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The results of the #twitch stream last night. Momo is not yet finished, but I made good progress. So far I am liking it a lot. I hope I don’t massacre her face. 😅 #anime #3dPrinting #miniaturepainting #figurines #Dandadan
in reply to Beko Pharm

@bekopharm Thanks. No problem. I just did it spontaneously and I don’t have any schedule for that. Just when the tone and mood is right. 😄 The vod is still on twitch. 😉 Also, I hope family night was good. 😊
in reply to Spark

VOD is all fun n games but where is the interaction with that - Fediverse it is :D

Russians had a stash of several guerilla’s uniforms in Syria. Most of them were used for “Falseflag” type operations. #Ukraine #UkraineConflict #UkraineConflict

Happy Saturday @CoachMark. Since you’ve gotten to know music by NOFX, I was listening to Me First and the Gimme Gimmes and was wondering if you’d heard their stuff? If not:

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
It's Me, Coach Mark

Times of Israel - Israel to release up to 1,904 Palestinian prisoners and detainees, including several serving multiple life sentences for deadly terror attacks and murder, in return for 33 Israeli hostages held in Gaza.…
in reply to Steve Herman

They should wait until the 33 are released. Hamas is not to be trusted

Such an insulting deal

El movimiento 'Vámonos juntas' propone una mudanza colectiva el próximo día 20 de enero a redes sociales alternativas que no formen parte de las 'big tech, como es el caso de Mastodon. "Creemos un internet libre de monopolios", animan.

Por @_anaveiga_…

in reply to La Marea

Compartido.... pero mejor libres y federadas que alternativas, alternativa a X es bluessky que es lo mismo pero de otros dueños.

“Putin is the new Hitler” – Russian historian and dissident Alexander Skobov said his final words in the trial today #Ukraine #UkraineWarVideoReport #UkraineWarVideos #UkraineWarVideoReport

If the #TikTok app disappears from people’s phones on Sunday, a whole bunch of Americans will suddenly become aware of the power and reach of tech companies in our lives.
in reply to Al Wirtes

A whole bunch are already discovering Chinese social media, which is waking many up.

And yesterday I've ordered by very first PCB!

a trivial one that I could have easily done with wires on perfboard (actually, a variation of one I've done a few times on perfboard), if I had not been out of the right size of perfboard and not wanting to bother with cutting a bigger one down to size :D

but I have wanted to try my hand at that for some time, but was somewhat intimidated by the whole thing, and as usual doing it in anger is good at overcoming intimidation :D

anyway, the point of this post is to say thank you to #librePCB for making the whole process quite smooth and to @federico :debian: for maintaining it in debian :D

Ah mais l'interdiction de tiktok aux États-Unis, c'est juste l'interdiction de l'appli mobile ?? Pas le site web ?

(C'est ce que j'ai compris du JT télévisé, je ne me suis pas plus renseigné que ça)

Edit: On me souffle dans l'oreillette que ça concerne le site Web aussi.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)
in reply to Nicolas Dufour

Ah bah ça me semble plus logique.
Les journalistes mainstream et le numérique.... C'est pas gagné.
in reply to John Livingston

c'est meme plus que le site ou l'app mobile, c'est la societe complete aux usa qui devra etre dissoute ou revendu. Donc l'interdiction de faire quoi que soit tant que c'est pas fait.

Opinion: Great writers on Los Angeles

NPR's Scott Simon reflects on the wildfires in Los Angeles, and the words of writers who were drawn to the city.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

in reply to NPR News (unofficial)

and Francine Prose -…

From Project Gutenberg:

The Poet Li Po, A.D. 701-762

by Arthur Waley

Get it at:

Vegansk boeuf bourguignon (världen jobbigaste år) är in the making! Fixar födelsedagsmiddag för svärfar som fyller 80!
in reply to Omi

@omi har gjort den här och den har gått i alla jag bjudit. Brukar göra pressad potatis till…
in reply to Samuel

@iam_jfnklstrm oj hjälp, den ska koka i flera timmar! :O är det nödvändigt när det är veganskt eller kan man fuska lite? Tänker att oumph eller anamma ändå inte beter sig som kött?
in reply to Omi

@omi @iam_jfnklstrm själva receptet är gjort för att vara veganskt så jag antar det behövs. Det är väl för att koka in smaken
in reply to Samuel

@iam_jfnklstrm det ser väldigt smarrigt ut på din bild iaf, så det kanske är bäst att följa receptet :)
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mastodon - Link to source
@MaryTheKnife tack! Det blev riktigt najs :) Jag läste en liten dikt också till efterrätten

Imagine a way for friendica, pixelfed & loops to have a SSO when all under the same TLD and a nice little "switch app" in a menu.

Basically meta, but better. 😈