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A Review That Asks: Do You Need a Thermal Camera?

[Maker’s Fun Duck] has a recent video review of a cheap thermal camera from a company called Kaiweets, which you can see below. It checked all of his boxes: It …read more
#hacking #projects…

🐍 Looks like this snake's got legs! Python slithers past JavaScript to become GitHub's most popular language, while shedding its old skin (bye-bye GIL!) and getting some shiny new scales (hello JIT compiler!)

As a cat, I'm impressed by anything that catches more mice than the competition 😼

#Python #coding…

Musk Doubles Down on Support for German Far-Right Party (Christopher F. Schuetze/New York Times)……

psychology group reshared this.

Initial conditions:
m1=16.4 m2=11.9 m3=7.8 (solar masses)
v1x=6.341 v1y=0.876 v2x=0.946 v2y=2.919 v3x=3.717 v3y=0.081 (km/s)
x1=28.0 y1=-18.0 x2=-5.0 y2=-1.0 x3=-32.0 y3=-18.0 (AU from center)
Music: The Blue Danube Waltz – Strauss

A systemd-sysupdate Plugin for GNOME Software

In late June 2024 I got asked to take over the work started by Jerry Wu creating a systemd-sysupdate plugin for Software. The goal was to allow Software to update sysupdate targets, such as base system images or system extension images, all while respecting the user’s preferences such as whether to download updates on metered connections. To do so…
