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Bienvenue aux personnes qui viennent de nous rejoindre ! Vous êtes maintenant plus de 6 000 à nous suivre 😍.
Bon week-end à toutes et à tous 😊♥️ !
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

@hypolite @pronoia @liaizon keep me posted if there are any petitions to the Wikimedia Foundation, I would sign in a heartbeat and share widely

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Aure Free Press on Mastodon:

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Aure Free Press reshared this.…

Il y a des priorités, la lutte contre l'ingérence de Soro... De Musk avant tout !

jreboul2 reshared this.

🍻 parallel-disk-usage 🍻

Highly parallelized, blazing fast directory tree analyzer


#homebrew #newpkg #macos #linux #formula

🍻 planus 🍻

Alternative compiler for flatbuffers,


#homebrew #newpkg #macos #linux #formula

🍻 static-web-server 🍻

High-performance and asynchronous web server for static files-serving


#homebrew #newpkg #macos #linux #formula

Can someone explain to me how to do a full install of puppy linux? :(
Why puppy linux has to be so frustrating? #puppylinux #linux
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Heute geht es mal wieder um #Nextcloud #Talk: Mit dem Recording Backend können #Videokonferenzen ganz einfach aufgezeichnet werden. Wie man dieses Backend installiert und was es dabei zu beachten gibt, zeigt folgender Artikel:…
#HomeServer #Opensource #Cloud #NextcloudTalk…

#kde #linux #KDEEspaña

A Olethreutine Leafroller Moth (subfamily Olethreutinae) spotted at Upper Seletar Reservoir Park, Singapore on 27 Oct 2024. A tiny moth, and a macro lens reveals it to have quite colourful scales.

On iNaturalist [… ].

#iNaturalist #Nature #Photography #Singapore #Insects #Moths #Lepidoptera

En hyllning till Piratpartiet. Kul tycker jag eftersom jag är gammal pirat.

Frågorna om övervakning, integritet, ägande av "immateriell egendom" är frågor som fler behöver driva.

Vi i @konstellationen driver dessa. Även syskonföreningen @dfri. På våra olika sätt.

Vänsterpartiet har i de flesta fall rätt inställning men driver inte frågorna speciellt aktiv. Sossarna har bara kass politik.

Bra frågorna uppmärksammas!

Piratpartiet hade rätt om allt | Dagens ETC…

France’s Macron expresses support for new leadership in Lebanon as it recovers from crisis #EconomicCrisis #EmmanuelMacron #France #JosephAoun #Lebanon

Though at first treating 'working class' as synonymous with 'white,' he finally acknowledges race. I say: Yes, it's time to give up on racists.
Biden failed to win the working class. Democrats might want to stop trying.…
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

I'm offended at a headline that wants me to think Democrats moved left at some point here. Was that when they killed labor strikes, when they assaulted people for protesting genocide, or when they attempted to pass the most cruel immigration bill ever?

When asked to choose between monied interests and human rights, Democrats have chosen money every time. They seriously can't conceive of a defense department expense or an insurance company subsidy that they wouldn't like.
(I'm not going to click this, it fails my rage test)

in reply to Jeff Jarvis

After Bezos taking a knee before the criminal-corrupt Trump-oligarchy, American democrats might want to stop trusting Jeff's Washington Post! 🤔😎💪

‘Each house has people dead, injured or detained. People in Gaza have suffered enough’

Bilal al-Nahawani


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NGOs, environmental groups in Spain announce departure from X in protest against Elon Musk #ElonMusk #Spain #twitter #UnitedStates #X