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Steinmeier zum 7. Oktober: Keine Selbsterkenntnis, dafür unterschwellige Kritik an Israel… Die Bundesrepublik hat einen neuen inoffiziellen Gedenktag: es ist der 7. Oktober, der Tag an dem Palästinenser ein präzedenzloses antisemitisches Massaker in Israel vom Zaun brachen. Ach, wie gut können wir uns doch fühlen, wie moralisch, wenn wir des Massakers gedenken, wenn wir eine traurige Miene aufsetzen, wenn wir die

Who's the Biggest Military Spender?… In 2023, global military spending hit an all-time high of $2.4 trillion, which is the ninth straight annual increase in defense expenditures, the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) has estimated. #news #press

Araber überfällt am helllichten Tag Schwangere an Bushaltestelle… Dieses Verbrechen ist an Skrupellosigkeit wohl kaum zu überbieten! Ein Mann mit "arabischen Aussehen" hat eine schwangere Frau an einer Bushaltestelle überfallen. Die 24-Jährige musste um das Wohl ihres ungeborenen Babys fürchten. #news #press

Here's an update on my Administration's ongoing efforts to support communities impacted by Hurricane Helene.

Tim Chambers reshared this.

3% of American High Schoolers Identify as Transgender, First National Survey Finds (Azeen Ghorayshi/New York Times)……

Recycling-Know-how: Studentin aus Nowosibirsk bringt Motten das Plastikfressen bei… Eine Studentin aus Sibirien hat eine ungewöhnliche Methode für die Wiederverwertung von Plastik entwickelt. Sie hat eine Mottenart gezüchtet, die sich von Kunststoff ernährt. Diese völlig umweltfreundliche Methode des Recyclings könnte zukunftsweisend sein. #news #press

New sensitive breach: "AI girlfriend" site Muah[.]ai had 1.9M email addresses breached last month. Data included AI prompts describing desired images, many sexual in nature and many describing child exploitation. 24% were already in @haveibeenpwned. More:…

Grüne Transformation: Grüne Transformation Aus der Traum vom „grünen Stahl“? Thyssenkrupp am Scheideweg… Thyssenkrupp steht vor einer möglichen Kehrtwende: Der Industriekonzern prüft – trotz massiver staatlicher Förderung – den Stopp seiner milliardenschweren Direktreduktionsanlage. Scheitert die grüne Transformation des Stahlsektors an der Realität?
Dieser Beitrag Grüne Transformation Aus der Traum vom „grünen Stahl“?

Galactic Tech: Equipment Guide

Publisher: Far Distant Future PublishingComputers, Cybertech, Advanced Weapons, and More! Inside this guide you'll find an array of technological options, which you can use with our other Galactic products, or in any Pathfinder Roleplaying Game 1E…

Witch Enhanced + Tankier Witch Class Variant + Counterspell Rework

Publisher: PaizoThis PDF includes a bunch of options for various Patrons, 20 Class Feats, 4 New Lessons (2 Basic and 2 Greater), 4 New Familiar Superstitions, and an introduction of the Warlock Class Archetype which alters the Class to be far tankier and…

Drácula Yé-yé! "Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person" gives toned down “What we do in the shadows” meets Anne Rice's moral dilemma vampires. Dark, smart, funny and very cute. Great actors portraying lovable Characters. I enjoyed this freshly recycled take on the genre. 🖤 🦇
#SpookySeason #Cinemastodon #cinema #Vampire #HumanistVampire

The Netherlands has announced that it has sent its first batch of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Ukraine will receive a total of 24 Dutch F-16s. #Ukraine #Україна

“Kostenneutrale” grüne Grundsteuerreform: Die nächste Scholz-Lüge… Das Chaos bei der reformierten Grundsteuer fügt den zahllosen Lügen von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz eine weitere hinzu. Als das Bundesverfassungsgericht 2018 eine Neuberechnung forderte, erklärte Scholz, der damals Finanzminister war: „Ich versichere Ihnen, dass es nicht zu einem höheren Steueraufkommen kommen wird.“ Wie bei

Mastodon 4.3 introduces a recommendations carousel, grouped notifications, advanced filtering, a redesigned post composer, and improved onboarding. Future plans include quote posts and server blocklist subscriptions…

The things you learn on social media:

Today, I learned that the very serviceable old word "dullard" is an "archaism" in Scotland.

So imagine my surprise to see Brian Wilson using the word "dullard" three days ago in The Scotsman in a way that suggests to me the word isn't in the least archaic for him.

In fact, google "dullard" + "Scotsman" and you'll find oodles of very recent uses of this very serviceable word in that esteemed Scottish publication.


in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

I'm always delighted to learn new things. As I listen and learn, I also remember a cloud of witnesses who have gone before me, teachers who shaped my life in important ways from childhood through university, challenging me to consider the source as I learned, to analyze people's motives and intents as they offered information to me.

Since some people — social media is unfortunately fairly ripe with them — like to play ego games and put-down games more than to engage in constructive dialogue.

in reply to William Lindsey :toad:

Given all that's at stake in the coming election in my nation – which will affect the entire world – I simply have little time for game-playing. There are more important things to occupy all of our attention, surely.


There’s a new White Dudes For Harris call tonight, 8:00 pm ET. These are wicked fun. Y’all know who you are
