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CPU overhead

I highly doubt you can conjure up a Wayland compositor that consumes more than 1% of your CPU, even eye-candy nightmares like Hyprland will not have any significant CPU usage.

in reply to Leaflet

Wanted to join the wallpaper contest but it has to be only and only through a Gitlab account, and the requeriments are rather limiting - and, specially, not a fan of contests that are decided by thumbs-up (or heart emojis, like in this case)

Astronomers Predict Blaze Star Is About to Explode

Fun look at the first year of Heroic Legends line, Titan Books’ monthly digital short stories featuring Conan, Solomon Kane, and other Robert E. Howard characters.…

#SwordAndSorcery #Fantasy #BookReview @fantasy #Conan

fantasy group reshared this.

The extent of sea ice globally continues to be a record low for this time of year. Sea ice cover is currently quite low at both poles.

More sea ice graphics available at… 🌊

I listened to the Rogan/Vance interview. It had the shameless trifecta of disinformation, ignorance, and overt white supremacy.

Here I debunk 5 of the most vile attacks on American Muslims from that interview.…

Devinez qui a été vu au dernier meeting de Trump au Madison Square Garden, à New-York? Alexandre Arnault, l'un des fils du milliardaire, est un fan du candidat républicain fasciste. Le site US Puck l'a surpris près des cabines réservées aux donateurs trumpistes.…

#Politique #BernardArnault #Trump #USA #EtatsUnis #Presidentielle #Journalisme

in reply to Nils Wilcke

Je pensais qu'il fallait la citoyenneté américaine pour pouvoir donner. On m'a refusé l'achat d'une casquette MAGA il y a 8 ans, pour cette raison. Bon c'était pour faire une blague, hein.
in reply to Nils Wilcke

Alexandre Arnault... La seule route qu'il a du traversé pour être à 32 ans à la tête d'entreprise, c'est la route de la soie.

"Il commence sa carrière par des stages chez McKinsey"

Sans déconner....


He's Promised Top Cabinet Posts To Elon Musk & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Elon Musk:
Promises to Cut up to $2 trillion in annual government spending. Social Security, Medicare, Food Stamps, and Small Business Programs WILL Be Gutted!

The anti-vaccine conspiracy wacko will head USDA and be in complete charge of our food and crop production. And the Food Stamp program.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Kamala Harris ahead in enough swing states to win, Times poll says (David Charter/The Times)……

Back in 2008, digital music was "the future" and @KevBot sold all of his records.

We were moving to Chicago and also poor twenty-somethings, so that may have had something to do with it.

A man in his forties came to check out Kev's records and he pretty much bought everything, citing that he was trying to rebuild a collection after selling everything when he got married and had kids.

It was pretty much a goldmine of pristine indie, hardcore, and metal records and Kev let everything go for virtually nothing because he really liked the guy.

A couple of weeks ago, we bought a basic record player and started rebuilding our collection and we had this realization that, now in our forties, we're essentially doing exactly what that guy did back in 2008, bringing everything full circle.

We are happy to announce the availability of the Xfce 4.20 pre1 platform pre-release.

Please take a look and, if you are able, help us polish it up for an expected final release date of December 15th.

Additionally, we are accepting submissions from the community for our wallpaper contest. Your artwork could be featured as our new default wallpaper!

For details, visit the blogpost below. Enjoy!…

#Xfce #Linux #BSD #DesktopTheme #DesktopWallpaper

reshared this

The new album from our band N to The Power is out today. Find red vinyl & CDs at Bandcamp, & listen worldwide on all streaming platforms.

Sir Rochard "Dock" Bunson (@SrRochardBunson) said on Bandcamp today:

"If you are a fan of King Crimson, Medeski Martin & Wood or fusion Miles Davis, you'll like it. Or a heroined out Talking Heads 😅"

Pitchfork described our last album as "A New Orleans Second Line parade in outer space."…

#Music #NtoThePower #Xenotone

🌈 Kevin Bowersox 🖖 reshared this.

66,000,000 Have Voted!

This Election will go to the wire - you MUST VOTE!

Along with the presidency, control of the House and Senate is up for grabs.

Click the link to see the latest up to the minute early voting information.
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #HarrisWalz #USA #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews

🥥 Spanish man completes art school at age 90.
Miguel Ángel Gallo says, "I won’t say that money isn’t important, but studying art strengthened my conviction that the transcendent things in life are goodness, truth, beauty and unity. I don’t mind making money, but increasingly those other things matter most to me."…
#Art #Elderly #PhilosophyOfLife #TuckersBalls

"People are scared"

Arizonans fear political violence as election looms

Nerves are particularly stretched in Maricopa county, which will likely decide which way the state swings in the polls

MAGA members threatened violence if Trump loses!
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #GOP #Politics #uspolitics #uspol #Breaking #BreakingNews…