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"L'absence, quand on aime véritablement, loin d'affaiblir l'affection, l'augmente encore."
Absence, when we truly love, far from weakening affection, actually increases it.

French novelist Eugène Sue was born #OTD in 1804.

He was one of several authors who popularized the genre of the serial novel in France. He is best known for two of his social soap operas: Les Mystères de Paris (1842-1843) and Le Juif errant (1844-1845).

Books by Eugène Sue at PG…

#books #literature


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in reply to tactical lesbo action elilla&


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in reply to Chris-Evelyn

de-, rant, German fragility and why we must fight alone

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in reply to Linux Is Best

in reply to Linux Is Best

Great overview! I‘m using #Hetzner located in Germany for years now for domains, cloud, Webhosting. great service, fast and stable infrastructure, great admin panel.
in reply to Norman - ☁️ 🔐

I would not recommend, Hetzner, as they are not LGBTQ+ friendly.

In 2024, many Fedi sites, were taken down because they had photos or drawings of women kissing each other or men kissing each other.

#Fedi #Fediverse #ActivityPub #Hetzer #Mastodon #Misskey #CherryPick #LGBTQ #LGBTQ+

in reply to Edan Osborne 🇺🇦🇵🇸♾️

I have a post on how Ionos falls under Us-jurisdiction. This thread was about avoiding that.

I would not recommend anything under the "United Internet AG" umbrella. They own many web hosting companies (see URL) and some of those companies are divided up into sub companies, based in the United States.

IONOS is a good example. If you visit you'll be told they're governed under the laws of the England and Wales. But if you visit,, they'll inform you they're based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

They're not above reproach.

in reply to Edan Osborne 🇺🇦🇵🇸♾️

It does not.

US-jurisdiction claims subsidiaries and associated parent companies.

It is meant, in my opinion, to be predictoral. Once you're in, you're all in.

in reply to Linux Is Best

I am going to add:

* Hosting Dot NL, located in the Netherlands, Europe
To the next updated list, but I am going to ignore the other companies Cyso Group owns. Because I dislike it when 1 company owns many brands, within the same industry, giving the illusion of competition, when in reality it is the same company.

in reply to Linux Is Best

I would not recommend anything under the "United Internet AG" umbrella. They own many web hosting companies (see URL) and some of those companies are divided up into sub companies, based in the United States.

IONOS is a good example. If you visit you'll be told they're governed under the laws of the England and Wales. But if you visit,, they'll inform you they're based out of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

They're not above reproach.

in reply to Linux Is Best

Thank you for your list ! Much appreciated. Have you any idea for Infomaniak ?
in reply to Alexandre Hen

I would NOT recommend, Infomaniak.

1st, the company claiming to be based in Switzerland, starts their terms out by saying, only the French version, which they do not supply, has relations with themselves and the customer.

2nd, the code of conduct, implies they have relations with a company known as, "Swico" which outlines their relationship with the USA and Europe…

Testar att lägga upp filmklipp också från dagens Discobedience Flashmob i Gallerian i Stockholm mot snabbmode och överkonsumtion.

Det gick bara att lägga upp en film i taget så här är den första filmen, som är med den första dansen av tre, när vi var längst inne i köpcentret.

A reminder that the Sad Bastard Cookbook ("Food you can make so you won't die") is available as a free pdf download:…

Såerh, blandet pose i dag...

Vi startede med at naboen flegnede ned af trappen og ud i sneen i bare tæer, højt råbende og generelt udenfor kommando.

Måtte hurtigt i noget tøj for at finde ud af hvad, der foregik. Fik tilkaldt hjælp fra politi, som sendte bud efter noget psykologisk hjælp og fik naboen i sikkerhed.

Og så har vi fået lejekontrakten på lejlighed i Odense. En sidste gennemlæsning i aften og så har vi ny hule fra april 😊.

#torsdagstrivsel (mostly).

🇱🇻 Latvia: Supernova: Izaicinājums Episode Four Released #Latvia #Moments #Supernova2025 #Supernova:Izaicinājums

I've been trying to get ActivityPub working on my site, but I must be overlooking something. I can't get it to post. Anyone around who rocks it?
in reply to Anne Bovelett

na klar! ich helfe immer gerne, wenn ich kann! schickst du mir mal die Seite um die es geht?
in reply to Anne Bovelett

Hey @Bovelett wenns um geht, dann sieht alles soweit gut aus. (vergiss die meldung, du benutzt den blog-mode, da spielen autoren keine rolle, ich schau dass ich den check repariere).

hast du etwas neues gepostet, nachdem du deinen blog abonniert hast? mastodon importiert keine alten posts, deshalb werden nur neue geteilt!

Lithuania Belarus Election | World #activism #Elections #Lithuania #ProtestsAndDemonstrations

#Signal #Lifehack. When you register as new user, Signal asks you to provide "a" phone number where it can send a confirmation code to finalise the setup.

Know that it asks for "a" phone number that can receive messages. It doesn't have to be YOUR phone number. This is not a new feature, it has always been like that. I registered my Signal account using the phone number of a prepaid SIM in a cheap burner phone. I have never used that number since.

Mother Bones reshared this.

in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷

The only thing Signal stores about you is

- When did you register your account (UNIX timestamp)
- When was the last time your account contacted a Signal server (UNIX Timestamp)

That's it. That's all Signal can produce about you when they are forced to by authorities. There is no history, no call log, no data beyond that.

Here you can see a subpoena asking for detailed information and the reply that Signal sent back:…

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reshared this

in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷

Best and only messenger. Sadly, because actually they are doing the needful, this should be the standard! @Mer__edith Thank you so much. Will you be at @fosdem ?
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Meredith Whittaker

@Mer__edith @fosdem

If you ever are somewhere in central Europe, let me/us know. :-) Thank you for the great work, I've been quoting you in my articles.

in reply to Rose Puckey 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏳️‍🌈🇪🇺🇵🇸🇺🇦☮

@RosePuckey : they may answer "that's because other people insist I have that. I have nothing to hide, I go to sauna every week"

Edited to add: It's not my intention to upset you. It's just incredibly difficult to convince people that less privacy means more risks for them.


in reply to Erik van Straten

@ErikvanStraten It would take more than that to upset me. The sad truth is that the vast majority won't listen until something happens to them directly.
in reply to 🌱💜 Ellen 🇺🇦

@ElpasYou_2 @ErikvanStraten Oh for sure. I find it fun, if you know their mail address, to run a quick db query and tell them how often they've used the same mail\password combination and on which sites. Unfortunately surprise very quickly turns to anger and they still don't change the passwords.

ARGH, nu er DEN FEDESTE lejlighed lige blevet ledig inde i O'ense. Det der hussalg må sgu godt gå i orden, så vi kan leje den.

King Charles III visits Poland #Poland

in reply to Samuel

@samuel @jonben fantastiskt! Fördelen med att vara föräldraledig är att man är lite friare på just det sättet :catjam:

Alltid velat ha en robot. Lite för stor för en lägenhet dock. Undrar om de medföljande "elskåp" som det står i beskrivningen är full reglerelektronik?…
in reply to Samuel

@samuel Den lite större är rätt ordentlig. 2.8 meters räckvidd och kan lyfta 200 kilo.

Vilket väl också innebär att den är typ dödlig om man råkar stå i vägen och armen flyger in i en....