I don't know if this will be appreciated or obnoxious but here's the #Bash script I used to #toot a LOT of things in a single thread.
The script can do listed or unlisted replies, with or without content warnings.
But does require the #toot #Python package from #pip
Any suggestions or improvements are welcome.
. @ThePSF #python shit show continues:
- at least two persons banned
- a bunch of postings flagged and hidden
- suppression of opinions
- moderators hiding behind the CoC
- moderators hiding behind the Discuss system
- the CoC committee is hiding, as always
- the typical "either you are with us or you are our enemy" attitude
- no further communication in Tim Peter's case
As said: the SC and CoC committee have to step back. Their attitude sucks, their behavior sucks.
There are no participation ribbons for voting. There is only winning and losing. And the only thing worse than losing is knowing you could have changed the outcome if you hadn’t stayed home on election day.
#vote #voteblue #KamalaHarris #election2024 #democrats #democracy
Number of active instances: 11 694
Number of users: 9 069 594
Number of statuses: 1 122 485 282
Number of users last 4h: 367
Number of statuses last 4h: 150 055
Martin Kostera likes this.
Boiling Steam reshared this.
In an Ohio town, a "retired gas industry executive, a shadowy 'grassroots' group and a controversial media company are spreading misinformation while turning residents against a proposed solar farm — and each other.
The media company, a notorious "pink slime" operator, bought the local newspaper and turned it into a propaganda machine.
Superb reporting from a collaboration including ProPublica, Floodlight, and Tow Center for Digital Journalism.
dunno about the 'shadowy' bit
but here where we live, state college, pa.us, after a long and rather arduous process, we're in the final stretch for a large solar energy purchasing agreement.
Those opposing it are coming out of the woodwork,
remarkably uniform in the details of their opposition, and very well organised.
I can't be arsed to imagine this is 'grass roots'
Almost 600 chemists on Mastodon: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
HT rheinneckar.social/@hdvalentin… and @stuartcantrill
Valentin (@hdvalentin@rheinneckar.social)
Kuratierte Liste von Profilen aus dem akademischen Kontext auf #Mastodon: Academics on Mastodon https://github.com/nathanlesage/academics-on-mastodonrheinneckar.social
Almost 300 open science accounts on Mastodon: germanrepro.github.io/Mastodon…
HT @rmrahal
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Egon Willigh☮gen 🟥 reshared this.
"If videos don't load, it's becuase Youtube partly blocked me. This is a depressing day."
Official statement from the Disintermedia DataFarming Abolition Committee.
For immediate release.
Disintermedia spokeshuman Danyl Strype says "F%&k this shit."
🗓️ Join us on Oct 15 for a community dialogue on Persistent Identifiers for Projects! Contribute to advancing infrastructure solutions that identify, describe, discover, and track the impact of projects.
Hosted in partnership with Metadata Game Changers.
Climate change made Helene more dangerous. It also makes similar storms more likely
Researchers found that Hurricane Helene was stronger, rainier, and significantly more likely because of climate change. The U.S. can expect more such storms in the future as warming continues.
#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2
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It's official. The Revolution happened, and the bicycles won.
Cyclists in #Paris now outnumber drivers.
reshared this
8 rolls developed and 4 scanned as of tonight. So far these pictures from Kinderdijk are my favorites. Ilford HP5+
I’ve already learned that I need to work on intentionally spot metering (unsure if that is the right term), and that the monobath does *not* play nice with Kodak TMax 100.
D-76 gets here tomorrow.
This robot started working again today after about a 14 day absence.
Waiting to hear from IFTTT customer service team if it was their engineering team who got it running again -- thank you if so.
I have extended the period that this robot is off limited status (publicly sharable) through about 10-17-24 so new users can see it and decide if they want to follow.
Due to high volume I usually keep it on limited status.
#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy @psychotherapist @psychotherapists @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychiatry #mentalhealth #psychiatry #healthcare #depression #psychotherapist #research #academia #university #scholarship #journal #journalarticle #professor
Mark Wyner Won’t Comply
in reply to Ham on Wry • • •