"This morning, the Israeli forces blocked the last remaining escape route for the residents of #Jabalia, trapping hundreds of families inside the camp to face ongoing genocide. They are now enduring relentless killing, bombing, executions, starvation, and thirst."
#aparthied #usa #SaveNorthGaza #Gaza #SaveGaza #StopIsrael #SaveTheChildren
#palestine #Israel #Politics #PeaceNow #StopTheWar #CeasefireNow @palestine @israel
donsimon likes this.
At least seven Palestinians were injured Tuesday in assaults carried out by the Israeli army and illegal settlers in various parts of the occupied West Bank.
A Palestinian woman suffered moderate injuries after illegal Israeli settlers threw stones at Palestinian vehicles traveling on the road between Nablus and Jenin.
At least 744 Palestinians have since been killed and over 6,200 others injured by the Israeli army in the occupied territory.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
La France n'est plus championne de la productivité : explications
Augmenter la productivité, c'est mettre plus de machines derrière chaque travailleur; le coût de l'énergie, l'industrie ont un rôle prépondérant là-dedans...
Laurent Espitallier likes this.
Off mugimenduaz irakurtzen offm.org/manifesto
(@argian irakurrita argia.eus/albistea/mugikorrak-… @iametzaren "Hodeia ez da existitzen" Telegram kanalaren bidez).
Eta orokorrean ongi, baina bi gauza:
- Ez dute kapitalismoa behin ere aipatzen, ezta sistemaz aldatzea.
- Pare bat derrape dituzte, irudietan ikusten dena adibidez.
Gauza oso interesgarriak daude, baina nahiko poupurri dute eta, beste behin, teknologia ente autonomo bezala tratatzen da batzutan.
Bai, badakit gai konplexua dela 🙃
Number of active instances: 11 691
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Martin Kostera likes this.
Una de mis últimas alegrías tontas es que cada vez hay más memes sobre mi sector (hasta hace nada no había ni uno, creo que porque se trataba con una seriedad excesiva y aburrida) así que alguno caerá por aquí, como este que he pillado al vuelo en LinkedIn hoy.
At least seven people were killed, including several children, in an Israeli airstrike that hit a residential building in the Mezzeh neighborhood of Damascus (Syria) late on 8 October.
At least 11 others were injured, as local reports said the attack caused “significant material damage to private property in the surrounding area.”
Officials confirmed none of the casualties were Iranian, as the attack hit near their embassy building.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
Steam Beta fixes up issues with Game Recording, Remote Play and more gamingonlinux.com/2024/10/stea…
Today for #WildlifeWednesday we bring you a grey squirrel from Exeter in the UK.
Grey squirrels are famously an invasive species, pushing out the smaller native red squirrels. However, they are thought to be doing worse in some areas now due to a resurgence in pine marten populations: these predators will eat greys in preference to reds, because the larger, heavy grey squirrel has more food on it and is easier to catch. (bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-540603…)
When writing fiction and creating new settings, we often don't think about how these smaller elements and ways in which ecosystem elements balance against one another. Is there more we could do with that?
#Worldbuilding #Ecosystems #WritingCommunity #SFF
Israeli authorities shut the Ibrahimi Mosque in the West Bank city of Hebron to Palestinian Muslims Wednesday for four days to allow illegal settlers to celebrate two Jewish holidays.
“Israeli occupation authorities closed the mosque on Wednesday to celebrate the Sukkot and Yom Kippur holidays," Director of the Ibrahimi Mosque, told Anadolu.
The site will be open to Israeli settlers to perform Talmudic rituals and organize celebrations.
✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️
classicalmusic group reshared this.
I am SO EXCITED about the new #Python 3.13 REPL. But I wonder if it wasn't a bit rushed...
There's no PEP, close to no docs, it's not intended-feature complete, it has surprising behavior and bugs. That's OK for new software, but is it for a major and mature project like Python?
#linux #opensource #tecmint
Si jamais (par accident) vous passez par twitter, ne manquez pas ce fil de Nicolas Da Silva qui a lu le dernier rapport de la Cour des comptes.
Il explique comment la politique d'évitement du salaire vide les caisses de la Sécu:
Missing Thunderbirds footage found in British garden shed
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, new Supermarionation is GO!Iain Thomson (The Register)
Jokin △.C.
in reply to Txo!? • • •jukers
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •Jokin △.C.
in reply to jukers • • •Jokin △.C.
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •Jokin △.C.
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •Jokin △.C.
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •Jokin △.C.
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •txerren 🇵🇸
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •oso ideia interesgarriak bota dituzue elkarrizketa honetan, eskerrik asko. Iruditzen zait badugula beharra gauza hauetaz hitzegiteko.
Kontra piska bat egitearren (gure betebehar "humanista" da karkar) defendatu egin nahi dut hemen ageri den ideia hau. Uste dut egia dela teknologia opako (eta mistikoago)etara desplazamendu bat ikusten ari garela, eta hor giza (giza batzuen, klaro) subiranotasuna galtzen dela.
@argia @iametza
txerren 🇵🇸
in reply to txerren 🇵🇸 • • •@okerreko @jukers alderantzizko zentauroaren ideia, alegia.
@argia @iametza
Jokin △.C.
in reply to txerren 🇵🇸 • • •Jokin △.C.
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •txerren 🇵🇸
in reply to Jokin △.C. • • •@okerreko bai, derost zure argudioa.
Giza kontrol handia dago, egon, ixapuntucomen ;)) Orain, nor den eta nolakoa gizaki hori... ya tal .
@jukers @txo_elurmaluta @argia @iametza
in reply to Txo!? • • •Ez ninduke bat ere axolako nolabaiteko mahai ingurua egitea bertan aipatzen diren puntuak komentatzeko.
Nik uste nolabaiteko topaketa informala baina aldizkakoa antolatu beharko genukela, bi hilabetetan behin adibidez, eta gauza hauetaz hitzegin, nola eginen dugu bestela gure lobi tekno-kritikoa.
Hemendik zabiltzaten horiek badakizue nortzuei ari naizen begiratzen 😛
Dabid #FreePalestine ⁂
in reply to Txo!? • • •Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra ⁂
in reply to Dabid #FreePalestine ⁂ • • •Nik honen (1998) destilatu bat eraman dezaket: techgnosis.com/techgnosis-book…
Dabid #FreePalestine ⁂
in reply to Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra ⁂ • • •Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra ⁂
in reply to Dabid #FreePalestine ⁂ • • •Txo!?
in reply to Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra ⁂ • • •@birasuegi @desertorea @Torrekua Itzel!
Niri gehien deitzen nauena bada gai bat (edo zerrenda zehatzagoa) hartu eta elkarrizketa egotea. Akaso lehenengo azalpentxo txikia behar da, baina nik uste guztien artean ere, elkarrizketa barruan, hainbat gauza argitzeko gai izanen garela bateonbatek behar badu.
Beste egunean entzun nun jende batek afaltzeko biltzen zela eta elkarrizketa jarritako gai baten inguruan zela afari osoan, albo elkarrizketik gabe. Ideia bezala 🙃
txerren 🇵🇸
in reply to Txo!? • • •agian @koldotxu -ren ideia erreskatatu daiteke...
in reply to txerren 🇵🇸 • • •edurne
in reply to Txo!? • • •Atea erdi zabalik egon da eta barruraino sartzea ideia ona iruitu zait😉
Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra ⁂
in reply to edurne • • •Ados
in reply to Beñat Irasuegi Ibarra ⁂ • • •Miren
in reply to Koldotxu • • •txerren 🇵🇸
in reply to Miren • • •Koldotxu
in reply to txerren 🇵🇸 • • •