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In occasione del (16imo) #adalovelaceday 6 storie come ce ne sarebbero tante altre. Ma da qualcuna bisogna pur iniziare. Women of Science - RaiPlay… #WomenInSTEM

#KamalaHarris announced a plan today to expand Medicare's home health care coverage for older Americans in an effort to support the "sandwich generation" caring for both kids and aging parents.

Savings from negotiating drug prices will help fund it.

Here's a quick Q&A with 2 scholars of long-term care, to assess what’s known so far about the plan:…

#health #USpolitics #medicare #harris

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

Could we do something more lasting first like covering glasses, dental work and hearing aids?
in reply to Marty Fouts

@MartyFouts In the article it notes that Harris had earlier proposed coverage for routine dental and vision care
in reply to The Conversation U.S.

My grandmother stayed in her accustomed home almost to the end of her life. Familiar surroundings helped her stay oriented and happy even after her memory started to decline.

But she needed at least an hour of personal care a day. If Medicare had covered that, it would have been a big help.

in reply to Yogthos

The "their own lifestyle hasn't been affected in any way" is the part that confuses me ... this person's life has been affected by the poor economy, I've had those conversations with them outside this context ... the Cognitive dissonance is simply astounding because "orange man bad" "lesser of two evils" "the end of democracy" <insert talking point here> etc
in reply to LPS

@lps it the capacity people have for doing mental gymnastics to avoid having to engage with reality will never cease to amaze me. I wonder what it will take for liberals to finally accept that their system is failing.

Report: Trump Took British Naval Top Secret Material to Mar-a-Lago Post Presidency…

The Monday episode of 60 Minutes began with an explanation from host Scott Pelley about exactly why viewers wouldn’t be hearing from the Republican presidential nominee for the first time in more than 50 years.

Safe, clean drinking water is fundamental to the health of our communities, to economic growth, and to human dignity.

That's why my Administration has replaced over 367,000 lead service lines, giving nearly one million Americans the peace of mind that their water is lead-free.

After 30 years, Canadian cartoonist Michael deAdder has been let go from the Halifax Chronicle Herald.

#PostMedia #canada #conservatives #cdnpoli #cartoonists

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

Paul Vierkant reshared this.

in reply to GG

Time for everyone to stop buying the Halifax Chronicle Herald. If the circulation drops, their profit & influence evaporates.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to penpencilbrush

@penpencilbrush I would recommend the Halifax Examiner here on mastodon as one source for news about Nova Scotia.

Anyone here used this? What's your favorite board or alternative (ideally open-source)?

> Banana Pi open source hardware community is an open source hardware project...

> The development documents, software, and hardware (including schematic diagrams) are all open, the purpose is to allow all developers around the world to participate.

#bananapi #raspberrypi #hardware #opensource #opensourcehardware #stem #stemeducation #computer #hardwareproject

⚛️ Tauri 2.0 Stable Release

"Tauri is a framework for building tiny and fast binaries for all major desktop (macOS, linux, windows) and mobile (iOS, Android) platforms.

Developers can integrate any frontend framework that compiles to HTML, JavaScript, and CSS for building their user experience while leveraging languages such as Rust, Swift, and Kotlin for backend logic when needed"

#tauri #rust #opensource

Remote education does not require giving up rights to freedom and privacy.

Miller: They’re a sovereign country

Said: That received $22 billion

Miller: That number isn’t correct

Lee: What is correct number

Miller: The reason it’s hard to answer that question

Lee: That you don’t want to, that’s why

Yeesh, what a mess. Not surprised Panic are dropping Google Drive from Transmit under the circumstances.…
in reply to Misty

Google Drive integration is just gonna get dropped from everything, which will be great because then you can remove all your files from Google Drive and stop getting warnings that your Google drive is 85% full and you should buy more storage