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Many people in jail have the right to vote. So do many felons

People who are in jail and haven't been convicted of a crime — and even many who have been convicted — retain their right to vote. But it's often challenging for them to exercise it.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Everyone is distancing themselves from NaNo given the AI policy, but I'm very attached to the ritual of writing 50k words every November. So I created my own version called WAFLS (Write a Fucking Long Story) and anyone can join:

reshared this

Das Londoner Start-up #Notpla hatte 2022 für seine plastikfreie Alternative auf Basis von #Algen und Pflanzen den #EarthshotPrize gewonnen und damit 1 Million Pfund erhalten. Die Verpackungen von Notpla sind vollständig biologisch abbaubar und eignen sich für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen, von Flüssigkeitskapseln bis hin zu Lebensmittelbehältern.

Inzwischen kann man sie kaufen.

#Nachhaltigkeit #Plastikalternative #Meeresalgen #Umweltschutz #Plastikflut…

EDRi-gram, 9 October 2024

When upgrading #Mastodon #Docker to version 4.3.0, you may need to run bin/rails db:encryption:init to generate new secrets and assign the environment variables:


If you're a Docker user, navigate to the Mastodon directory with `cd /app/www`, run `bin/rails db:encryption:init` to generate the required variables, and then add them to your Docker configuration. #update

Does anyone have any #FOSS alternitives to

Heck even alternatives at all tbh cuz I cant find any and its super expensive if you want any slightly more advanced features


#Python Pop Quiz 🐍❓

What is the output of this code?

A) SyntaxError
B) TypeError
C) {"py": None, "th": None, "on": None}
D) {'p': 'y', 't': 'h', 'o': 'n'}

OBS Studio 31.0 Promises NVIDIA Blur Filter/Background Blur, Refactored NVENC… #9to5linux #linux

CrossDirStat is a program for analyzing disk space, file and directory statistics. A free and open source program

Install: Deb, RPM, Snap and AppImage packages, EXE (Windows), .App (macOS)…

#Linux #Review #OpenSource #software #linuxsoftware

Link Post: Nearly all of the Google images results for "baby peacock" are AI generated…

Thousands of shipping containers have been lost at sea. What happens when they burst open?…

Also whoever came up with the "tentative" option in #Outlook? Straight to jail. 😤

It's giving "I might come to your meeting, but I want to keep my options open in case a cooler meeting comes by." 😒

in reply to Gina

I tend to use it more as "there's a chance I'll be out of the office at that time, but if I'm still around I'll be there."
in reply to Gina

He deserves a cell right next to whoever thought clippy was a good idea.

Das tut mir wirklich ein bisschen weh! Wenn wenigstens ein „Wissen macht Ah!“-Podcast vor mir wäre. Aber so ist das doch eigentlich unhaltbar.…