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‘I’m a new racist.’ Michigan Judge removed after court official shares audio recordings -…

Sometimes Octopi will capture sharks, and just hold onto them for awhile. Scientists speculate that it's to clean parasites off them. What do you think they're up to?

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Uploading final files to all the stores for 'Rising Resistance’ Excited for it to drop later this month!

Fun fact. Buying direct, you can get it, right freaking now! No need to wait until the 26th.

#spaceopera #scifibooks #scifi #bookstodon @bookstodon…

bookstodon group reshared this.

Astro Bot is the game you buy a PS5 for

The sequel to a simple pack-in game is a flawless love letter to both PlayStation’s history and video games in general.

If you’re counting on Marco Rubio to save your democracy, it’s already dead.


Senator Marco Rubio doesn’t think that Russia paying off right-wing influencers is a big deal.…

bookstadon group reshared this.

I need to make room on the daybed so I can sit and fold laundry. Standing ain't cutting it.…

I hate that #youtube is deleting random comments. That was one of the worst part of YouTube for, basically forever and now it's close to unusable...

At least YT is protecting us from those dreadful links!

#socialmedia #google #monopoly

in reply to Victoria🌿💐🌳

Ah so its happening to others to? They're also auto unsubscribing from fashion channels I like like Inkarcerating.
in reply to Victoria🌿💐🌳

They've been doing it for quite a while now, which is one of the reasons, why I write almost no comments anymore.
What's the point of discussions, where some messages just aren't shown, or spending time to write a comment, that others might not even be able to see?
Nowadays you'd have to wade through scam bots, "comments for the algorithm", and the whole spectrum of far right and esotheric trolling/misinformation/"flooding the zone with shit" to even find comments worth reading.

Woah... tourism is responsible for _8%_ of global GHG emissions. That's an immense amount!…

I'm lucky to have virtually no interest in travelling for recreation, but that's a very minority attitude. Most people in the UK, at least, seem to think they've a fundamental right to spend two weeks irradiation themselves on a beach every year. They're really not going to want to hear the message that it has to stop.


#ClimateCrisis #flightShame #globalWarming #tourism

Passion #sysAdmin : regarder les logs HTTP.

Un type a recherché "difficulty breathing" sur un moteur de recherches en .onion, qui l'a envoyé à sjnrk23rmcl4ie5atmz664v7o7k5nk…

in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

D'ailleurs, il est curieux que le Tor Browser envoie le champ HTTP Referrer. C'est pas très bon pour la vie privée (même si ça amuse le sysAdmin).
in reply to Stéphane Bortzmeyer

oui, d’ailleurs me demande toujours qui est passé d’un site de cul à un site causant d’OpenBSD.

NMSU Sociology is hiring for a TT assistant professor!

The primary area of research specialization is open. Methodologically, a specialization in computational methods is required.

Application deadline is 10/7. Fall 2025 start date.…

#sociology @sociology

sociology group reshared this.

"Synthetic influencer" is a term I did not need to see in my lifetime, alas.

#AI influencers are joining the multi-billion dollar industry that is already heavily influencing #consumerism - with 80% of people saying they became interested in a product due to an influencer's post.

I'm not sure how AI will shake up the industry, but I can't imagine it will be for the better.…


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#Mastodon #Statistics 2024-09-07 18:00 CEST
Number of active instances: 11 826
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MacDonald: We should pay people well, not just the bare minimum; A common philosophy among some businesspeople is to pay workers as little as possible. It’s the reason we have an affordability crisis now. #Canada