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I'm happy to release the #Joomla Branches Tester! This environment supports interactive (manual) and automated testing. You can switch development branches, databases, #PHP versions, and #IPv6 networking. Install Joomla from a joomla-cms clone or graft a package onto a branch for release testing. Including Joomla System Tests with #Cypress in interactive (GUI) or automated (headless/#noVNC) modes.…

#Docker #testing #software

„Weggespülte Straßen lassen sich offenbar leichter ertragen als ein 100-km/h-Tempolimit auf der Autobahn.“…

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This is the #GoodPost. Keep it up. (Gift link)

"Trump has long inhabited a bizarre world of his own creation. He rewrites history — or makes it up entirely — to aggrandize himself, denigrate others and spread the basest of lies. It keeps getting worse."

Trump can’t accept his poor debate. So he’s spiraled into conspiracy theories.

Israël - Les manifestations anti-Netanyahou s'amplifient malgré la répression

Énorme mobilisation à Tel-Aviv. Les familles des otages en colère accusent le premier ministre israélien de les abandonner pour une guerre avec le Hezbollah.…

#israel #manifestations #otages #gaza #ceasefire

Yes, postdocs are cheap labor to be exploited and then thrown away - especially if you're on a temporary visa…

Harris and Biden warn that Trump would roll back Black progress…

Po poletnih počitnicah, se končno spet dobimo v Kiberpipi!

Tokrat vabljeni na c| srečanje №18: Balthazar & plani za C| letos

7. oktober ob 17:00 v @muzej

Najprej bo Harv Stanić Staalman predstavil modularen FOSS, OSHW, RISC-V laptop – – grozno zanimiva beštja tole!

Potem pa bomo skupaj začeli planirati aktivnosti in skupnost za to leto.…
👆 več info & pofočkaj se

#Kiberpipa #Cyberpipe #Balthazar #FOSS #OSHW #RISCV

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Matija Šuklje

OHAI, ne pozabite DANES ob 17h prit v @muzej, ko bo spet #Kiberpipa srečanje.

Tokratna tema:
- Balthazar - #OSHW #FOSS #DIY #hacker laptop
- kolaborativni plan za to leto

več v niti zgoraj

@kiberpipa_cyberpipe #Cyberpipe #Ljubljana #Slovenija

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Exhausted? Irritable? It could be undiagnosed iron deficiency

Around a third of women of reproductive age could have low iron. But doctors don’t routinely screen for the condition, though it can lead to anemia. Symptoms include exhaustion, headaches and more.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Next ask about lotteries, the most regressive tax there is...
Sports betting is bad for America’s financial health. New data shows it.…