"This is a circus. It is a national disgrace ... it is a high-tech lynching for uppity-blacks ... and it is a message that, unless you kow-tow to an old order, this is what will happen to you..."
US Supreme Court Justice #ClarenceThomas, 1991
A reminder that it's not new for conservatives to use accusations of racism, to deflect attention away from their corruption and hidden agendas and smear anti-corruption activists and officials.
11 members of same family killed when mudslide wiped out 'Craigtown' during Hurricane Helene
🔗 massivelyop.com/2024/10/08/val…
Starlink was offered for free to those hit by Hurricane Helene. It is not entirely free
And now SpaceX clarifies special promotionBrandon Vigliarolo (The Register)
Heroes of Tara Player's Guide
Publisher: Koronite PressExperience the incredible world of Irish mythology! Welcome to the island of Ériu—a realm immersed in primordial wilderness, divided byhundreds of warlike clans, and entwined with the magical forces of the Otherworld. From hisseat…
Lords of Chaos
Publisher: Deadman PressRIDING THROUGH THIS WORLD… …BUT NOT ALONE. The Outlaw Biker world is an enigma to many of us. From the outside it appears lawless and violent, but on the inside it has its own set of rules. Lords of Chaos is an organization book…
in reply to @blk_intellect • • •People that have brought starlink terminals into the recovery areas of North Carolina to assist with comms, are doing it on their own dime.
#Helene #Recovery #Comms