#opensource #wordpress
The fact that #openbsd provides every single OS with cool tools under the most liberal of all licenses is pretty rad.
Where would #linux be without #ssh ? They would prolly make gnussh, and who knows how that would end up...
I'm not knocking Linux here, because Linux is clearly ahead in the rat race in the enterprise world, but just pointing out that our friends who make openbsd a reality need to be celebrated more!
openSUSE's Agama Installer v10 launches with QR code access, JSON syntax editing, enhanced product selection, and better storage management.
Videos from #MatrixConf, usable implementations of Matrix 2.0, a new Matrix Client called Tammy and lots of changes in Fractal! This and more happened this week in #Matrix!
Come check it out at matrix.org/blog/2024/11/01/thi… 🎉
Demokratie stirbt, wenn niemand hinschaut. Und bei DNIP.ch schauen wir hin bei dem Politikfeld, das von den anderen Schweizer Tagesmedien sträflichst ignoriert wird: Digitalpolitik.
@nohillside hat sämtliche digitalpolitischen Vorstösse nach Sinn, Unsinn, Polemik und Unwissen seziert.
Beitrag: dnip.ch/2024/10/31/digitalpoli…
Und @revogt nimmt das Postulat mit dem Titel "Tyrannei des Datenschutzes" von FDP-Nationalrat Philipp Nantermod genüsslich auseinander.
Beitrag: dnip.ch/2024/11/01/vogt-am-fre…
Then you wonder why there are so many PEFPs in US political sphere...
Their hypocrisy and the public's acceptance that agents of a foreign nation have such a strong grip over American politics is just hard to understand.
But it will s what it is 2/3rd of all people in high positions in US are funded and supported by #AIPAC.
Mondaire Jones has never been Washington's choice, because he stands up to corruption.
He will battle Republicans trying to ban abortion and overthrow our democracy, and fight for working people. #BlueWaveRising #Allied4Dems #DemCast #OurFreedomsOurFutures #RoeYourVote #AbortionIsHealthcare
So this guy Michael Wolff has over some ‘100 hours’ of tapes of #Epstein talking about Trump, yet he only just decided to release them now through his podcast, a few days before the election.
"Trump is a threat to democracy" these people say, but they will withhold crucial information unless they get a book deal or something.
Los Angeles Blender Meeting Sat Nov 2 Celebrating 4.3
Blender users in Los Angeles are gathering this weekend!
When Trump and the men who support him say they want to "protect" women, they don’t mean “protect"; they mean “control".
And that is exactly what this MAGA, patriarchal, regressive, and repressive movement is all about: men in a superior position in society dictating to everyone else what they think is good for those they dominate. We want to turn the page and not go back. #VoteBlue
MAGA Bros Are Freaking Out Because So Many Women Are Voting:
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From Project Gutenberg:
Bacon and Shakespeare
by Albert Frederick Calvert
Get it at: gutenberg.org/ebooks/49516
This Martyr is Mohammed, Saeed's (founder of Sulala Animal Rescue) nephew.
The Instagram post was made by his cousin Mobarak Al Err (Saeed's son - He also works in animal rescue).
"And call not those who are slain in the way of Allah 'dead.' Nay, they are living, only ye perceive not."
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and yes, Iran, with all its troubles, is NOT as big a piece of shit as Israel is
Starlink offered to 99.5% of zone, but locals say Roam product was disabled.
‘Als je het schrijfproces uitbesteedt, geef je dus ook het denken op’
-- Interview with o.a. @dingemansemark and myself.
@koen_hufkens je haalt me de woorden uit de mond
Zoals ik elders schreef: "A common argument for Generative AI is a promise of higher productivity. Yet productivity does not equal insight, and when kept unchecked it may hinder innovation and creativity. We do not need more papers, faster; we rather need more thoughtful, deep work, also known as slow science." osf.io/preprints/osf/2c48n
Then you wonder why there are so many PEFPs in US political sphere...
Their hypocrisy and the public's acceptance that agents of a foreign nation have such a strong grip over American politics is just hard to understand.
But it will s what it is 2/3rd of all people in high positions in US are funded and supported by #AIPAC.
Lisa Stranger likes this.
I would be curious about a TLDR of what big stuff was improved since a few months ago and the Alpha release.
For the pre-alpha testers that would be really cool.
Also what about that keyboard?
Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥋☣️
in reply to The Matrix.org Foundation • • •is a FOSS, decentralized, privacy focused project.
Any chance of getting the videos mirrored somewhere that matches, like #Peertube?
I suggest Conf.tube unless you want to run your own instance.