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Veszélyes Kalandok szerepjáték startfüzet

Publisher: Rollins Publisher A Veszélyes Kalandok szerepjáték startfüzete arra szolgál, hogy betekintést engedjen a játék főbb rendszereibe, illetve az alapkönyv felépítésébe. Az ellenfelek és az elérhető szintekre vonatkozó tartalmak szándékosan…

RadeonSI Driver Now Uses ACO By Default For Pre-RDNA GPUs

As a very interesting end-of-year change for Mesa 25.0, AMD is now using the ACO compiler by default for pre-GFX10 (before RDNA / Navi) GPUs with the RadeonSI Gallium3D driver...…

Updated Serpent OS Alpha Brings Few Fixes To This Original Linux Distribution

Last week Ikey Doherty's Serpent OS Linux distribution debuted in alpha form while kicking off the new week is updated install media to provide a few fixes for this original from-scratch Linux distribution...…

in reply to Phoronix

>from scratch OS

>looks like stock GNOME

I jest; probably just a poor choice of preview image.

Herzlichen Dank für eure großzügigen Spenden im Dezember! Eure Unterstützung sichert den Kuketz-Blog und ermöglicht weiterhin freien Zugang zu wichtigen Informationen ohne Paywalls oder Werbung. Gemeinsam bleiben wir unabhängig und kritisch. Einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2025! 🎉 👇…

#blog #sicherheit #datenschutz #teamdatenschutz

AMD's GPUOpen Vulkan Memory Allocator Now Supports Vulkan 1.4

AMD's GPUOpen team managed to squeeze in a new Vulkan Memory Allocator release into 2024. As a reminder this is a easy to use/integrate Vulkan memory allocation library for both Windows and Linux systems with hopes of making memory allocation and resource creation more easier like with Direct3D 11 and OpenGL...…

xxHash 0.8.3 Brings Runtime Vector Extension Handling For x86/x86_64

Meta's Yann Collet of Zstd fame is rounding out 2024 by releasing xxHash 0.8.3 as the newest update to this extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm. The xxHash fast hash algorithm pushes for RAM speed limits and with the v0.8.3 update brings more enhancements...…

On Essays

Portrait of Michel de Montaigne, 1570s (cropped); unknown authorGwint has posted the excellent, feature-rich Montaigne's Essays from, with 107 texts, including "On Cannibals," "On the Custom of Wearing Clothes," and "On Smells." What a…

This is Bashard, child of Jandale and Mizer.
They are a Generation 43 fractal.
Bashard prefers cats to dogs.

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Kees posted:
"😨 "Why Should a World Exist Without Russia?!" – Russian Hate Speech"…
#tzm #rbe #zeitgeist #Lounge

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