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Sie schaufeln sich ihr eigenes Grab
Gerade Holland müsste dem #Klimaschutz erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit zollen,bedenkt man dass das Abschmelzen aller Gletscher i d 🌐 einen Meeresspiegelanstieg von bis zu 60 m ermöglicht dann sollte das Land in Klimaschutzmaßnahmen fleißig investieren

Bitfocus Companion is a Cross-Platform Open-Source app for the Elgato Stream Deck

Frustrated with Twitter's algorithms? Say hello to Bluesky and Mastodon!…

Unknown parent

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@jhader woah. Got any sources at all?

Biggest European islands by size

(by britainmaps_/instagram)

"Tugendgesetz" in Afghanistan schließt Frauen immer stärker aus

Die in Afghanistan herrschenden Taliban schließen Frauen immer stärker aus dem öffentlichen Leben aus. Das neue "Tugendgesetz" verbietet ihnen zu singen und laut zu sprechen. Manche Vorschriften betreffen auch Männer. Von Charlotte Horn


#Afghanistan #Taliban

[auto] New on the ROR blog: "Welcome Riley Marsh, Metadata Manager"…

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Ukraine's military trains civilians in 'Test Week' to give a sense of war with Russia

Ukraine needs more soldiers as its troops defend Ukrainian territory and carry out an offensive inside Russia. An elite Ukrainian military unit offers civilians a one-week tryout as soldiers.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Reti decentralizzate come strumento per combattere la disinformazione e la censura: le reti federali e libere, collaborative e aperte


Analisi delle opportunità e i limiti delle reti decentralizzate come risorsa per superare i problemi dei social tradizionali e della resilienza di queste reti come strumento per combattere la disinformazione e la censura


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COSMIC has been out for a bit so I thought it'd be fun to go and see what's changed and see what new bugs we can find #Linux #YouTube…

Tech Cyborg reshared this.

in reply to Brodie Robertson

did you manually kill OBS or did it crash immediately after you said it didn't crash

in reply to Bytes Europe

What do Intel officials say about Israel pouring tens of millions in US elections and brag about it on social media?

BTW, what are the Russian Propaganda? Let's hear them.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)

in reply to Colin the Mathmo