What to know about presidents pardoning family members and allies (Ivana Saric/Axios)
Amazon Prime Gaming gets some solid free games this month.
Amazon has added games like Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, Tomb Raider: Underworld, Dredge, and Gunslinger: Call of Juarez to its list of free game downloads for Prime members.
That’s in addition to other freebies already offered, like Bioshock Remastered and the beautiful, H.R. Giger-inspired Scorn.
Mir 2.19 Released With Atomic KMS Platform Support, New Wayland Protocols
Mir 2.19 is out today as the newest version of this Ubuntu/Canonical project making it easier for other desktops/environments to embrace Wayland support. This set of libraries for building Wayland-based shells has added a few new features with today's update...
Hamish is on the air!
Radio time with Hamish & The Brutha Voodoo! #Live #SpecialGuest #Music #Radio #NerdChat
2,000 Mules Creator Finally Admits It's Based on Junk (Edith Olmsted/New Republic)
White House press secretary defends Hunter Biden pardon: 'Enough is enough' (Rebecca Shabad/NBC News)
Impeachment complaint filed against Philippine Vice President Duterte after she threatened president (Jim Gomez/Associated Press)
Mausblocker: d20 More Obstacles for Mausritter
Publisher: Wight Castle GamesA Table of 20 More Obstacles for Mausritter ...Or for any game where you play as small folk in a big world! Additional options for obstacle rooms when generating Mausritter adventure sites. Many of the obstacles are system…
The Administration Book1: London by Night
Publisher: Brian the DMThe Administration -- Book1: London by Night is a mini-campaign for Dungeons and Dragons 5E. It is the first book in a series of campaigns, each building off the last. The campaign takes place in an alternate universe Victorian-era…
Barbarian - Path of Pain - 5e and 5.5e Subclass
Publisher: Rod's MenagerieThe Path of Pain is a homebrew Barbarian subclass for D&D 5e and 5.5e. This path is perfect for the adventurer who needs to turn all of their angst and rage into defending their friends.Price: $2.00
Racial Warrior Classes: Triton Wavewarden
Publisher: RPGGamerRacial Warrior Classes: Triton Wavewarden The Triton Wavewarden is a defender shaped by the ocean’s depths, a warrior who stands as the living embodiment of water’s adaptability and strength. With enchanted armor and weaponry,…
5e Holiday One-Shot Adventure: Jingle Hells
Publisher: Dungeon MattersJingle Hells: The Fight Before Christmas A fiendishly funny holiday 5e one-shot where players must journey through Hell to rescue Santa Claus! Description Estimated playtime: 3-4 hours 5e OGL rule system (DnD 5e 2014 and 2024…
From the Village Vault: Teeth
Publisher: Stonehome GamesFrom the Village Vault brings you one-page adventures from the world of Dromaria, designed to drop easily into any campaign setting. Each quest offers a unique setup, NPCs, maps, and challenges suited for quick, engaging sessions.…
Yheronia. Gra fabularna
Publisher: Daniel NogalYheronia to gra z gatunku science fantasy, w której drużyna śmiałków przemierza dziką i niebezpieczną krainę w poszukiwaniu przygód, sławy, a przede wszystkim – technologicznych artefaktów.Te drogocenne pamiątki po dawno zaginionej…
G&G: Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts
Publisher: GrantWerkGrants & Glory (G&G): Die Fata Morgana des Grünen Lichts Willkommen in Bürokratistan, wo Förderzusagen Illusionen sind, Zeitpläne „flexibel“ (lies: nie) und Verzweiflung in dreifacher Ausführung geliefert wird. In Die Fata Morgana des…
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