Royaume-Uni, Allemagne, Italie... Elon Musk déploie sa propagande au service des extrêmes droites européennes
L’homme d'affaires, qui donne régulièrement son avis sur les affaires intérieures de pays étrangers, envisage de soutenir financièrement le parti britannique Reform UK.
Article rédigé par Chloé Ferreux
France Télévisions
Un concurrent, ou allié de Poutine en terme de désinfo et complotisme financier ou non
Terroristen i Magdeburg som dödade minst 5 och skadade fler än 200 är en man från Saudiarabien som fick asyl i Tyskland på grund av sin antimuslimska hållning. Han sympatiserar med det högerextrema partiet AfD samt hatar muslimer och vänstern.
Report: Palestinian Authority continues to attack & kill Palestinians in Jenin
During a siege on Jenin, PA security forces killed an unarmed 19-year-old civilian & a 13-year-old child as well as a resistance commander.
Bcz Israel says it doesn't trust the PA to fight Palestinian resistance, many Palestinians believe the PA is attacking the resistance to prove the PA backs Israel.…
#JeninSeige #PA #EthnicCleansing #IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #PACorruption .
DrALJONES reshared this.
Guten Morgen.
Heute kein Tässle, sondern Trauer. Bin in Gedanken bei den Opfern des Anschlags von #Magdeburg.…
Report: "A tour overlooking Gaza": Israeli politicians & settlers visited a lookout over northern Gaza "to discuss future illegal settlements", despite such settlements violating international law.
Roughly 700,000 Israeli settlers live in ~250 illegal settlements & outposts on Palestinian land.
#IsraeliCrimesAgainstHumanity #IllegalSettlements #GazaGenocide #GreaterIsrael .
DrALJONES reshared this.
Thanks to all the #firies * out there, facing dangerous conditions for all of us.
A very blurry pic from last night of the chopper pad in Gisborne with fire engines everywhere.
*Aussie #slang for #FireFighters
Analysis: Annexation of the West Bank has been on the Israeli agenda for years. But now, from an Israeli point of view, a “great opportunity” must not be missed.
Trump said: "Israel is so tiny on the map. Is there any way of getting more?”
Annexing the West Bank at a time when Palestine is in turmoil is a recipe for perpetual war - another “great opportunity” that will secure the Israeli far right's political survival.…
#Trump #WestBankAnnexation #EthnicCleansing .
DrALJONES reshared this.
Musk Expresses Support for Far-Right Party in Germany’s Election…
Same fake ‘secret witness’ used in multiple russian ‘trials’ of #Crimean Tatar civic journalists and activists
They are facing huge sentences without any crime on the basis of a ‘secret witness’ already used by the FSB for huge sentences in over ten other cases…
#palestine #war #gaza #help
Help save my family🫂
El dedicado al dolor.
Antes de él tenía miedo
Después del dolor eres otro,
Ni mejor ni peor,
Ni he crecido,
Ni me he encogido,
Pero ya no soy quien era.
Me siento extrañamente libre
Porque puedo escoger
Entre causar dolor a conciencia
O impedir que otros lo sufran
Sabiendo lo que hago
Sabiendo que no queda inocencia
Una vez traspasados tus límites,
Una vez cruzado el umbral.
Michael Vogel
in reply to Dr. Michael Blume • • •