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South Korea's acting president impeached, country's second presidential impeachment of the month

The oldest rocks on Earth

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Ghostty 1.0 Released, A New GPU-Accelerated Terminal Emulator

Porrmorden i Stockholm 1985. Det handlar om ett antal mord som ägde rum mellan den 22 mars och den 20 december 1989. Då mördades tre personer vars enda gemensamma nämnare tycks vara anknytning till porrbranschen.…

If you haven't given it a try recently, give the tesseract frontend another look

It's been getting a lot of quality of life upgrades recently and it's sad it's not more known by lemmy users. It handles a lot of things better than the lemmy devs envisioned in the lemmyUI and it improves integration of things like loops etc.

It's become my favorite web frontend as of late, so I wanted to spread the knowledge around. All kudos to

We host our own instance in if you're from and if you're from another instance, you can try it from

Tidningen Brand är på riktigt världens anrikaste anarkistiska tidskrift, med jävlar anamma skriver de illustrativa och analyserande texter för och om de sociala rörelser och kamper som pågår idag. Brand kommer ut med fyra nummer per år.…

Screenity - The free and privacy-friendly screen recorder

SealNotes: Secure, Lightweight Encrypted Notepad for Privacy

Kurerade flöden i Fediversum. Förutom startpaket så är kurerade flöden nåt som Blueskyanvändare framhäver som nåt bra. Och visst är det användbart när en vill hitta konton att följa.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Väktarmordet i Sollentuna 1981. Tisdagen den 29:e december 1981 rånades några väktare från ABAB utanför PK-banken i Sollentuna. Rånet skedde när väktarna skulle lämna kontanter från Systembolaget på banken.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Similar projects to Dizquetv

Are any of you aware of projects similar to DizqueTV; a HDHomeRun tuner simulator that creates simulated live tv channels. (Dizque depends on Plex integration and cannot be used without it)

I'm looking for a solution to create simulated 'tv' channels by defining local content to be played on a schedule. Ideally just selecting a few shows to be played, mixed together. These channels would then be added to Emby/Plex/Jellyfin for users to tune into just like regular livetv.

I've been keeping an eye on Dizque for over a year now awaiting plex independence, but I don't think that'll be anytime soon. Wondering if there's alternatives.

/edit; should probably link the project I'm talking about...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

in reply to kalkulat

The authors fail to come up with -any- source (credible or not) for that ridiculous 10 bits/s number. Their model is so simplistic it isn’t even worth engaging with.

And yet I've seen this article like 5 times since Christmas on Lemmy. If it was all just for the joke that Lemmings process data a 2 bits/sec, once, I'd be fine with it, but this trend of being fire-hosed with manure since the US election ended is seriously making me consider if Lemmy is worth it anymore.

in reply to Cephalotrocity

Posts like this show that not everyone understands what science is, though that doesn't stop them. Sometimes just having one downvote isn't enough.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)