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Magic Items Vol 1: Undead Armory

Publisher: Arcane AffinityDescription20 Fully illustrated Magic items presented as handouts, all rolls and spells are hyperlinked for easy reference. These items come ready to use, and poised to help your and your party create awesome new moments in your…

AfD-Parteitag Weidel-Personenschützer erhielt bei Antifa-Blockade Tritt in den Bauch… Vor dem AfD-Parteitag in Riesa mußte die Polizei eine Blockade vor einem Auto mit AfD-Chefin Alice Weidel räumen. Die JF dokumentierte das Geschehen in einem Video. Nun wird bekannt: Ein BKA-Beamter erhielt in der Situation einen Tritt in den Bauch.
Dieser Beitrag AfD-Parteitag

CHOAK PEAR. Figuratively, an unanswerable objection: also a machine formerly used in Holland by robbers

A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785)

#books #literature #dictionaries #history #society #language #slang @histodons

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#RossUlbricht #Pardoned! 🙂

Case Showcased Corruption By Federal Officers, Including #BTC Theft(s).

IMO Case Should Have Been Thrown Out After - w/LE Officers Exhibit Corrupt Practices w/Little Consequence - Entire Case Should Pay For Misbehavior

#USA #SilkRoad #Darknet #Tor…

FreeBSD 15.0 Aims For Reproducible Builds / Zero-Trust Builds With Fresh Funding

The FreeBSD Foundation has begun receiving funding to work on zero-trust builds / reproducible builds. The work will hopefully be wrapped up in time for the major FreeBSD 15.0 release...…

Eva Schütz: Trump startet durch – und die EU schläft… Gleich an Tag 1 seiner Amtszeit legt Donald Trump los und lässt keinen Zweifel aufkommen: Er macht das, was er im Wahlkampf angekündigt hat. Trump wirkt vorbereitet. Doch ist das auch der Rest der Welt – und insbesondere die EU? #news #press

Using your own laptop or phone for work? Why it’s a security hazard for businesses…

> Letting employees use their own devices for work has many benefits – and many risks, too.

Friends in the South:

Big wide tires work great where the ground is soft and mushy. There is less weight per square inch where the tires touch the ground, so you don't sink in as much.

For ice and snow, narrow tires are better, giving you more weight per square inch and thus better traction.

in reply to Michael Marek

I was just thinking about this today! My DH's uncle used to drive his classic Model-T truck to the city yard to open it up to take out the first snow plow when none of the other crew could get to the yard in their 4WD vehicles.

Zeitenwende? Großkonzerne steigen aus Klimaagenda aus… Bereits vor der offiziellen Amtseinführung von Donald Trump haben zahlreiche Großkonzerne und Unternehmen auf seine kommende Präsidentschaft reagiert und ihren Rückzug aus der Klima- und Transagenda der Links-Globalisten vorbereitet. AUF1 gibt einen Überblick.

🌎 In der AUF1-Broschüre „Der Klima-Betrug“ finden Sie die zentralen Informationen: Wer hat den… - Some photos that best illustrate the adorable cuteness that is my little corg-boy. He’s such a brat and gets away with so much because of his cuteness.
#dog #dogsofmastodon #corgi #cute

Tonight's Low Quality Ad is for RENPHO Smart Measuring Tape, on sale for 26% off.
You may recognize it as the star of the hit new game show "Are You Smarter Than Measuring Tape?".…
in reply to Low Quality Facts

Neat! Now my phone knows exactly how insecure about my body I am! Im sure that wont impact the ads I get
in reply to Low Quality Facts

The measuring tape has lost every single episode so far. It turns out that people know way more about pop culture trivia than even the smartest of measuring tapes.

I wish I had enough tech savvy because I really do think it's time for BBSes to make a comeback. Not that I don't like the Fediverse...I just think there need to be things it's harder for AI bots to scrape, etc.
in reply to Megan Lynch (she/her)

I was thinking it'd be nice to have a clearer separation between local community and the larger world.

Looks like someone's working on a simple BBS to run over the meshtastic modest range & license free radios.…

in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

If you're going to write a scientific article including a temperature, putting that temperature in Fahrenheit will result in the vast majority of people not reading the article
in reply to ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆

The article claims 1066 seconds in the text, but 1006 seconds in the title. What is it now?
in reply to B0rax

I wouldn't worry about it, it's just a minute detail.
in reply to B0rax

Maybe those are imperial seconds and the ohers metric?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

China’s “artificial sun,” officially known as the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), has achieved a groundbreaking milestone in fusion energy research. According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), EAST recently sustained high-confinement plasma operation for an unprecedented 1,066 seconds (approx. 16 minutes and 45 seconds), shattering the previous world record of 403 seconds, also set by EAST in 2023.…

#fusion #cleanenergy #technology

Twitter is now a literal Nazi bar

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Dmitri Medwedews Nachruf auf den „wandelnden Toten“ Joe Biden… Dmitri Medwedew war russischer Präsident und russischer Ministerpräsident, heute ist er Stellvertretender Vorsitzender des russischen Sicherheitsrates. In dieser Position fällt er in der Öffentlichkeit vor allem dadurch auf, dass er auf X und auf Telegram sehr deutlich seine Meinung sagt und oft bewusst bewusst provoziert. Aber Medwedew ist Teil

The only way to defeat a narcissistic sociopath is to starve them. Protect yourself from their bullshit, of course, but move away from it. Let them have their stage, but refuse to be their audience.…

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