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Soooo many great categories to nominate those that inspire you and if my Emily is one of them you can vote here

This situation is acutely dangerous, because it means that for the foreseeable future, the fate of democracy - not merely in an abstract, formalistic way, but with all the fundamental rights and respect for pluralism by which it should be defined - is on the ballot in every single election.…

DOJ indicates it’s considering Google breakup following monopoly ruling #Technology

I may never travel again, if I have to go through Chrome River to do it. It's truly evil, and the clumsiest software I've ever dealt with.…

Quattordici stati statunitensi hanno fatto causa a TikTok con l’accusa di avere spinto gli utenti più giovani a un uso eccessivo della piattaforma

Secondo gli stati, TikTok sarebbe stato progettato in questo modo con piena consapevolezza dei danni che il suo funzionamento era in grado di creare in molte persone giovani.


Informa Pirata reshared this.

in reply to informapirata ⁂

Guardando certi tour (chinotto e calippo e raccolte fondi per mastoplastiche additive) credo che abbia fatto più danni sulle menti adulte 😅

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

in reply to Naixke

@naixke insomma, quando dicono che fa male ai bambini intendono dire che fa male al bimbo che è in noi... 😁


#debutsav #kochi group photo. We had a session to introduce #FreeSoftware and #Debian Then people with a debian based system joined for packaging workshop. Others went for documentation sprint.

I showed updating node-del package from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 and many people followed me and built node-del 7.1.0 in their own machines. Some started working on updating other nodejs / ruby packages to newer minor / patch releases. Hopefully some of them will stick around and contribute.

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source

> depending on chat history for important info is a bad idea anyways

That depends entirely on the chat system. Depending on *MUC* history is a bad idea, for sure.

Indymedia used to hold decision-making meetings on IRC, so all channels on our IRC server were logged and publicly searchable.

Matrix comments have a URL and can be linked, just like fediverse posts. Which makes the history of public rooms trivial to search. If we were setting up Indymedia now, we'd use it.

@debacle @praveen

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Pirate Praveen

I don't think there is a maximum per se (AFAIK Ejabberd defaults to infinite), but there isn't any good UI to search and find anything in MAM history, so this would be a bit pointless (but depending on chat history for important info is a bad idea anyways).

There has never been a better time to be able to see what version of #Mastodon an instance is running! Congrats to the entire team on shipping these improvements 🎉🥳🎈…

Grab Mastowatch here to see if your favorite instance is running the new build yet:

An insightful & amazing journey into problem solving with #filesystems using *BSD freeBSD netBSD openBSD

He started quite early with Linux the read is smooth & there is also video footage available

#Linux #freeBSD #netBSD #openBSD #programming #POSIX #Networking #ifconfig #ZFS…

Today I discovered the "ArcMenu" extension for Gnome Shell that lets you customize an applications menu for Gnome. Besides changing the look, each style has its own subset of customizations and settings.

The panel being on bottom is a separate extension called "Dash to Panel".

#Tech #Linux

Justice Department calls for sanctions against Google in landmark antitrust case

After a federal judge ruled in August that Google is illegally monopolizing the search engine market, the Department of Justice is now saying the company must be reined in.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

I’m on the verge of quitting everything. I’ve been crying all day. I’m tired of putting up a candid…

I’m on the verge of quitting everything. I’ve been crying all day. I’m tired of putting up a candid face when social media is scr*wing over trans creators or only showing my art to anti-trans suicide-baiters. Even though this has been my most productive…

We have been on boarding many people to #XMPP using #Quicksy and #Prav apps.

Most people happily join but some people complaint their username is their phone number and if they forget to set a nickname, their phone number becomes public if they join any public groups.

We like the auto discovery of contacts using phone number.

So in the spirit of #FreeSoftware,

"The freedom to study how the program works, and change it so it does your computing as you wish."


in reply to Pirate Praveen

Those who are from India can use #XMPP #FreeSoftware

We are going to raise the funds and hire a programmer to develop this feature for us (we have already talked to developers and about to sign a contract).