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Preventing enshittification of platforms rests on credible exit for users and devs. #ActivityPub and #SMTP are not perfect but

a) are implemented und understood by many players,

b) enable freedom of choice of servers and clients,

c) implement #RightToMigrate as well as self/community custody

Many #p2p projects promise to remove servers but often promote and depend on a single implementation stack, have no spec and no interop among #p2p islands, and thus struggle to provide credible exit.

reshared this

in reply to Delta Chat

I like #p2p technologies but I think prefer the possibility to migrate between server.

Like #hubzilla

English mathematician Henry Briggs died #OTD in 1630.

He is notable for changing the original logarithms invented by John Napier into common (base 10) logarithms, which are sometimes known as Briggsian logarithms in his honour. The specific algorithm for long division in modern use was introduced by Briggs c. 1600 AD. Historically', the "common logarithm" was known by its Latin name logarithmus decimalis or logarithmus decadis.…

#books #mathematics

Revealed: Desperate Ukrainians resorting to illegal routes and ‘rogue advisers’ to bring children to UK #GreatBritain #UnitedKingdom

Nykyiseen koneeseeni asensin windowsin rinnalle fedora linuxin aikanaan laittamalla vain kovon kiinni, johon linux oli esiasennettu vanhassa koneessani.

Toimii, mutta grubin puolelta en pääse boottaamana windowsiin.

Asia minkä tiedän; fedora on uefi systeemillä, windows 10 on legacy systeemillä.

Asia mitä en tiedä: Mitä nuo asiat tarkoittaa ja onko niillä tämän jutun kannalta mitään väliä.

Saa neuvoa, kuin olisin viisivuotias. Eli miten saisin siis kätevästi grubisga valittua suoraan, boottaanko windowsiin vai linuxiin


Da denkt man sich "Och exportier ich die VM's aus Virtualbox mal zum übertragen..." Jetzt hat jede einzelne über 100gb ein Checksum error...
Original Festplatte wo die drauf waren hab ich gekillt... und nun entpacke ich die export Datein einzeln und werfe die wieder ins tool als "Festplatte" damit die starten. Was ein kack ey XD
Aber gut wieder was gelernt. Pass auf was du tust sonst blöd....
Werde die dann mal in #Proxmox überführen da ist es einfacher die Dinger von einem Node zu übertragen.

A few years ago, I had solved a lot of Project Euler problems #ProjectEuler problems in #Python. I even had a lot of very useful utility functions to make things more modular and easier.

After seriously starting to learn #Haskell sometime last year, I've been slowly translating that old code. I translated the utility functions as a way to learn the new language. I made a lot of progress this week on the problems themselves and I've realized how much better it is in Haskell.

Of course, a part of it is that I've changed as a programmer, but the old Python code looks ugly compared to what I'm now writing in Haskell. The functional paradigm with lazy evaluation seems to fit perfectly with the kind of problems on Project Euler.

My only "complaint" is that memoization is harder in Haskell. However, that's because I haven't spent any time figuring out how to do that well. It is not a language issue, but a me issue.

I've definitely decided that I'll be finishing my "solve substantial problems on Project Euler" goal in Haskell and not use Python for that anymore.

#RéseauxSociaux #Twitter #USA #Élections

d'anciens employés de Twitter commencent à parler, elon a effectivement donné l'ordre d'influencer les élections

ça allait jusqu'à créer des récits fictifs puis truquer l'algorithme pour faire croire à un contenu viral...
Bien sûr les contenus d'extrême-droite étaient mis en avant mais ça on savait déjà…

in reply to Fifi Brindacier

les ami.e.s de la conf paysanne invitent aussi à envoyer un message à :
pour demander la suppression de l’amendement du sénat

What France loses by closing its military bases in Africa #France

2021 Gibraltar -… in case you missed it, now with pix... #travel
in reply to Glyn Moody

Well the border relations there have never been a bed of roses to say the least

Germany holds memorial for Aschaffenburg stabbing victims – DW – 01/26/2025 #Germany

Italian GK Gianlugi Buffon will miss WC Opner against England #Italy

In case you need a meme to "convince" friends (or foes) to join the fediverse 🙃

EDIT: Solved. The helpful comments lead me to this thread:…
Paying attention to the version numbers worked like a charm. Thanks to everyone!

I am looking for #fediHelp. I intend to move my #ebook consumption away from #amazon. To close my account, but keep the books and the #kindle as long as it works.
I'd be happy about pointers from people who have already done what I plan to.

Hints and and boosts are very much appreciated. :pixelheart:

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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"Last night, I had the chance to observe and photograph a scene of rare beauty," reports Daniele Gasparri from the Atacama desert in Chile. "Comet ATLAS (C/2024 G3) was perfectly visible to the naked eye, with its very long tail standing out against the colors of the sunset and extending all the way toward Venus."

Spain will continue cooperation with ArcelorMittal to secure the future of its plants #Spain

"Je mag geen nuttige dingen voor de belastingbetaler doen omdat wij er anders niks meer aan kunnen verdienen." (als ik het tenminste goed lees)…