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in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Consider showing individual regressions on the time frames before and after the Steam Deck's release, because I'm pretty sure they have very different slopes.
in reply to niarbeht

@niarbeht no plans to do so, you can just change the date picked from on the page if you want to see

Ynet: With 50,000 troops, Israel unable to ‘capture a single village’ in Lebanon

in reply to Southern Boy

I'll sit down with them
In the biggest chair the best chair
This chair will be the best we ever had

After updating my computer to Fedora 41, none of my virtual machines have network access anymore and I do not know why :(

#Fedora #Linux

Really enjoying the Ptyxis terminal that ships with fedora 41 so far. Clean, simple, and fast with some nice visual improvements over gnome-terminal.

Was hoping for split window capabilities, but not on the road map for now. I think I'll live. […]

#ptyxis #fedora41 #fedora #linux

in reply to Camille_Poulsard

C'est clairement aujourd'hui un truc de CSP+.

Dans les CSP- la voiture est encore très ancrée comme vecteur de liberté et comme marque de réussite sociale.

C'est dommage parce qu'on a un truc qui offre une vraie autonomie pour un coût d'usage quasi nul.

@gc @cffiegel @nitot @RLetot

#Gaza #Palestine

At least two people were killed and several others injured in an Israeli airstrike on a house near the Tebnine Governmental Hospital in the Nabatieh governorate, southern Lebanon.

The airstrike caused significant damage to the hospital, the agency said.

Nearly 2,900 people have been killed and more than 13,000 injured in Israeli attacks since last October, according to Lebanese health authorities.…

✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️

in reply to sepi

Yes, lots. This isn't North Korea or Iran here, Russia absolutely has advanced rocketry and has for decades.
in reply to sepi

Given the number they supposedly have, even if only 1% of them actually work, that's way more than enough to blow up the world.

Edouard Philippe a tenté de faire payer ses frais de justice à la collectivité avant de renoncer sous la pression. L'ex-Premier ministre est visé par une enquête pour pour "prise illégale d’intérêts", "détournement de fonds publics" et "harcèlement moral". La victime qui a porté l'affaire devant le PNF a attaqué la délibération devant la justice administrative et la communauté urbaine du Havre a reculé.…

#Politique #EdouardPhilippe #Justice #PNF #Corruption

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to Nils Wilcke

Son attribution n est pas justifiée et pose question sur les criteres qui ont permi la validation de son dossier de demande. A toute fin utile, la protection fonctionnelle est destinée également pour l'agent qui subit des atteintes de la hierarchie comme par exemple le harcelement moral.

Me and my buddies planning to escape from RuptureFarms