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Took off from West Palm Beach, Florida, United States.

For Your Information: About Information, the Universe and the Modern Age by Philip Tetlow, 2024

What you will read of here is the role that information plays in that ongoing saga and many of the twists and turns that have brought us to where we are with information today.


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in reply to William Bell


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Azerbaijan’s position in Caucasus makes it key player of strategic importance for Pakistan #analytics #Azerbaijan #AzerNews #Baku #BreakingNews #BusinessNews #CompanyNews #economy #FinancialNews #OilAndGasNews #Politics #RepublicOfAzerbaijan #SOCAR #Turkey #WorldNews

Israel identifies body of hostage recovered from Gaza, days after father’s remains were found #Israel

Summer got her new Detroit Lions hat today. Plenty of time to get it broken in before their first playoff game.
The thing is, she thinks it is for hugging, instead of wearing.
She probably worries about hat hair.
I guess I'll have to add it to my Grandma hat collection.
#Summer #DetroitLions

I saw that Anita Bryant died. I thought she died years ago.
She influenced me greatly as a young person. She was the example of who I didn't want to be or even listen to.
I watched her speak at an event my mother took me to. She was clearly an angry miserable person.
She was anti sex for anyone, except for for procreation, and then it better not be fun.
Especially cruel to the LGBTQ community, she was just awful.
She terrified me in her hatred for anyone who didn't share her views. I never forgot.
Some people won't be missed.
I still don't drink orange juice.
Sorry for the rant.

in reply to It's FOSS

@Linux_Is_Best is that... good? I only ask because, in my experience, keeping fire away from computers has been one of my most reliable keys to success.

We were all up before first light.
Summer's pal needed some help that was outside her wheelhouse so she barked.
Turned out to be not so bad, but since we were awake, we got started on our day.
I think we are finally getting to the getting better side of my husband's infection. No more nausea, and he has kept down two doses of antibiotics. I even coaxed him into eating some scrambled eggs, and toast this morning. Whew!
Summer and I patiently, or stubbornly, depending on how you look at it, stood outside to see the sunrise just in case it got colorful.
We were right to wait.
Most of my decent photos are because I waited for the right moment. Even using an old phone I think patience is the key.
Good morning, Mastodon.

Ya memang kalau kita lupakan jajahan warga Belanda dari tahun 1500-an, diteruskan dengan pendirian salah satu perusahaan yang paling berharga di dunia yaitu #VOC pada tahun 1800an, sampai dengan kemerdekaan #Indonesia pada tahun 1945, memang negara Belanda dikepalai oleh orang-orang kaya yang bekerjasama dengan rukun.

Artikel ini berbohong tentang sejarah kemakmuran bangsa Belanda. Kedamaian di negara itu berdasarkan penjajahan dan pencurian skala besar kekayaan dari jutaan orang di sisi balik dunia. Cerita sejarah Belanda itu tidak lengkap tanpa fakta ini.

Bangsa manakah yang akan dijajah oleh orang kaya di Amerika Serikat untuk meniru kesuksesan #Belanda jaman dulu?

#amrik #usa #conservatism #oligarchy…

If you ignore the colonialism and genocide the Dutch oligarchs were super cool.…

#oligarchy #Indonesia #worldhistory #genocide #netherlands

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

The Mosidian Temple (5E)

Publisher: Darklight InteractiveFor over a hundred years, THE MOSIDIAN TEMPLE stood isolated and undisturbed in the desert to the southeast, a monument to the rulers of old that is visited only by a few obsessed cult followers of a group known as the…

"As a climate scientist, I knew it was time to leave Los Angeles.

How bad things get depends on how long we let the fossil fuel industry continue to call the shots."

An essential essay on the Los Angeles wildfires by

Essay link:…

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#NIFC #wildfires #firewx
NIFC New Or Updated Wildfire Perimeter
Incident Name: PALISADES
Acres: 21317.0 acres
Updated: Jan 11, 2025 04:00 UTC
Source: IRWIN

I wasn't sure how to send help to So Cal so I went with World Central Kitchen. They seem to be where they can do the most good whenever, and wherever, there is a catastrophe.
They even came here after our last damaging earthquake.
I'm sure the needs will be overwhelming.

in reply to Elena Brescacin

non so se lo sai ma l'inventore di Nostr è un olavista convinto. Olavo de Carvalho era um astrologo fuori di testa da programmi televisivi poi trasformato e considerato grande filosofo da milioni di fuori di testa estremisti di destra, il guru dei bolsonaristi praticamente, una persona orribile che scriveva, diceva e faceva cose orribili. Io personalmente meno ho a che fare con questi mostrini meglio è, ovviamente compreso quello che sti mostrini inventano, perché sicuramente non è mai cosa buona.
in reply to elvecio

@elvecio AHAHAHA, che storia deprimente 🤣🤣🤣

Comunque un protocollo è un protocollo e, se anche gli strumenti sono sempre politici, si tratta comunque di un protocollo interessante di resistenza alla censura


in reply to elvecio

@elvecio Siamo d'accordo che un protocollo è un protocollo, adesso le comiche sarebbero se questi di estrema destra si trovassero tutti su X e Facebook mentre noialtri andiamo tutti su Nostr - un'arma inventata da loro, che gli si ritorce contro! Io comunque ancora non interagisco perché se qui posso difendermi dalle volgarità, lì no
in reply to Elena Brescacin

Ah, Nostr. Dove per registrati serve un diploma in "sistemi di cifratura" e un "master in blockchain".

E poi uno si chiede come mai ci trovi solo cryptobros tendenti al mistico.

in reply to TiTiNoNero

@77nn @elvecio Io ci sono riuscita in poco, di blockchain al momento capisco zero; comunque su argomenti di mio interesse al momento c'è poco perciò lo tengo come muletto
in reply to TiTiNoNero

@77nn @elvecio
Ma va, prova a creare un account su! È a prova di utonto, sul serio.
Ti chiede solo un username, niente email, né password, né altro. È immediato ed è perfino più semplice che iscriversi sui social centralizzati tradizionali.

Nel fediverso invece è difficile per l'utente medio, tra scegliere la piattaforma, poi l'istanza (leggendo le regole di ognuna) inserire email, password, aspettare la verifica via mail dell'admin d'istanza ecc.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Shai

@shai qualsiasi ecosistema che minimizza la gestione dei dati personali deve usare l'autenticazione basata su nome utente e password. Anche la nostra istanza non chiede email, ma necessita di questa autenticazione. Se fai a meno di autenticazione, devi compensare con un sistema di tracciamento che solitamente è invasivo sia per ragioni di autenticazione sia per ragioni di sfruttamento commerciale dei dati personali e comportamentali dell'utente

@77nn @talksina @elvecio

in reply to informapirata ⁂

#Mastodon #Statistics 2025-01-11 06:00 CET
Number of active instances: 11 295
Number of users: 9 279 096
Number of statuses: 1 130 988 376
Number of users last 4h: 582
Number of statuses last 4h: 56 263


The fact that Ars wrote this without an image is unacceptable. I mean, I get it, but curiosity cannot be held back like that.


Man turns irreversibly gray from an unidentified silver exposure - Ars Technica…

in reply to cerement

@cerement Yeah, I googled it. One of those things you wish you hadn't.
in reply to Matt

@cerement Man's just trying to blend in with our future robot overlords. I wonder if they'll take it as blackface.