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Whenever A.R. Moxon posts one of his stellar essays, it's a challenge to choose any portion to excerpt, because the essays are always dense, rich, well-written — and everything he says counts.

I hope the bits I'm choosing to excerpt here might encourage you to read the entire thing:

#Trump #JDVance #Republicans #Ohio #Haitians #immigrants #PoliticsofHate #Nazis

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to AllyPally

@allypally Yes, he's quite a writer. I am reading right now his new book Very Fine People.

“Our job was to make him look legitimate, to make him look like there was something behind it, even though we pretty much all knew that there wasn’t,” one producer said.…

Ukrainian T-64 tank of the 1st Presidential Operational Brigade, equipped with anti-drone protection, fires at a tree line where Russian troops were spotted trying to advance using the cover of the dense vegetation. #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport

Israël, Liban - Tsahal menace les Libanais du Sud : évacuation forcée avant 16h ?

Never take him seriously....
Musk says humans can be on Mars in four years. Many laugh, but some see purpose…
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

Still waiting for his cars to self drive. He has been promising that for how long? 9 years? I think him living in the top floor of a Las Vegas Hotel and peeing in jars will happen before either.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

why do people keep falling for this? Obviously the first step towards a mars colony is a moon colony; something that is significantly easier to do but we are decades away from at best.

The princess and the judge: Samuel Alito’s ties to a German aristocrat who defends the far right…

⚠️ Flash Info ⚠️

🇮🇱Tsahal menace les Libanais du Sud : évacuation forcée avant 16h ?

#Israël #Liban #Hezbollah

Aujourd'hui, des photos accompagnées de tracts israéliens circulent à fond sur le net. On y voit des habitant·es d'Al-Wazzani, dans le sud du Liban, sommés de quitter leurs maisons avant 16h et de filer vers le nord. Passé cette heure, ils·elles ne pourront revenir que quand "le conflit sera fini." Bref, ça pue l'offensive militaire imminente.
Les médias arabophones s'emparent vite de l'info : pour eux, c'est clair, Tsahal prépare une...…

Just discovered by chance that ITVX, the Independent TV streaming app, has added an extension to Safari. Calling it after the sound of a cash register just adds to the tackiness. I never requested this and, although it’s not enabled, I’m concerned that there is no way to completely delete it. The idea companies have that they can just install stuff on our devices is unsettling.
in reply to Katie Fenn

@katiefenn The extension is *inside* the app. The act of installing the app also makes the extension *available* (not active). It is *never* enabled automatically. Nothing additional is being installed or configured beyond the app itself.

Apps have been able to include extensions inside them for years. Unless they're enabled *by the user* they're just inert bits that do nothing.

in reply to Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈⧖

Thanks Debbie 🙂

This is genuinely the first time I’ve seen an app bundle an *unrelated* extension, but now that you’ve explained this I realise it’s the usual way of installing extensions like ad blockers.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

A Sapphire Flutterer (Rhyothemis triangularis) spotted at Ulu Sembawang Park Connector on 24 Feb 2024. I wasn't expecting to find it in the area. I had to wait for this one to quit fluttering about before I managed to get shots of it.

On iNaturalist [… ].

#iNaturalist #Nature #Photography #Insects #Dragonflies #Odonata

The Tildeverse is a minimalistic community-driven Internet experience without the commercial bloatware

Western media completely ignored this story or if they ever reported it, they failed to mention his video about the ongoing #genocide in #Gaza.

He is the 5th person setting himself on fire to protect the ongoing genocide and disgusting media chosing to ignore or hide it.

#Palestine #Media #Censorship #Protest #US #USNews #USPolitics

The white-faced ibis on the wetland trail, foraging amongst the water smartweed.
in reply to handmade ghost

Another amongst-the-smartweed picture from my wetland hike this weekend: Snowy egret. #EgretsIveHadAFew

#birds mountain chickadee getting plump before snow flies