turn the country into an outright dictatorship, that was bad... but we're not going to punish you for it."
He'll do it again when he's more prepared. Trump team is taking notes too.
Civ doesn't compare at all, it is nothing. Completing the main scenario (building a silo and launching a rocket) can take days to weeks if you jump in with zero knowledge.
Factorio is the definition of a dopamine drip. You start with a pickaxe and work your way up through the technology tree. Coal, coal-burning mining rigs, smelting furnaces, conveyor belts, coal-burning inserters, steam generators, electricity, assemblers, vehicles, oil processing, chemical processing, better generators, better automation, more complex materials... and that's just the individual items. You'll have to build assembly lines for increasingly complex items, transport networks with conveyor belts, pipes, or trains, find raw material quarries and wells because everything is finite, then either manage air pollution or expect to be overrun by alien bugs. Small individual steps, but they add up very quickly and there's always something to do.
I'm forcing myself not to buy the recently released expansion because I know I'll lose days to it. If you have ADHD or a thing for automation, it is stupidly addictive. The factory must grow.
If you have ADHD or a thing for automation, it is stupidly addictive.
i have both of those things. i’m a bit scared of what will happen if i buy this game. i still want to play it someday when i have a bit more free time, but it sounds like it’s probably best to wait a bit. its already hard enough to resist the urge to start new civ6 games. thank you for the comparison, it was very helpful.
there's a whole sub-community around building physics exploit driven crafts:
look up "kraken drives" ;)
Here's Some Rare KDE Apps You Might Not Have Heard About
- Kirogi: A ground control software. It only supports a few drones right now, but should get MAVLink support in the future.
- KStars: An astronomy software that lets you view the positions of planets and stars, as well as a whole lot of other features related to astronomy.
- Licentia: A license comparison app. It lets you view and compare free software licenses. It has the full license text as well as a simplified list of features of it.
- KDE Itinerary: An app for travel planning. Well designed, with detailed station views courtesy of Openstreetmap.
- KTrip: Similar to Itinerary, a public transport navigation app
- Alpaka: An Ollama client for running LLMs
I'll add that KStars has a really powerful astrophotography suite called Ekos. It has lots of helpful automation features to make imaging relatively simple to setup.
Snart har vi bara en mediekoncern. Bonniers är Sveriges största mediekoncern. De är dessutom delägare i Gota Media och har precis blivit delägare i NWT Media. NWT Media är Sveriges tredje största mediekoncern genom att de också är huvudägare tillsammans med Schibsted AS i Polaris Media ASA som i sin tur är kontrollerande ägare i Stampen Media AB som bland annat ger ut GP.
Seems .world and .ee federation are broken
Is it a .world or a .ee issue?
Seems .world to .ee is broken so i wont be seeing anyone's comments from .world and the rest of the fediverse probably wont see this.
Heres ya issue:…
Edit found more info
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originalucifer, Chozo, Auster and Blackout like this.
Wait, how do they get that data remotely? I was looking at my instance vs world and I saw there's like the +1 hour from a week or so ago when I upgraded to latest mbin lol.
I guess they're looking at common activities and when they appear on each?
lemmy has a public api that shows the federation queue state for all linked instances.
it provides the internal numeric id of the last activity that was successfully sent to an instance, as well as the timestamp of the activity that was sent, and also when it was sent. it also includes data like how many times sending was unsuccessful since the last successful send. each instance only knows about its own outbound federation, but you can just collect this information from both sides to get the full picture.
there is also… to look at the details provided by a specific instance.
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r00ty likes this.
We can see it ourselves. We use rabbitmq for incoming (and maybe outgoing, it's been a while since I looked at how it is) federation. So, you can see the queues there. For incoming (from rabbitmq) and outgoing there are also queues (symfony messenger) and these handle failures and can be configured and can be queried.
After the upgrade I just took the default configuration again (because it seems queue names changed). But I used to have various rules setup in rabbitmq for retries and it took a fair few tries before the messages ended up in the proper "failed" queue (which needs manual action to retry). Some items you eventually need to clear (instances that just shutdown, or instances that lost their domain for example). They will never complete.
But it's not exposed in any way to my knowledge. Well unless people have their rabbitmq web interface open and without login of course.
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sunzu2 likes this.
I can see the post from my .world account
Looking at incoming request. .world is working OK for me. They seem to be batching stuff like I'll get nothing for 30 seconds, then over 3 seconds like 50+ requests.
Of course I don't know if their queue is backed up and I'm getting delayed stuff. I'd need to stop processing and look into the incoming queue to see what they're sending.
Bit of an edit. Looking at incoming again I can see under newest items, an entry from world that was 11 minutes old. Oh I have an idea. I'll see if this edit gets there in a timely manner.
Spoiler alert, it was instant.
Oh ignore me. It's specifically between those two instances I guess.
I think it must be hit/miss. Because I think those edits I made would have gone from my instance to world and then from world to .ee, and it was happening within seconds.
So, presumably random stuff is being dropped or delayed?
Yeah ur right. Everything going on here must go through .world as it is the community. Which makes it even weirder that we dont have .world users federaring out.
My understanding of federation is ur events get sent to ur instance ( ur instance sends those events to the instance of the relevent community ( the instance of the community sends that event to all instances subscribed to that community (,, etc) my instance receives that event then notified me.
So this conversion is goibg through .world just that .world users events seem not to be gettibg sent to .ee
I think we need someone smarter than both of us to fix this
Filtered word: nsfw
it's not just
of the larger instances, the following have trouble sending activities to currently:
- -> 2.81d behind
- -> 1.04d behind
- -> 22.5h behind
i pinged on matrix about 30h ago already about the issues with federation from, as it was the first one i noticed, but I haven't heard back yet.
Admins have been talking about it, it looks like it has something to do with banning/unbanning users. Sometimes a ban/unban doesn't want to propagate to .ee and that causes a logjam somehow.
Smarter people than me are looking at it!
I see it? Maybe I just haven’t noticed but I think .world is fine for me?
Edit: nvm you might be right. I just checked my posts in ! They normally get 60-100 up votes but the last one only got 3.
New Charter for the W3C SocialCG
I want to draw attention to an administrative process at the W3C Social Web Community Group (SocialCG), the standards group that manages ActivityPub and Activity Streams 2.0 and a number of other open social networking standards. The group is considering a new charter to define how decisions are made and how the members work together. This might seem like a minor process, but it’s actually part of a bigger deal for the Fediverse. To see why, you need to understand the structure of the W3C.
The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) is the standards organization that specifies the Web platform, like HTML (kind of), CSS, and RDF. It also is the organization that standardized ActivityPub and AS2 in 2019. The W3C process requires a special kind of group, called a Working Group, to create official recommendations on the part of the organization. Working Groups can have members nominated by the W3C member organizations, as well as some Invited Experts.
The W3C has another structure, called a Community Group, that’s much looser. Anyone can join a community group, as long as they sign the Contributor License Agreement, which grants a copyright and patent license to the work they do with the group. Community Groups don’t produce formal recommendations in the W3C; they can produce Community Group Reports, which can be documents, software, or really anything.
So, the Social Web Working Group created and edited ActivityPub and AS2 back in the mid-2010s. The group had a charter that extended into 2018; it was extended to early 2019 so the work on ActivityPub could be finished. The working group was then disbanded. A new Community Group, the SocialCG, had been started in 2017. It took over the process of supporting new extensions to AP and AS2, as well as maintaining the errata for the two main documents. Importantly, it can’t make major changes to the documents themselves — that requires a working group.
The experience of developers and users over the last decade in using ActivityPub has pointed out some real needs for updates to the documents. The W3C staff have asked the SocialCG to draft a charter for a new working group that could make backwards-compatible changes to these documents — adding clarifications, and possibly including new features. This would be great for the specifications, great for the Social Web, and great for the Internet at large.
The problem is that there isn’t a clear relationship between the boundaries of the new working group and the boundaries of the community group. What input would members of the community group have in the editing of the updated ActivityPub documents? Especially given that W3C members tend to be more commercial and institutional than the mostly Open Source developers who work in the SocialCG, there is a concern that a new Social Web Working Group would prioritize the needs of corporate developers with lots of resources, at the expense of Open Source devs making code for small communities.
The answer we’ve landed on is to implement a stage process, in which new ideas are initiated and documented as Community Group Reports before the Working Group takes them up for possible inclusion the main recommendation documents — or becoming new recommendations on their own. This process has worked well in other Community Groups at W3C, and the W3C staff is really supportive of it.
One problem with this process for the SocialCG is that we never adopted rules for how we make decisions when we started the group. We agreed casually to use the same consensus-based mechanisms we’d used in the Social Web Working Group, but never put together an official charter for the group. This casual structure has worked well for a long time, but in order to set up this more formal staging process, we need to have a more formal decision-making process.
The good news is that the norm in the W3C, as in most Internet standards organization, is to use consensus-based decision-making. So, the new SocialCG proposed charter has a lot of casual consensus, too, as well as pretty open participation on a very peer-oriented basis. It’s about the minimum structure you need to have a long-running organization.
So, let me recap: we want updated, backwards-compatible versions of ActivityPub and Activity Streams 2.0 with more clarity and maybe even new features. In order to get those, we need a Working Group. In order to get that, we need to establish a stage process. And in order to adopt the stage process, we need to have a new CG charter. So: CG charter leads to stage process leads to WG leads to new specs leads to new features.
The Community Group intends to consider approving the new CG charter at its January 2025 meeting. So, people interested in ActivityPub, standardization, and group dynamics in general are invited to review the documents and submit GitHub issues or comment on existing issues. If you’re not already a member of the SocialCG, you can join in a just a few minutes. It’s also reasonable for non-members to comment or make suggestions.
This work is complicated, but it’s also fascinating, and it is an exciting part of putting ActivityPub on a solid footing for the future.
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Fediverse Report reshared this.
Konflikten mellan Farsta yngre och Farsta äldre. Farsta äldre är ett kriminellt nätverk som existerat under lång tid. Nätverkets bas finns i Farsta strand och de kallas i allmänhet, Farsta-Fagersjönätverket.
If only my corpo MFA was this cool
Actually, hell no - they'd probably use their acceptable computer use policy as the source document or something equally lame
Yes, it was! In fact, this wasn't uncommon! Several early PC titles would ask you questions and point you to the page in the manual.
Another one was Code Rings, cardboard discs you had to align words/symbols on to get the code to play the game.
If you lost your manual/ring, or bought a second hand copy without one, you were absolutely fucked on playing your game.
"I'm here for the third option."
"Excuse me?"
"You know, the Gen X model. Give me the Skull Skates shirt and the Apathy sticker."
My city dismantled our little skate park around 2022, and my wife and I were kinda sad to see it go.
The city then built a whole new one in its place that's at least ten times the size with lots of lighting. We see tons of skaters of all ages there all the time. It's really cool and I'm really happy they did it.
Yes. You probably just don't see them on the streets as much, because concrete parks are being build everywhere.
It's now part of the Olympics and a lot more girls skate too these days, so the sk8erboi stereotype doesn't really fit very well any more.
Omfattande cigarettsmuggling avslöjad i Karlshamn. Klockan 11:00 på förmiddagen den 22 september rullade en litauisk lastbil av färjan i Stillerydshamnen, Karlshamn. En tulltjänsteman beslutade att kontrollera lasten.
Malmer och mineraler i reformisternas landsbygdsprogram. Reformisternas landsbygdsprogram börjar kapitlet om gruvbrytning med ett helt felaktigt påstånende om att det inte öppnats några nya gruvor i Sverige på decennier. Det är bara att kolla på Wikipedia så går det att hitta ett antal gruvor som öppnats de senaste decennierna.
Have you done tests to see if sites or places you send information to can view them?
For instance, People I know that are using Eventbrite for private event registration. To sign up for the event with or without an account, you have to write and confirm your email in the boxes, I did some looking up to see if hosts can see the email. I didn't find any answers so I made a Reddit post asking, and got a reply saying "No, they can't. Eventbrite deletes them as soon as you submit the form." I wanted to be sure so I created a private test event and registered for it in a private window. I then went to my event dashboard and clicked on the ticket # where I can in fact view it (the email shown is made up).
I only asked Perplexity after trying to find out myself. It did in fact find the answer (link #8: View your Attendee Summary report): "Review attendee purchase details like email address ..." I've found LLMs and search tools like Perplexity to be unreliable for answering questions like this for websites, as well as software. Which means I may not turn to them in cases where they actually would help. It's too bad they hallucinate a lot too.
OBS Studio 31.0.0 released
- NVIDIA Kepler (600 and 700 series) GPUs are no longer supported for NVENC.
- NVIDIA users may need to update their GPU drivers to 551.76 (Windows) / 550.54.14 (Linux) or newer.
- The code signing certificate for OBS has been updated. This may impact game capture compatibility with some anti-cheat solutions with this OBS update. If you are a game or anti-cheat developer please see… for more information.
31.0 New Features
- Added NVIDIA Blur Filter and Background Blur [pkviet]
- Added preview scrollbars and zoom/scale indicator [cg2121/Warchamp7]
- Added v210 format support for AJA device capture [paulh-aja]
- Added Amazon IVS service integration [palana]
- Added QSV AV1 Screen Content Coding [thyintel]
- Enabled first-party YouTube Chat features [msuman-google]
31.0 Changes
- Updated the browser source/docks CEF (Chromium) to version 127 (6533) on all platforms [reitowo/WizardCM/PatTheMav/tytan652/pkviet/kkartaltepe/Lain-B]
- Changed scene items to use relative coordinates [derrod]
- Existing scene collections will be automatically converted to use relative coordinates if the scene collection has a known output resolution set.
- Split NVIDIA Audio Effects from Noise Suppression [pkviet]
- Existing filters will be automatically migrated.
- Changed the Image Slideshow's Playback Mode property from radio buttons to a dropdown [derrod]
- Disabled the (currently unsupported) built-in Automatic Scene Switcher when using Wayland on Linux [tytan652]
- Improved error messages for macOS Virtual Camera [jcm93]
- Changed Display and Window capture on Windows to not capture the first found display or window [Lain-B]
- Changed display and window capture on Linux to not capture implicitly [Lain-B]
- Added a warning to Window Capture when trying to capture WinUI 3 applications with BitBlt [qhy040404]
- Refactored the NVENC implementation with various improvements [derrod]
- SDK 12.2 features, such as split encoding, are now supported.
- Additional features from old SDKs are supported:
- B-Frames as reference
- Target Quality VBR mode (CQVBR)
- A custom options field has been added to allow setting more options that don't warrant their own UI elements.
- Existing scene collections will be automatically converted to use relative coordinates if the scene collection has a known output resolution set.
- Improved screensaver inhibit functions on Linux in Flatpak
- Changed scripts to correctly pass settings to modified callbacks on reload [Penwy]
- Removed legacy QSV code for old devices (Haswell or older) [RytoEX]
- Removed legacy QSV code for Windows 7 [RytoEX]
- Removed default desktop audio device on macOS 13+ [jcm93]
- Removed NVIDIA Kepler GPU support for NVENC [derrod]
- Removed FTL support [derrod]
- Removed legacy migrations from OBS Studio 28.1 and earlier [derrod]
- If updating from these older versions, you may wish to update to OBS Studio 30.2 first, and then update to OBS Studio 31.
- Removed support for Ubuntu 22.04 [derrod]
- Removed legacy YouTube chat [gxalpha]
- Blocked TikTok Virtual Camera from loading in OBS due to known issues [notr1ch]
- Application settings have been split into "app" configuration and "user" configuration, rather than storing everything in global.ini [PatTheMav]
31.0 Bug Fixes
- Fixed two crashes with the QSV encoder on Linux [kkartaltepe]
- Fixed a crash with a race condition involving multitrack video output reconnect [dsaedtler]
- Fixed two potential crashes in Linux Window Capture [Lain-B]
- Fixed a crash on macOS that could occur if an audio device was disconnected [jcm93]
- Fixed a crash on Windows when capturing D3D12 games [confusionattack/Lain-B]
- Fixed a crash on Linux when importing a scene collection created on Windows [SarenDev]
- Fixed a crash on Windows when capturing a Vulkan application [Charlese2]
- Fixed a deadlock in MP4 muxer [derrod/notr1ch]
- Fixed a deadlock when shutting down muxer [exeldro]
- Fixed a potential deadlock when stopping an encoder [derrod]
- Fixed a potential memory error and crash in text parser [fzwoch]
- Fixed a couple minor memory leaks [pkviet]
- Fixed a memory leak in PipeWire plugin [dimtpap]
- Fixed a memory leak when playing an HDR media file [tt2468]
- Fixed an issue on FreeBSD with handling SSL certificates [emaste]
- Fixed an issue with pressed button color in the Rachni theme [shiina424]
- Fixed an issue with some missing icons in the System theme [shiina424]
- Fixed an SRT listener bug where the socket was not closed properly [pkviet]
- Fixed an issue where the current scene collection could be erased to default when trying to switch to a different scene collection that's corrupted or invalid [derrod]
- Fixed a buffer overrun in UTF-8 text conversion [derrod]
- Fixed an issue that could cause bitrate spikes in QSV CBR [thyintel]
- Note: This fix only applies to Lunar Lake or newer except Alder Lake N.
- Fixed an issue where the Auto Configuration Wizard could unintentionally enable Enhanced Broadcasting [lexano-ivs]
- Fixed issues with the audio clipping indicators displaying incorrectly on volume meters [norihiro]
- Fixed an issue causing hotkeys to register inconsistently on macOS [jcm93]
- Fixed an issue causing multitrack video output to fail if color format was set to I444 [dsaedtler]
- Fixed an issue where Custom CSS in browser sources no longer worked with certain websites (namely YouTube chat) [vvto33]
- Restored STUN support for WHIP output [mondain]
Release OBS Studio 31.0.0 · obsproject/obs-studio
ImportantNVIDIA Kepler (600 and 700 series) GPUs are no longer supported for NVENC. NoteNVIDIA users may need to update their GPU drivers to 551.76 (Windows) / 550.54.14 (Linux) or newer. Importa...GitHub
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