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Weird thought that got me out of bed this morning: If I were to disappear tomorrow, a few people would be sad, but the world would remain unchanged. But. If Elon Musk were to disappear tomorrow, millions would cheer, and the world would be instantly…

Mechanist Subclass - Rider

Publisher: TBM GamesTake to the roads with this Mechanist subclass, the Rider, a dieselpunk expert on the road and with all kinds of vehicles, ready to join your Black Flag campaigns! This PDF expands upon the mechanics of the Mechanist class to allow you…

Fantasy Races: Trade Dwarves

Publisher: RPGGamerFantasy Races: Trade Dwarves Uncover the story of the Trade Dwarves, a remarkable subrace of dwarves who have turned exile into opportunity, carving out a unique legacy above ground. This booklet offers an in-depth exploration of their…

More Americans approve of Trump 2.0 transition than first time around: Survey (Juliann Ventura/The Hill)……

CDC says H5N1 bird flu sample shows mutations that may help the virus bind to cells in the upper airways of people (Helen Branswell/STAT)……

Mexico tests cellphone app allowing migrants to send alert if they are about to be detained in US (Associated Press)……

20 GHz LNB Testing and Teardown

Many things have combined to make very high-frequency RF gear much more common, cheaper, and better performing. Case in point: [dereksgc] is tearing apart a 20 GHz low-noise block (LNB). …read more
#hacking #projects…

Bottles Software For Easily Running Windows Games/Apps On Linux To Leverage Rust

Bottles as the open-source manager for Wine to more easily run Windows games and applications on Linux has been pursuing the "Bottles Next" initiative as a rewrite to this software. The Bottles developers have decided they will be leveraging the Rust programming language as well as the libcomsic UI toolkit as part of this rewrite...…

Lawsuit challenges Colorado's conversion therapy ban, saying it violates free speech

The same conservative law firm that represented a Colorado Christian graphic artist in a national freedom of speech case – and won that case before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2023 – has filed a similar lawsuit

Sonic the Hedgehog Chaos

🏒 Aspect
πŸ“… 1993
πŸ–₯ Game Gear, Master System, Wii

