New Episode: hpr4281 :: My ridiculously complicated DHCP setup at home
This is about how I setup my DHCP server at home
Hosted by @JonTheNiceGuy on Monday, 2024-12-30 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-0 license.
Tags: #ansible, #pihole, #phpipam, #SystemAdministration, #proxmox.
Today on the #HackerPublicRadio #Community #Podcast
#HPR ❤️ #CreativeCommons
« 🇨🇳 450 km/h — c’est la vitesse maximale du nouveau train à grande vitesse en Chine. Imaginez que vous puissiez relier Boston à New York en moins d’une heure. Les infrastructures sont importantes pour l’économie. »
Classic Game Adventures - Fantasy Encounters
Publisher: Philip Reed GamesAgain, Goblins Block Your Way Classic Game Adventures – or CGA for short – is a series of systemless fantasy RPG aids for use with any game. Each entry in the series is inspired by the computer RPGs of the 1980s, bringing…
Adventure Generator Fantasy City Volume I
Publisher: Wytchin HourD6 Adventure hooks with sub-tables to help direct a new adventure for your players. This supplement provides information to help structure the adventure leaving your imagination to craft the story your looking to tell. Adventure…
The Steam Deck has finally been surpassed — by a fork of Valve’s own experience
Bazzite turns the Asus ROG Ally X into today’s best handheld while putting Windows to shame.
Game: Lucius III (Windows, Linux) (gamerip) (2018)
Song: Voices vo McGuffin cut063 08
#music #videogames #gaming #gamemusic
Happy New Year, the debt limit is here. Get ready for an all-out war over it. (Jennifer Scholtes/Politico)……
Notice Those Small Holes In Pot Lids? They Have Practical Purposes
Whether for measuring food temperature or letting steam out, the small holes are more than just an aesthetic feature.
Bringing OpenStreetMap Data into Minecraft
Over the years, dedicated gamers have created incredible recreations of real (and not so real) locations and structures within the confines of Minecraft. Thanks to their efforts, you can explore …read more
#hacking #projects…
Lasagna al salmone e granella di pistacchio, ricetta originale delle lasagne dal tocco croccante da servire a Capodanno
L'articolo Lasagna al salmone e granella di pistacchio, ricetta originale delle lasagne dal tocco croccante da servire a Capodanno proviene da Ricette della Nonna. Il salmone affumicato e’ utilizzato ormai molto comunemente nelle ricette della cucina…
The 118th Congress passed the fewest laws in decades (Andrew Solender/Axios)……