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Russia Flooded With Cocaine Since Start of War in Ukraine: Report. #Ukraine #UkrainianConflict #UkrainianConflict

in reply to Cory Doctorow

@pluralistic The supply list seems pretty simple:
- Tyvek or other coverall/jumpsuit with hood
- 4 short lengths rope or heavy twine
- suitable "faceplate," plus duct tape or other means of fixing
- garbage, lots of
- embellishments as desired

Cory Doctorow reshared this.

My comment on Dutton's proposal to revive the tax-deductible business lunch…

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) relieved the BRP Gabriela Silang with the 44-meter multi-role and response vessel, BRP Suluan, to continue monitoring the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) vessel 3304 illegally operating off the coast of Zambales.

Commodore Jay Tarriela, PCG spokesman for the West Philippine Sea, said the vessel was spotted at a distance of 60 nautical miles to 70 nautical miles.

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I am going to re-open registrations on this pod! But, there is a catch... Only new users can be located in North America... this is an attempt to reduce the number of bot created accounts. I have added several new blocks into the #nginx config file to do this. If you as a regular already existing user runs into any issues, PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! You may either message me here at #nota404mn or please message me at my Matrix account (

#podmin #diaspora

in reply to N. E. Felibata 👽

Of course they can! But last two years, most bot traffic came from Russia. I am stepping into allowing more countries, and a VPN/proxy would bypass my block anyway...

Trump is absolutely going to make ByteDance sell TikTok or shut down again.

Here he is talking about it during today’s big data center announcement, with Larry Ellison, Sam Altman, and Masa Son standing in the room with him.

Extreme First Amendment issues with having the government own a social platform aside, it’s striking how he keeps talking about “permits” even though nothing in the TikTok bill has anything to do with permits. Once a real-estate guy, always a real-estate guy, I suppose.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

We've got a number of open positions to work with a dynamite global team of Internet advocates and technologists here at @internetsociety and ! 1/4

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Remember how Zuck said you had nothing to fear if you didn't do anything wrong?

Resisting is wrong to them. There is much to fear.

Use secure communications, get off anything owned by the front row of the inauguration.

Carrier pigeons are more secure.

in reply to Chu 朱

"get off anything owned by the front row of the inauguration" sounds like an excellent general principle at this point.

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I decided to put Gentoo Linux on my 2013 Chromebook Pixel with to replace the GalliumOS install that is now no longer maintained.

GalliumOS is basically an old version of Ubuntu with XFCE and some x86 Chromebook tweaks. I copied the scripts and systemd service file that enable zram (swap to compressed RAM instead of disk) with LZ4 compression. With that enabled, I can build packages with 2 concurrent jobs in 4GB RAM with Gentoo's KDE desktop running!

#KDE #Gentoo #Linux

TIL: Wenn ich unter #Windows die allgemeinen Schriftgrößen für z.B. Menüs, Dialoge, Fenstertitel ändern möchte, *ohne* die gesamte Skalierung des Desktops zu ändern, muss ich das in der Systemsteuerung unter "Accessibility" bzw. "Barrierefreiheit" tun.
(Vor 20 Jahren hieß so was noch "behindertengerecht")

In meinem #Linux|-Desktop geht das mit System - Einstellungen - Darstellung - Erscheinungsbild - Schriften. So einfach kann das sein.

For anyone feeling nostalgic on the occasion of Ross Ulbricht's pardon, here's my interview with him (as the Dread Pirate Roberts) from 2013, just a few months before his arrest:…

Israel startet groß angelegte Militäroperation im Westjordanland… Der Nahe Osten kommt nicht zur Ruhe: Während im Gazastreifen das Waffenstillstandsabkommen zwischen Israel und der Hamas am Sonntag angelaufen ist, hat Tel Aviv nach eigenen Angaben am Dienstag eine "Antiterroroperation" im Westjordanland gestartet. #news #press