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Scientists want you to know there’s just no way wildfire smoke is good for your health #Canada #CanadaPolitics #Politics

Beauty queen row exposes xenophobia towards immigrants in South Africa
Saga over contestant’s nationality reflects hatred of other Africans fuelled by poverty among black population…

L'AMOUR FORMICA, documentaire de Nicolas Bergès

#retrotech #formica #design

Le formica, il n'y a que ça :)…

in reply to Emmanuel Florac

On a encore un ancien buffet de cuisine en formica jaune chez ma mère, y'a une planche escamotable pour couper les viandes et un panier vertical pour les baguettes, la construction est hyper solide, très loin des sous-merdasses à la ikea !

What would an adequate COVID response look like? By Julia Doubleday

"And unfortunately, we have a public that is largely uneducated about and unaware of the problem, thanks to the tireless efforts of our political leaders and corporate media outlets who pushed for a “new normal” of forever COVID reinfections."

"The first hurdle is making people aware of the problem."

"The problem underlying all the current failures is that, quite simply, our government is not trying to end this pandemic. It is trying to hide this pandemic. And you’re not going to solve a problem you won’t acknowledge."


in reply to Denis - The COVID info guy -

Americans in this thread may find this feed useful or interesting.

Each Friday the total number of Americans killed by Covid 19 is updated.

Each Friday the number of Americans killed in the last week by Covid 19 is posted.…

Unknown parent

Only the percentage of global covid-19 deaths was frozen.

The weekly number of American deaths was not frozen.

Was clearing out a garden and found these two beauties, then mama came along with some food. Guess this garden will have to wait #Australia

Read... How the lessons of the UK election could help Kamala Harris defeat Donald Trump
Two ex-senior Labour advisers reveal strategy Keir Starmer used to turn its fortunes around by targeting disillusioned ‘hero voters’ – and how it could benefit the Democrats…

Moscovici appelle à réduire les déficits publics, jusque là, c'est son rôle mais prévient qu'un "alourdissement écrasant de la fiscalité ne serait pas bon pour l’économie", comprendre ne pas taxer les plus riches et charge les "dépenses sociales"…

#Politique #Moscovici #Budget #Economie #Fiscalite #Impot

in reply to Nils Wilcke

Moscovici... c'est pas un type de gauche à la base? ah mais non, c'est un social-démocrate, my bad

A sign of defeat and despair.






Publisher: Qwein36 different miniatures front back science fiction genre, crew. 2D auto regents. With print and play instruction. All made in blue ink, doodle style. By Qwein Games, Artisan of immagination since 1986 Made in italy…

100 Missions and Quests for Fighters

Publisher: Azukail GamesFighters can get quests and missions that make use of their particular set of skills, and this supplement has 100 such for them to do. These may be given to them by a fighters' guild, if they are members of one, they may be hired by…

I interviewed Steven Thrasher for my GLAAD Media Award nominated story critiquing the New York Times' coverage of trans people. He's a smart, and incredibly compassionate man who I've continued to follow. This breaks my heart for him and his students.

EXCLUSIVE: Northwestern Suspends Journalism Professor Steven Thrasher After Gaza Solidarity Protest | Democracy Now!…

#Palestine #education #news #politics #USpol #media #journalism

Hey #AskFedi,

I see the term "MC" being used here and there, and I don't think it refers to "emcee."
What does it mean?

UPDATE: "Minecraft" in most cases, but I just realized that in the context I was looking at, it was "Main Character."


This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
R. L. Dane


Oh my God, that was an amazing read.

This one takes the cake:…

Oklahoma City Apple Store workers have a tentative union deal.

Employees at the Penn Square Mall store, represented by the Communication Workers of America (CWA), will vote on September 22nd whether to ratify the agreement, which includes “up to 11.5%” wage increases, paid time off, and health benefits, according to the CWA.

The agreement follows a Maryland Apple Store that ratified its own union deal last month.…

Pourquoi attendre ? Je vous la fais tout de suite si vous voulez : "bossez pour moins cher, les feignasses sortez-vous les doigts du fiak, à l'école vous allez marcher au pas, les malades tant pis pour vous, les arabes on vous a à l’œil. Ordre, tradition, austérité."

Jumashekh and Willing mated to produce Findy.
They are the product of 5 generations of breeding.
They have a lot to say.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.