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Saw a drunk driver take out a deer on a narrow country lane. He didn't stop. I did. I picked up the very dead deer and strapped it to the roof of my car. Turned it into food for our two dogs and saved a few notes. I needed to wash the car roof the next day, though. Messy.
in reply to Dickon Hood

True, but not everyone has the butchering and food-safety skills to prepare the meat for human consumption. I'm sure I haven't.

What I'd like to know is how Fessor knew the other driver was drunk and whether there was any attempt to stop the drunk person from driving.


Worked for med/large companies for 20 years. Quit to freelance this year. Only realised how much I dreaded corporate Xmas parties when I wondered what had changed about December. Turns out it's a lack of fear that I'll have to socialise with drunk salesmen.
in reply to Fesshole ๐Ÿงป

For anyone else who needs an out: office Christmas parties are Covid incubators.

Vol-au-vent: ricetta agli spinaci facile e veloce da preparare come antipasto a Capodanno

L'articolo Vol-au-vent: ricetta agli spinaci facile e veloce da preparare come antipasto a Capodanno proviene da Ricette della Nonna. Piccoli scrigni di pasta sfoglia che racchiudono un cuore tenero di spinaci: i nostri vol-au-vent sono ottimi per unโ€ฆ

Das Autorenteam um Luisa Neubauer legt einen Atlas der etwas anderen Art vor. Es zeichnet ein ehrliches und doch optimistisches Bild der Welt im Klimawandel. Eine Rezension

Ein Atlas der etwas anderen Art. Lebendige Grafiken zeichnen ein ehrliches und doch optimistisches Bild der Welt im Klimawandel. Eine Rezension (Rezension zu Der Klima-Atlas von Luisa Neubauer, Christian Endt, Ole Hรคntzschel)
ยปDer Klima-Atlasยซ: Schaffen wir es doch noch?

A Review That Asks: Do You Need a Thermal Camera?

[Makerโ€™s Fun Duck] has a recent video review of a cheap thermal camera from a company called Kaiweets, which you can see below. It checked all of his boxes: It โ€ฆread more
#hacking #projectsโ€ฆ

Musk Doubles Down on Support for German Far-Right Party (Christopher F. Schuetze/New York Times)โ€ฆโ€ฆ

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