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My summer goal was to go to the beach every week 🏖️ and even though I missed a week or two, I got dozens of hours there: yoga, long walks, even a remote work session. The water and air are so healing to me, I don't know how I ever lived without #LakeErie. I hope I can manage some beach moments this fall and winter.

Once again, Gen X has been skipped over in a leadership transition. Just as we were when John Key/ Bill English, both Boomers, were replaced as PM by a Millenial, Jacinda Ardern. I wonder how common this will turn out to have been?

For clarity, I refer to the selection of Kuiini Ngaa Wai Hono i te Poo, a Millenial, to succeed Kiingi Tuheitia who was a Boomer;…

No disrespect intended to the new Kuiini nor to Ardern. Just noting the trend.

#Kiingitanga #SkippedGeneration

in reply to Strypey

You don't want Genx running things. We'll just throw out the internet and make everyone play games in an arcade.
in reply to Strypey

Nothing wrong with the new generation.

The older generation hung on to power for too long.


👋 We are excited to join @fediforum next week for the first time.

We'd love to exchange ideas with you about

➡️ academics’ mastodon use: drivers and hurdles; it's a small #research project we're currently starting;

➡️ #decentralized #SocialMedia in #academia; our #university #library’s perspective;

➡️ applying #OpenScience principles in our #mastodon #communications

#FediForum #AcademicMastodon

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Schweiz: Große Abschreckungsshow scheitert – Jans' Turbo-24-Stunden-Asylverfahren verpufft… Ernüchterung nach großen Versprechungen: Jans' 24-Stunden-Asylverfahren zeigt kaum Wirkung. Sein Turbo-"24-Stunden-Verfahren" sollte die Zahl der Asylgesuche aus Nordafrika drastisch senken, doch die bittere Wahrheit ist: Viele der Migranten melden sich zwar aus den Asylzentren ab, verschwinden jedoch anschließend und

Orban Says Not in Europe's Interests to Take Ukraine’s Stance in Conflict With Russia… MOSCOW (Sputnik) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban believes it is irrational for the European Union to adopt Ukraine's stance in its conflict with Russia, as this draws European countries deeper into the conflict, he has told Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. #news

Bluesky says it had over 9M users as of September 6, after adding 3M new users in the week or so since Brazil blocked X, and that video support is "coming soon" (Anthony Ha/TechCrunch)……

Gute Nachrichten von der Klimafront… Zur Abwechslung auch mal was Positives. Wie war Euer #Höllensommer so? — Sven W. Tritschler (@twittschler) September 7, 2024 Leute, Ihr habt den „Höllensommer des Jahrtausends“ überstanden. Wisst Ihr, was das heißt? Es heißt, dass es bis 2999 nicht mehr schlimmer wird, ab jetzt wieder milder. Klimaerwärmung fällt aus. Manchmal frage ich mich, ob […] #news

Israeli settlers vandalise olive trees in West Bank

Israeli travel restrictions and attacks on olive groves meant Palestinian farmers lost approximately 1,200 metric tonnes of olive oil from last year’s harvest.


in reply to earthling

The olive tree is a symbol of peace, especially in all countries bordering the Mediterranean. No more words needed…

How Macron Played the Populists… On July 7, the leftist coalition, the New Popular Front, collaborated with French President Emmanuel Macron’s coalition to defeat the National Rally party by agreeing to pull their weaker candidates during the second round of voting. The plan worked, with the National Rally securing the third most seats, despite receiving the most overall votes. #news #press

I know it's annoying to hear me and others keep saying this but: none of these adaptations will matter if we don't stop burning fossil fuels.…


FEP-7888 and the Add activity in a post yesterday brought back the idea that better post controls could be achieved if the reply were sent to the target only, and the target then forwards it if applicable.

It reminded me of's, which attempts to govern a similar flow where a reply is sent to the context owner (instead of inReplyTo, which I think was Em's intent), and the context owner (and/or originating server) federates out an Add if approved.

Which got me thinking about whether that federated server could actually send out a Remove too!

Let's say a reply is made but later on, a mod decides that it is to be deleted. A Remove would be a way to signal to other instances that the content actually be removed/deleted!

We could even take it one step further; servers will always exist who don't adhere to the philosophy of the context owner approving replies. If they federate their own replies out, the context owner could actually proactively send a Reject and limit the spread of those replies...

in reply to silverpill

i understand that the producer can produce documents where the two are the same, but the very nature of their being two properties means that there is the possibility that they will not match.
in reply to infinite love ⴳ

I would be happy to consolidate, but I think the chances of some large percentage of the fediverse choking badly on an array for the context element are pretty high. Same reason I don't use an array in an actor 'url' field. It's a few years since I tried this, but 2/3 of the fediverse projects at the time couldn't deal with it and nobody bothered to fix it for years because "Mastodon doesn't do this, so you must be doing something wrong."

Anyway, I'm retired from the fediverse shit-show now. Y'all can do what you want. But please implement comment control. It isn't a "feature" - it's basic online security (except for some freespeech folks who still think everybody with an opinion or a dick has some God-given right to shove it in your face).

The fediverse you save might be your own.

Big props to Jeremy Saulnier who wrote and directed Rebel Ridge. Recommend.

The film covers so much of what is wrong with US policing, in an action packed drama movie. It also covers the evil and racism in the system vs the individual. I don't think a cop calls a Black person the N-Word once in the whole movie.

*Civil asset forfeiture
*Cash bail and prison violence
*Why Black folk don't give statements
*The power of sheriffs in small towns
*Violence of the war on drugs…

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in reply to mekka okereke

@maverick604 @PJ_Evans
Has anyone ever tried to overturn this law on constitutional grounds?
in reply to mekka okereke

I watched Rebel Ridge, which is really well-done, but wow, infuriating. Civil asset forfeiture is pure legalized theft that spawns and perpetuates corruption across the USA. Awesome work from Saulnier.

Another reason to use the #web #browser instead of apps: There are extensions that let you see subtitles for #youtube videos in two languages at the same time.

Would you find this actually useful though? 🤔

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@helgztech I think users learning another language via subtitles need more help than that:…

📣📣 UPDATE 📣📣

The stolen emotional support chicken has been REPATRIATED back to my room from Mary The Thief's bed. Next step - re-gift it to Shannon! #ESChicken #Knitting @knitting

Teil 8: Putin über die Legalisierung des Mining von Kryptowährungen… In Russland gibt es zwei Wirtschaftsforen, bei denen Präsident Putin jedes Jahr eine Grundsatzrede hält und sich dann stundenlang auf einer Podiumsdiskussion den Fragen eines Moderators und der Teilnehmer stellt. Das Petersburger Wirtschaftsforum ist eher an westliche und afrikanische Teilnehmer gerichtet, das Östliche